Mr P
Well, well, well, due to the DADAWG's technical difficulties because of Lesbian porn fetish his absence has left me no choice but to take over his devilish power of banning people.
Here are the new rules:
Any misspelled word .... You will be banned.
If you disagree with me. You will be banned.
Hell !! I might just ban you if I notice you've been logged in for too long.
Here's a list of people on my black list soon to be BANNED !!
1. jimbo................for his fishing hobby.
2. snigg... ....For asking for pics all the time.
3. 1badmofo...For deceiving me into
Believing he was black.
4. Tonysuicide.....For never posting that vid
of him fighting that 1
legged boxer.
5. Mr Humdiddy....Just cause I need to.
6. Mrs Pinga ....... For being smarter than
Then at the end I might even ban my self, so let's get this straight.. If you cross the line I WILL BAN YOU !!
Just cross it, I dare you here's the line
(Just in case someone takes this seriously, is mean simply as a joke)
Here are the new rules:
Any misspelled word .... You will be banned.
If you disagree with me. You will be banned.
Hell !! I might just ban you if I notice you've been logged in for too long.
Here's a list of people on my black list soon to be BANNED !!
1. jimbo................for his fishing hobby.
2. snigg... ....For asking for pics all the time.
3. 1badmofo...For deceiving me into
Believing he was black.
4. Tonysuicide.....For never posting that vid
of him fighting that 1
legged boxer.
5. Mr Humdiddy....Just cause I need to.
6. Mrs Pinga ....... For being smarter than
Then at the end I might even ban my self, so let's get this straight.. If you cross the line I WILL BAN YOU !!
Just cross it, I dare you here's the line
(Just in case someone takes this seriously, is mean simply as a joke)