Dispute Fonz's post cycle recovery dbol bridge

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Ok children, lets get back to debating the thread, and keep the flamming to a min. I think both Swale and Ulter have done alot for the guys around the boards, so stop bitting at each others heals.

I still think it all comes down to this:

The dboll 'bridge' WILL prolong recovery for most people but keep in mind that we are all different.

This prolonged recovery can result in keeping more gains post cycle for some people. (As I stated above,we are all different)

This could also result in loosing more gains than you would have w/o the bridge. There are just too many variables, and were all different.

Sure the people who would chance this (as did I) do, or at least should know all the risk. Those that dont should stay away from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) alltogether.

I dont think there is a yes or no answer as to wheather or not the bridge works.......
xtinct said:
Come on Dial_tone, modesty may be a virtue but that statement is ridiculous. I just took another look at the member picture forum, and in your most recent picture (the one where you are 245#) you look huge, and that was after only three months of serious training. There are many members here, who have been training seriously for a couple of years and have done several cycles. Yet most of them don't look nearly as big as you looked after only three months and a low dose cycle.

You forget I've been lifting since 1977.
bigdelt69 said:
The dboll 'bridge' WILL prolong recovery for most people but keep in mind that we are all different.

This prolonged recovery can result in keeping more gains post cycle for some people. (As I stated above,we are all different)
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO you're missing the whole friggin' point!!! READ THE THREAD! It is rediculous to think that you can prolong recovery and keep more gains! you need to get your levels back asap in order to keep as much muscle as possible!
It cant go deeper than that. You need a certain amount of androgens to keep a body weight. The faster you get your androgen level back up, the less time your body will have to lose the muscle you've gained. Fonz bridge is 8 weeks rite? Thats 8 weeks when you could possibly lose muscle! Now if you can cut that time in half to 4 weeks, you're going to lose a hell of a lot less muscle!

Remember, LH bounces back rather quickly post cycle. The main problem is the atrophy of the leydig cells. With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) this doesnt happen. Therefore after your cycle, your leydig cells are set to produce as much test as possible at the first sign of LH (which, again, bounce back quickly). Crashes, with the post cycle therapy of today, shouldnt happen.
look i know that I am not as experienced as guys here

but when I did a cycle and it was thrown out by a signifigant other of mine mid cycle (she did not stay for long ), the only thing I had left was a bottle of thais in the car enough for 10 mgs a day for 6 weeks

I really do belive it saved my ass from loosing all my gains and avoiding estrogen rebound

but thats just me all I am offering is my experience
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bigdelt69 said:
That is true, but only to a certain extent. It goes much deeper than that. Where the fuck is Fonz anyway? Did he get baned?

I was researching non-adrenergic nutrient partitioning compounds like R-ALA/CLA?GLA/ALCar/Green Tea...that could enhance small dopses of AAS(775mg/week) throught the manipulation of glucose up-take and disposal...among other things.

Ok that it, pistol duel at sunrise!
Even though some of you guys are getting quite tense about the whole situation I quite enjoy the debate. ....keep it going!
Sorry, Hootie, but I can't find anything in there even worth commenting on...
hey Fonz in the mirror we can see your face might want to blot that out too......I mean if you really want to remain somewhat anonomous
I think of the am dbol as a taper to coming off. The purpose is to avoid the crash. From what I know, I think most doctors prefer tapering off high dosages of hormones as opposed to stopping suddenly, is this not true? Now if you accept the notion of a taper as a good practice, it just comes down to an issue of duration and method. I am not aware of any studies showing that recovery from an 8-10 week cycle is faster or stronger than from a 12-15 week cycle. If you are injecting esters then you will have a natural taper. The problem is the taper is almost too extreme, for several weeks you continue to have a 24x7 release, only of very low amounts, which keeps you suppressed yet is not enough to allow you to feel decent. It is during this time frame and for several weeks after that I prefer the once-a-day am oral dosages help prevent those crash symptoms.

I have experience a crash once, and it is something I never want to go through again. For me an interim period of once-a-day am orals works well to help provide a smoother transition back. My current preference is 5mg halo. Proviron would be another good choice. Dbol works ok, too but seems too estrogenic for me at this point.
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