so you are saying you agree with me that he's fat?
listen I'll let you boys get back to your little circle jerk. reeks of insecurity anyway.
good luck boys.
Bro u have any up dated pics? Im running prop and tren e and I love it.
I just read you entire log from front to back dark... I'm so jealous your running tren and I'm not. So whats your weight looking like these days?
Darkside I know ur not worried about the fag that needs 20 names to be one the board and where is his pic? Waybiggerthenu sick a dick cock wipe..
so you are saying you agree with me that he's fat?
listen I'll let you boys get back to your little circle jerk. reeks of insecurity anyway.
good luck boys.
so you are saying you agree with me that he's fat?
listen I'll let you boys get back to your little circle jerk. reeks of insecurity anyway.
good luck boys.
Looks like an ass kicker brother! Good stuff!
That looks like you had fun with that workout today bro... keep training like that you will have some nice wheels
Day 23
Hit legs and shoulders today. Had a decent workout, legs didn't feel as strong as usuall today. Could be from St. Paddy's day last night.....or from the fact my Girlfriend worked me hard all weekend!
225x10 w/u 315x8 365x8 405x6
Leg press
560x8 x8 x6
Leg ext.
220x8 x8 x8
Seated leg curl
110 x10 x8 x8
Seated calf raise
135 x15 x15 x15
Seated military press
95x8 w/u 155x8 x8 x8
DB front raise
35 x8 x8 x8
DB side raise
25 x10 x10 x10
Upright row
95x10 x10 x10
Super setted with
Face pulls
100 x8 x8 x8
My shoulders are screeming right now!! Tren is kicking in good and i'm experienceing some amazing pumps and hardening.
Ummmm Darkside, I hope you worked her hard :/
Great work bro!! Keep it up!