Day 1 with the beast!

Start of week three.... Last week I ran 30mg until Friday when I tried 40mg. F-that!!! Tried 40mg Fri & Sat and that was it. For me going from 30 to 40 is night and day. It felt like I was in a nightmare for those two days. So it seems 30mg is my sweet spot. No real sides other than being warm. Still only up 4lbs, but today in the gym I absolutly crushed it. I am training using DC's methods and I more than surpassed all my previous reps. So strength is up a lot. Hopefully week 3 will be my big gain week.
Start of week three.... Last week I ran 30mg until Friday when I tried 40mg. F-that!!! Tried 40mg Fri & Sat and that was it. For me going from 30 to 40 is night and day. It felt like I was in a nightmare for those two days. So it seems 30mg is my sweet spot. No real sides other than being warm. Still only up 4lbs, but today in the gym I absolutly crushed it. I am training using DC's methods and I more than surpassed all my previous reps. So strength is up a lot. Hopefully week 3 will be my big gain week.

I gained most of my 11-12 lbs from day 5-15. However, the third week is where I really saw the results in the mirror. I got crazy pumps and strength. Seemed like the sides hit like a ton o' bricks the third week as well. You gotta just push thru!!! The weight gain leveled off in wk 4 but the mirror continued to amaze. I suppose I was re-comping b/c I cut the cals back in wk three. You are in the sweet spot now... it's about to get nasty in the gym and you may even grow a cape.
I gained most of my 11-12 lbs from day 5-15. However, the third week is where I really saw the results in the mirror. I got crazy pumps and strength. Seemed like the sides hit like a ton o' bricks the third week as well. You gotta just push thru!!! The weight gain leveled off in wk 4 but the mirror continued to amaze. I suppose I was re-comping b/c I cut the cals back in wk three. You are in the sweet spot now... it's about to get nasty in the gym and you may even grow a cape.

Shit im on week 4 of Pct and still feeling lethargic. Got some DAA and its helping
Make sure that you have your diet down pat. Are you sure that you are eating enough? You should also be careful jumping up the weights too quickly, you don't need a soft tissue injury now. Keep at it the gains are coming.
Diet was looked over and approved by 3J in the diet forum. I'm taking in about 3600 calories a day. Just as an example here is what I ate today.

Meal 1
6 egg whites 2 whole eggs, oatmeal w/protein powder

Meal 2
Protein shake after workout with apple

Meal 3
Chicken breast with 1 cup of rice

Meal 4
Steak, sweet potato and broccoli

Meal 5
1/4lb lean hamburger with cheese and a pear

Meal 6
2 sccops protein in milk with 2 table spoons peanut butter

Before bed I will eat about 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
Well, I weighed myself again this morning before the workout and I gained 1 more pound for a total of 5lbs in 3 weeks. The crazy thing is, in the mirror I do see a change traps are much taller chest is more defined and back looks thicker. The strength gains are for sure there. Since switching back to 30mg, my sides have been minimal to non-exsitant. Overall so far I am not satisfied with the results. Unless something crazy changes in the next week I will not try beastdrol again. Not because of sides, but because maybe my body just doesn't work with it. I might look at diesel or something... Anyone have anything else that might be worth a shot? Not the Andro stuff though...Out of my price range. I still want to bulk up. Not worried about being cut. My plan is to PCT for 4 weeks, then spend another 2 weeks at least letting my body naturaly recover than start another cycle of something. I don't have connections for test so it will have to be an oral again.
Sorry CV, you are not seeing the kind of results you wanted. Just confirms that people respond differently to things. I hope you get a surge this week that blows you away!
I finished my 4 week cycle today. I ended up with a 10lb gain overall with 5 of that coming in the last week. Overall, I'm not really that impressed. I will not use Beastdrol again. I only felt like crap the two days I tried to bump up the dose to 40mg. When I stayed at 30mg the sides were almost nil! The only difference I felt was warm for the 4 weeks and I did notice my hair is thinner. I feel like there are better options out there that don't have the negative impact on your liver. I know some will say that 10lbs is a good gain in 4 weeks, but I think most of that came from the amount of food I am eating. I also believe that the DC training I have doing was a large part of the strength gains...But who really knows...
I'm on the end of my third week of beastdrol. I've put on so far about 13 pounds, but like the other guy I don't know if it is from the BD or because I'm eating like a freaking monster.

Personally I only dosed at 20/30/20 so far, I didn't like it at 30... didn't notice many enhancements at that level and figured it wouldn't be worth the negative sides if I continued. Speaking of sides, I've had none other than I sleep like a freaking baby at night now so thats cool.

I will say, I have a new found respect for oral PH's from the crap I've taken. This is in a whole new classification as far as strength goes, it is in a league of its on. I'll be curious to see what people recomend for you as another alternative. Recently I've been looking into a product called super-dmz rx... But it may be a little to hard core for my blood.
I'm on the end of my third week of beastdrol. I've put on so far about 13 pounds, but like the other guy I don't know if it is from the BD or because I'm eating like a freaking monster.

Personally I only dosed at 20/30/20 so far, I didn't like it at 30... didn't notice many enhancements at that level and figured it wouldn't be worth the negative sides if I continued. Speaking of sides, I've had none other than I sleep like a freaking baby at night now so thats cool.

I will say, I have a new found respect for oral PH's from the crap I've taken. This is in a whole new classification as far as strength goes, it is in a league of its on. I'll be curious to see what people recomend for you as another alternative. Recently I've been looking into a product called super-dmz rx... But it may be a little to hard core for my blood.

Super DMZ is 2 Superdrol molecules bonded together. Its supposedly safer but has less gains as well