Ok peep's, I'm about 1 week out from starting my next cycle. It will consist of Test Prop & Tren Ace. I was going to run some Masteron as well but have decided against it.
I'll try to get a few "Before" pic's up before my first pin but these are my stats.
BF%.....not sure exactly but high teens, Been lifting since i was 12. have a few cycles under my belt.
Cycle looks like this.
Test Prop 400mg wk 1-14
Tren Ace 600mg wk 1-12
Aromasin 12.5 day thru end of pct
PCT I will begin with and HCG blast 6 days after my last pin of 1000iu's ED for 10days and then start clomid at 50/50/50/50 and Nolva at 40/40/40/40
As far as diet I will be eating about 500 calories below maintnance so approx 3000-3200 a day doing a modified carb cycle.
My last cycle with tren I saw great results so this time should be even better!
I don't need to post pics of myself, I know how I look, I've been training since I was 15.
Don't get all hot & bothered, this is only the internet.
Listen, I'm not trying to insult u, you say you've been working out since you were 12, & how vascular & pumped u were at the gym, I just don't see u there yet.
I know we're all here to improve ourselves, I don't think I'm better than anyone else, but I have to be realistic in my views.
I have competed a few times & I've learned to critisism & to learn from it.
There's always something we can improve & learn.
@ Herm
Sorry big guy, u know how it goes, pic or it didn't happen, right ?
Here's my pic