Creation or Evolution.



What do you think?
Do we all came from the same root of human genealogy, or is it some evolution behind the diferent races on the world.

Hum, i don't pretend than one is better than an other, but we are all same and and all different though.

1)Platon theory : Some Grade of Human are made to command nation.
And all the rest was made to serv as slave.
ther's no freeman on this world, my son.

2)Article one of the human rights : Every man on earth borns equal in righs and freedom...[..]

So what?

I think it was realy Adam and Eve 5000 years ago... And century after century, familys given births news familys... finaly all the races of humans own the world, in all continent. So it's the genesis.

And you.. Evolution? Creation?
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Is the same... Evolution or genesis... there anyway only one root for all races...

23 pairs of Chromosomes...

I reform my question thus. was the life on earth born by accident or by any intelligent concept? ( it mean God or even any other source of inteligences)
i wouldnt say by accident but i dont believe we were created but any source of inteligences ie god i watch alot of history channel and natgeo about how the earth came about so i believe in the big bang and that the water on this planet is what started life
ther's what scientist call the genetic velocity.

if the tehory of evolution was totaly right... at this moment... i mean 21th century... the life on earth should be only at the vegetal state.

Because, the with curent "genetic velocity" we can observ with our technology, 4 millions years is EXTRAORDINARY insuffisent to let a chance to see any kind of animal species on earth...

So how could we explain that mush alive forms among us... everyday, everywhere, in the sky, under the sea & oceans, in the forests, deserts, montains... since ever...

And all stable and reproductives...

BTW see your selfs...

Isn't the Human an supra creature? Inteligent, strong, fast, esthetic, and i could not mention all the qualitys we have...

Some times, i feel something like "divine" in ou specie...
ive been thinkin for awhile that we might actually be the aliens cuz the Evolution table states that there is a missing link i think we came from another planet and took over this one cuz the human race became so advance overnight and i believe thats one explanation on how were so advance
Some people, even some scientist like Stephen Hawkin think that tehory of alien bringing life in other planets believable... Whynot...

But it mean, than we accept the fact than, the life proven form an intelectual form of existence, and not a chemical form... like the tehory of evolution said...
ive been thinkin for awhile that we might actually be the aliens cuz the Evolution table states that there is a missing link i think we came from another planet and took over this one cuz the human race became so advance overnight and i believe thats one explanation on how were so advance

how are we advanced when there is architecture created many many years ago which we could not reproduce today if we tried?
how are we advanced when there is architecture created many many years ago which we could not reproduce today if we tried?

examples? with the technology and machinery, i dont think any architectural pieces from the past cannot be rebuilt. obviously we cant do the pyramids without slave labor, but we could make one to scale....

im interested
examples? with the technology and machinery, i dont think any architectural pieces from the past cannot be rebuilt. obviously we cant do the pyramids without slave labor, but we could make one to scale....

im interested

i guess the precision and alignment of the pyramids and other architecture is more impressive when thinking of the primitive tools they must of used

creating something with only millimeters of error today would still be tough

we need million dollar technology while they just used simple tools?
i guess the precision and alignment of the pyramids and other architecture is more impressive when thinking of the primitive tools they must of used

creating something with only millimeters of error today would still be tough

we need million dollar technology while they just used simple tools?

we dont need million dollar technology, just slave labor like the Egyptians had. Technology is only used to supplement the lack of man power
ive been thinkin for awhile that we might actually be the aliens cuz the Evolution table states that there is a missing link i think we came from another planet and took over this one cuz the human race became so advance overnight and i believe thats one explanation on how were so advance

so we had the intelligence to travel from one planet to this one, take it over, but we cant seem the figure out how to get back or make contact with said planet?
Evolution, we came from the sea then adapted for land then into monkey then to man, maybe not that easy but it was millions of years of evolution to say everything was created by god or one thing is a wee bit too crazy for me.

But saying that i do respect other peoples opinions and their beliefs and if thats what they believe then thats for them this is just my opinion.
I will leave it at this...

Creationism = Faith = An illogical belief in something that you know nothing of and it is based on a fear of the alternative. This line of thought cannot begin to prove anything and bases its viability on feable attempts at disproving the alternative. Keep in mind that The Bible was written by man that lived in dirt floored huts and caves and wiped their asses with their bare hands.

Evolution = Scientific Method
Creationism = Faith = An illogical belief in something that you know nothing of and it is based on a fear of the alternative. This line of thought cannot begin to prove anything and bases its viability on feable attempts at disproving the alternative. Keep in mind that The Bible was written by man that lived in dirt floored huts and caves and wiped their asses with their bare hands.

Evolution = Scientific Method

Wait a minute... So, Ok creationism is faith and bla bla bla... Suppose one second you can apply modern method to study the specification of species, and also the potency of genetics roots.

I said with moder method... it result than creation is that impossible than anybody thought... And then, it can explain how some people like Stephen Hawkin, Andrew Wise, Einstein-A himself, and others very wellknown scientificts never made an exclusion of a possible fact of creation.

But not very similar as the bible said. not in 7 days of 24hours.. but in six steps...
steps by steps, one after one... an finaly the human races.

For exemple... ther's nowhere a vestige of fromation or ablation of members like: fins, arm, legs, wings in the fossils any it is which were found at this days!

But the study of the human genomes shown evidences of "genealogycal continuation" through all kind of huamn in any country... it mean, since the homosapiens is on earth, he never got a change... as little it could be...
As i said...

Faith = a belief in in something that cannot be proven

Evolution is science.

It matters little that great scienist like Hawking or Einstien believes that there may be a grand creator.

People cling to faith because they need to be able to explain the unexplainable.

How upsetting do you think it was for people to learn that the earth was not the center of the universe? The church surely didnt like it and to those who's eyes were opened had to have a very significant pardigm shift in order to cope with such revelation.

I find it curious that people of faith do not want science to succeed in learning new things, to dig deeper into the past to see how things work, how things develope and how thing came to be.

Fear of having a personal/emotional investment in faith explained away by science keeps people either ignorant or intellectually dishonest(which are you?). Why is it that the church has always fought science??? Because the church does not want to lose POWER.
I can't defend the point of view of the church... i never know what they belive or not...

I tseems than the are ashamed to claim as truth the geneisis, but they called that as a kind poesy.

Fo the scientist point of view, i'm reading the book of my daughter actualy, and it make me wonder, some questions about the formation of the universe for exemple, and also some others things...

Ther's an explication about the big-bang, which is quoted as tehory which had no realy based on observation... just a belief.

if we convert the total mass of the matter in the all galaxy in energy we have in resut : 1X10³³ celcius grade for a size of about... 1X10²² or more Kilometer and a celerity about 150000km/sec... and 15 millard years ago we are very very very far from the big bang... in fact ther's nothing having we a big bang... mush more like high wind...

Just for i can understand.
Let me help you...

A scientific theory is a claim based on a body of evidence.
Example that you can understand:
Newton's theory of gravity. Even though this is a theory we know from our own observation that an apple that falls from a tree goes to the ground. Gravity is something that we experience every day and is something that even the most uneducated of people can grasp. Newton's theory of gravity while most dont really understand all that is behind it, understand what it means and and while it is only a theory they know that gravity exist.
Creationism is NOT a theory as there is NO preponderance of evidence to support it. In fact, there is NO evidence to support it at all.
I wasn't talking about creationism strega...

i just pointed above, the lack of evidence and observation in what everybody call "scientific tehory"

creationism is the faith in a creation from 7 days of 24hours...
the people who are called christian-creationist belief than the genesis like the bible quote is realy litteral...

Creation is not the same... that the reson so scientist, as the persons i mentioned before, let a chance to the tehory of creation. not because the evidence of it. but because ther's no evidence than it's wrong.

So if you make a diffreence between creationism and creation tehory you could understand what i mean, when i say : i'm reading the science book of my daughter, and i wondering about somethings..." LOL
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