Disapointed with Gain's


New member
I've been on 500mg Test (ICN's) for 6 week's now, going on my 7th and have only gained 5 lbs. No major side's at all. Except that my sex drive has went up some. But no bloating, acne, rage's or anyhting else. After all that i've read about this being a great cycle for newbie's i'm kinda disapointed. I eat a lot (chicken,tuna,egg's,PB,lean steak, etc.), drink 2 shake's a day and drink lot's of water and about 8 hour's sleep a night. And still have'nt seen a big difference. I started out at 200lbs and now at 205lbs. Pump's didnt come up very much either. Either I got some bunk Test or I have way shitty genetics.
I am thinking of cutting the cycle short because it seem's it's a waist of time to inject myself with something that is not going to work anyway.
What do you guys think? Why am I not seeing anything? Bad Test? Genetics? Should I up the dossage to about 800mg for the next 6 week's? Should I stop now and take clomid and start another heavier cycle in a month or so? What's you oppinion? Also for a second cycle what would you recommend?

Ohh, and as for ICN's not being painful. Yeah right! I did a quad shot on Friday and my leg is still pretty sore today. I was super still and was looking a spotinjections.com when I did it (to make sure I did it correct) . It wasnt painful so to speak, but it sure was sore. Kinda like I was kicked in the leg the day before. Maybe that is just normal. Remember im a rookie. :)

Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks
Most people I know who have run test do 12 week cycles and by the 7th and 8th week run anywheres from 800 to 1000mg's and then taper down to 200 by the 12th week. Most of them didn't see their gains until about the 8th week. They also tend to stack it with D-bol or Anadrol and end up gaining anywheres from 20 -30lbs.

However, these same people lift incredibley heavy all the time. They don't train using a Bodybuilders routine.. they focus more on heavy weights with a low rep scheme. What kind of routine do you follow? How long have you been lifting? If you have been lifting a while how big did you get naturally? There are a lot of variables to consider.
I would suggest running the remainder of your cycle as originally planned. Do not cut it short and do not increase dose.

Has your strength done up ??

I would have a closer look at your diet........ how many grams protein, carbs & fats are you consuming now and how many prior to your cycle?

The way I see it, just suppose your Test is bunk, which I doubt, if you had increased your caloric intake enough your weight would be going up regardless.

As far as a second cycle goes....well let's get through this one first before making any plans for a second.
i dont bloat off of that dose of test either , so no bloat doesnt prove anything , 4-6 weeks is when i start seeing results off of a test only cycle [ cyp or eth ] , and as far as stinging in the leg if you get to shaky while injecting this will cause pain and i have noticed that when i really saturate the area of injection with alcohol and i immediately inject without letting the alcohol evaporate a little bit , my injection site hurts more , i guess the needle caries some of the surface alcohol into the injection site with it , dont give up yet even if you have only gained 5 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks you couldnt have dont that without the test
I dont gain much off of just test either. I would suggest upping your calories a fair bit over the next few weeks and see what happens, dont worry about gaining fat, it could just be your body needs more calories
Do you know exactly how much food you are taking in each day? I mean do you know your daily macro nutrient profile?

Personally for me, Test only works well when on a very high calorie diet.
My routine, I lift heavy, 4 set's 8 to 10 reps on major body part's. High rep's on calves and abs.

Been lifting for about 6 year's.

Strength has gone up some. Not alot though.

I dont keep track of the exact caloric intake but I would say it is somewhere around 2500 to 3000 with 200 to 250 protine ( I think).
I will try to up those figure's if I can stand to eat that muchbut my appetite hasnt went up at all.

Ill keep runing it and look at my diet a little closer and see what happen's.
try the essential fatty acids, like Udo's Choice, for upping calories, a single table spoon is close to 200 calories
I'll head over to GNC and see if they carry it. Also, I am using N Large 2 by prolab for protine, do you think I should try a different kind? Maybe something with more calorie's?
I use nlarge II, I think if you mix it with milk rather than water each serving has something like 800 calories. That isn't too shabby at all. I think you should eat more real food rather than relying on shakes to fulfill your requirements:)
Wait, did you say you eat between 2 and 3 thousand calories a day? Unless I misinterpreted this isn't hard to analyze... you weigh over 200 pounds - that's why you're not growing. Why did you think you could stay in these normal ranges and still gain weight? I have to eat more than this even when I'm off cycle. Most people I know eat twice as much food as you. Try doubling your caloric intake and then see what happens.
I'll try to double the calorie's, but bro I can bearly handle what I am eating right now. Before I was on, I was probably around 1200 to 1500. I've never had much of an appetite. :( But i'll try. What can
I eat that isnt alot of bulk food that fill's me up, but has alot of calorie's? That's probably the only way I will be able to consume more calorie's.

I just did chest this morning and droped the rep's to 6, but if I go to 4 it seem's like i'm not even getting a good workout.

I mix mine with 2%, two time's a day. And try to take in as much solid's as I can.

Thank's guy's
There is a lot of debate as to how many calories are necessary for an increase of growth. Your average powerlifter has no problem gaining mass and they eat whatever they want, they don't force the consumption of food. C.S. Sloan wrote an interesting article in this month's Iron Man regarding building strength and mass and it might be something you should look into DRS.

In all honesty, if I were on a bulking cylce I would decrease the number of reps by increasing the weight you are using. Your routine does not sound challenging enough to spurn growth.

I maybe natural but I have added a lot of muscle in the last 6 months (after 8 years of training on and off) and I did it by increasing the weight I use substantially on every exercise I perform. (to add a bit of validity to my comments I recommend taking a look at my pics in the members pic forums, there you can see me repping 455lbs on flat bench) I focus on the compound movements and perform supplementary isolation exercises. 4 exercises, 2 working sets and 1-5 reps. (I also warm up for two sets, but it isn't a weight that I consider challenging).

3000 calories should be sufficient. I also agree with everyone else here, EFA's are necessary for growth. At GNC they don't carry UDO's but they have thier own brand of EFA's.

I bet it has more to do with your training than nutrition.
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clubfootedmidget said:
There is a lot of debate as to how many calories are necessary for an increase of growth. Your average powerlifter has no problem gaining mass and they eat whatever they want, they don't force the consumption of food. C.S. Sloan wrote an interesting article in this month's Iron Man regarding building strength and mass and it might be something you should look into DRS.

In all honesty, if I were on a bulking cylce I would decrease the number of reps by increasing the weight you are using. Your routine does not sound challenging enough to spurn growth.

I maybe natural but I have added a lot of muscle in the last 6 months (after 8 years of training on and off) and I did it by increasing the weight I use substantially on every exercise I perform. (to add a bit of validity to my comments I recommend taking a look at my pics in the members pic forums, there you can see me repping 455lbs on flat bench) I focus on the compound movements and perform supplementary isolation exercises. 4 exercises, 2 working sets and 1-5 reps. (I also warm up for two sets, but it isn't a weight that I consider challenging).

3000 calories should be sufficient. I also agree with everyone else here, EFA's are necessary for growth. At GNC they don't carry UDO's but they have thier own brand of EFA's.

I bet it has more to do with your training than nutrition.
well put the only reason i raise my reps above 5-6 is to let my joints have a rest , heavy weight is the recipe for mass look at the strongmen and upper level powerlifters
Ok I was way off on my calorie intake, I counted up all the calorie's I consumed today and it came out to be aprox 4100. And what I ate today was about the same as I eat everyday, so I guess i've been taking in around 4000 a day along with 300 or so protine. Soooo, now I will start adding more weight and lower the rep's, also I will try and bring up my calorie's and protine a little and see what happen's.
Thank's fo all the info.... :bigok: