
Jay C

New member
Well i went to the derma and he asked me if i was doing steroids, and i answered no, i wasnt going to tell him straight out, i didnt want it on the report, and especially since my mom knows him and she wouldnt leave the room during the exam. fucking moms. well anyways i told him i was using Celltech, which i am, and some other shit. He gives me the speech of why do people want to be big. and then proceeds to tell me the only thing he is going to tell me is that i HAVE to stop taking all this "muscle crap". i told him all i wanted was something to get rid of acne, and he said stop taking that crap and it will go away. thats not the answer i wanted, so he gave me some derma spread Rx that i havent gone and gotten yet. I already have cream that takes acne away but i wanted something like a pill or something. everyone talks about Doxycycline and how great it is. My gf has Doxycycline and isnt going to use it since antibiotics mess up her stomach and her pill. i was venting to her and she told me i could have her Rx and shit. i was wondering if this would be ok to take. it says take 100mg a day/1 Pill. anyone on Doxy please give me the instructions you were given otherwise im just going back to the doctor and going to see a different one so i can get some accutane or other shit. thanks guys. please help. acne is getting worse.
Go to another doctor. Accutane probably isnt needed unless you have cystic acne. I know what i am talking about, because i had it and i went on accutane. Your best bet for an oral ir minocycline. Similiar to tetracycline, but it can be taken when you have food on your stomach (if you train and eat right, your stomach is never empty). Food in your gut makes tetracycline pretty useless. Try this or ask for it from another doctor. Creams usually suck, and if your acne is on places other than your back, ytou dont want to have to bath in the shit. try that, but definitly go to another doctor. This guy is a close minded ass. "stop the muscle crap". Yeah, lik you are just going to change your lifestyle. Good luck bro, and pm me if you need more help on the matter.
grafix-gnc said:
sounds like this doctor was the kid who got picked on at school as a kid. I would say go to a different doctor.
Yup. Took me 4 different docs before i got one that said "Holy shit! Why hasnt anyone put you on accutane yet?"
In the meantime bro, you can wash up with either a salicylic(sp?) acid-enriched soap, or tea tree soap. Both work well. You can probably find both(or at least a soap w/ the salicylic acid added) at Wal-Mart, but you MAY have to find a local Health Food Store for the tea tree soap. The tea tree worked well enough for me, without drying my back out as much as the salicylic acid product did.

By the way, I would have told that "doc" that if that was the best medical advice he could give, that I didn't believe he was trying to actually treat my problem, and that it wasn't worth paying for. In other words, I'd have expected to NOT pay for a fucking LECTURE, rather than actual treatment.

Good luck getting what you need brother.
if that was my back i would kill myself. and i definately would not have a gf..
ewww. i cant even look at that anymore
grafix-gnc said:
btw, this is Jay C's back, dont you think accutane should be administered?

It doesn't get much worse than that. I feel for you Jay, I really do, and I hope that you get on 'Tane as soon as possible. That will clear it up in time, and then you can tan over it once the drug-theray is completed.

I had acne like that on my face in HS. Retin-A, Stridex out the ass, Tetracycline, Biaxin, Dox. You name it. 'Tane is the only one that worked. That was back in 1988, and it seemed to be alot easier to get at that time. I wasn't even asked to do bloodwork, or go take any tests. It was basically offered.

Again bro, much luck. Shit like that can fuck a persons self-esteem.

Sidebar: Blah, Blah, Blah Skedz. It was a joke. Duh:40oz:
Ask your doc if he will prescribe some Cleocin T gel. Very good stuff. By the way your doc should practice medicine instead of his opinion.......Good luck.
Of all the topicals, the best one is Tazorac (well it's getting the reputation of being the best one). It is similiar to Retin-A but supposedly works better. It's more recent.
If the above thing sdont work, try rubbing hamburger patties on your face. Works like a charm.
grafix-gnc said:
btw, this is Jay C's back, dont you think accutane should be administered?

grafix..thats just sick bro......I'm going to have nightmares now.....

I had poblems w/ acne also in the past.....Best thing you can do Jac C is go on your own to a different doctor.....

You can also try Pantothenic Acid...StoneCold posted a thread few days ago on where to get it for a very cheap price.....You can try that first....

Goodluck and I feel for you bro....
well i finally got another appt. with the other doc that is at the office i went to the first time. he didnt understand why i didnt want the other doc till i told him that he was a bull headed doc and lectured me for $100. i explained that i had acne for a reason that i know of, and i want something to fix it. he said to stop doing what im doing if i want it to go away. i told him that i will not stop my lifestyle, and im considering competing in bodybuilding, i think he figure out what i meant when i said this, i never released the truth or the word steroid at all. he then asked what i wanted from him. i told him i wanted anitbiotics to get rid of acne. he asked if i knew what i wanted, and i replied YES. doxycycline, minocycline, or if needed accutane. he laughed when i said accutane and said thats overkill. he prescribed doxy, and some topicals that i can put on twice a day. i was happy with this and left. so i finally got what i wanted. hopefully it works. im coming off cycle in a wk. then post cycle therapy (pct), so acne will be back hard core. hopefully this works.
thanks guys for all the info.