Didn't even feel the needle go in to my quad?

Just done my first ever injection of test and I didn't even feel the needle go in? No pain or nothing, probably used 3/4 of the 1 inch needle on my outer upper thigh and no pain at all. No blood either, the fact that it went to well makes me think I did it wrong.. All ok?
It is normal. It is the adrenaline pumping when you do your first pin. You will probably have some PIP in the next day or two.

But in general, pinning does not hurt unless you hit a nerve or blood vessel.
Get a bigger needle if you like the pain. :)

I was scared of the thigh injections based on 12 years ago injecting sust. That crap hobbled me for 3 days so I said never again. I just started them up again with my cypionate and no pain at all.
I guess I was just expecting some sort of pain with the needle. Test E isn't suppose to hurt as much is it anyway? Didn't even need to put the full 1 inch in .. Seemed to be in the muscle nicely
Won't usually hurt except for first puncture of the skin and lik mega said can hurt from nerve or vessel
I've been pretty damn good at hitting a nerve in my quads lately!!!

But that's really the only time there is any pain other than a little pip once in a while.
PIP is dependant on a lot of things. Being it was a virgin muscle you should get a little but Nithibg major with just test E. The needle never hurts. You build it up to be a big deal in your head but it's not. Occasionally you may see some blood when u pull the needle out. Again, no big deal. Over time u will learn what spots/compounds give you PIP and how much oil can go in each muscle group.
A goos injection should go in like butter no immediate pip, maybe some soreness a day or two after but thats normal. Use the full 1in, when i started pinning in my quads i was scared to go all the way in and that actually caused some oil to not fully go into the muscle and caused pip, i learned quick and now i make sure i put it all the way in and inject slowly, pull out slowly. Perfect each time.
In my glutes with pharma grade test I feel no pain, no immediate PIP, and no long term PIP. I had PIP in the past with the UGL I used and I inject the same way I do now, so I assume that was the gear.
Get a bigger needle if you like the pain. :)

I was scared of the thigh injections based on 12 years ago injecting sust. That crap hobbled me for 3 days so I said never again. I just started them up again with my cypionate and no pain at all.

the good old sustanon strut...:)
Studies actually show the preferred site for IM injection in adults is the ventrogluteal area. I thought that was interesting when we learned it in pharmacology earlier this semester. Anyone ever used this site?
It randomly happens to me when I pin. Maybe 1 out of every 10 pins I do not feel anything. Then there were those times when I must have hit a nerve and the muscle started twitching. Pull out, new needle and try again.