dbol and DECA cycling info

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And if you take MJF's advice because you do seem very set on doing this NO matter what get someNolva and Clomid and do proper PCT
You were probably a fat slob before using gear. Then you use and get in shape to talk down to others. I look ok as natty. 6'1" 175 is a good weight genius
You were probably a fat slob before using gear. Then you use and get in shape to talk down to others. I look ok as natty. 6'1" 175 is a good weight genius
I hope you enjoyed your stay here. Bashing people trying to help you on your first thread/posts is a terrible way to start. I'm glad you trust your "1 bodybuilding" friend over hundreds of other people who have been in this game longer and have more experience then you.

And btw, 6'1" at 175 isn't anything special.
I got some rat poison for free from a friend.. Guess I should just take it being it's free.

OP- your much older then I thought
Not bashing but still waiting for some honest help. You two were bashing. I only got 15% fat also with some abs. I will run the dbol and come back when it works to say it. He is a solid bodybuilder. How many do you know?
You were probably a fat slob before using gear. Then you use and get in shape to talk down to others. I look ok as natty. 6'1" 175 is a good weight genius

And when your done with this cycle and when your test finally, maybe, starts coming back around you'll be 6'1 155.. Why. Because you'll go six months shut down with no test in your body
Not bashing but still waiting for some honest help. You two were bashing. I only got 15% fat also with some abs. I will run the dbol and come back when it works to say it. He is a solid bodybuilder. How many do you know?

Are you fucking serious? We are giving you honest help. Did your bodybuilder friend sell you your gear or give it to you? What do you want for someone to tell you to run your cycle in approval? Fine, run that shit and come back and let us know how it goes.
I don't get the joke either. Rat poison ok homie

It wasn't a joke.. Deca and Dbol with no test at 20 years old is basically rat poison for your dick, endoctrine system, and hpta .
Go consult with a doc, he will tell you the same thing
Not bashing but still waiting for some honest help. You two were bashing. I only got 15% fat also with some abs. I will run the dbol and come back when it works to say it. He is a solid bodybuilder. How many do you know?

I think you need to re-read my first post.

People ARE trying to help you, this is relevant information for people advising you on hormones you are putting into your body.

In short though, with what you have is not even half a complete cycle and isn't worth it. If thats all you have and can get, you are better off selling it (at your own risk) trashing it, or saving it for what you do have all the proper items.

Where was I not trying to help you? If you want cushy princess advice that will tell you all day long everything you are about to do is ok and you will keep 200% of your gains with 0 side effects and a perfectly working dick, you came to the wrong place. If you want honest, legit information from people with more years then you and however many "bodybuilders" you know, you are in the right place.

Will you gain some on dbol? absolutely. Will you lost 50-90% of it? YUPP! Will you struggle for the months after trying to keep your libido, hormones, energy, emotions in check? You most likely will. The human male NEEDS testosterone. It is the foundation for us. Why do you think we have it in the first place? By shutting down your HPTA and thus no longer producing any of your own, you are robbing yourself of what makes you a male. This is why we tell you to read the research and information available to you. Even if its not from here, do yourself a favor and look up medical information about how hormones work in the human male.

I'm done here. You obviously don't want to listen and i've tried to help you.
Yeah he hooked me up with my gear. Why do you care. I really don't care what you say anymore. No approval needed I will get my results homie.
Not bashing but still waiting for some honest help. You two were bashing. I only got 15% fat also with some abs. I will run the dbol and come back when it works to say it. He is a solid bodybuilder. How many do you know?

He's a body builder.. Ok, but if he's giving you this advice he is either an idiot or purposely wanting you to fuck up. It's probably the latter,, why? Cause you know how many guys have egos and give other guys in the gym bad advice on purpose, lots and lots.
Ever hear of Body builder named Arnold-- he admitted to doing this to other guys as well
These guys who you've basically told to f off have way more knowledge than me, but from what I've read and can remember: if you are dead set on these compounds only, it will shut down your natural testosterone production and you will feel like crap and VERY likely have some serious depression. Also since you don't have test in your cycle, your gyno won't be from aromatization(i think) so a regular ai won't work. I think prami or caber is what you'll need. You'll also need liver support and a basic pct: nolva and clomid.

I don't support this cycle you're planning but I don't want Mega coming in here slapping our wrists with his ruler for bashing a newbie. Research your compounds and their side effects so you at least know what to expect and how to counter them as effectively as you can.
I am going to buy prami. I think adex and nolva for pct is good. I will show him this thread later tonite at Gold's gym so he can laugh at you haters.
You can use your parents allowance $ to buy whatever you'd like, prami fine,, but If you can't understand why you need test, ain't nothing gonna help you (not even your body builder pal that will probably get beat at his next show by plenty of guys on here, that tried to actually help you out)
I got some dbol at 25mgs 150 pills and 6 10ml vials of DECA. What is the best way to run these two things? I want to kick it off with dbol for 4 weeks then stab the DECA after the dbol kicks in full.I will get nolva to stop gyno later this week.

Here is the thing, the guys are right about needing to run Testosterone. It is not just because of the muscle building goodness of test, but because running Deca will cause your body to STOP making test...and your body needs test for many things other muscle growth. Test is VERY cheap and easy to get, it really is something you should do. As a man, test is one of the most vital hormones you have...it literally keeps you alive. Without it, you will start to fall apart. Your health will be harmed and you could very easily end up with your body never making it on its own again - you will have to start hormone replacement for life.

A proper post cycle theapy (PCT) will most likely kick your body back into test creation - but it might not. Either way, during your cycle your body will stop making it and you NEED it. That is why everyone says to run test during every cycle.

Now, if you were taking prohormones, or other such things, it might be different (I do not know without researching it), but with dbol and deca you really do need to also add test with it. You will hate yourself if you do not and love yourself if you do. For the low price of test, it really is a no brainer. :)

EDIT: Adding Prami is a great thing to do - but make sure you take it before bed, most people get very drowsy after taking it...and many get sick to the stomach in greater or lesser degrees. I get slightly sick (feel like I need a Tums) and very drowsy when I take it.

EDIT EDIT: Full disclosure, I am currently running Testosterone Cypionate at 300mg twice a week and Deca at 200mg twice a week for 12 weeks. I am on testosterone replacement theapy (TRT), so I do not need to do any PCT, I just drop back down to my normal TRT dose. I am also running an AI and Prami - as well as the regular vitamins, minerals, and 1200mg of NAC daily. Gotta keep the liver happy. Oh, and a spot on diet (almost spot on, sometimes I increase my daily chocolate allotment slightly - 3J, pretend I did not say that). Oh, and Mr.Supps Pimp Juice (aka Pump Juice Extreme) as my PWO.
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We're all laughing at you! 20 years old and up to your eyeballs in stupidity. Get your head out your ass and take a deep breathe.
Lots of tough shit talk here. I can go ahead run my cycle and prove I got what it takes. You guys say so much dumb shit with no scientific proof ever. This is not science it is bodybuilding. I don't got a place in my life for this negatively
To be fair, almost all 20 year olds are up to their eyeballs in stupidity. Kinda frightens me when I think back to when I was 20...and I was running a nuclear power plant!
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