Community Veteran
Right now I'm running the short cycle idea so I thought I'd give something a try, heavy doses with no anti-e's to see if any of the much hyped side effects would show up. I did have the liquidex loaded up and ready to go though
Along with anadrol, I started shooting 150mg ed of suspension, 75mg in the morning and 75mg at night. After a few days I bumped it up to 100mg am and 100mg pm and ran that for around 1 1/2 weeks? I even threw some dbol in the mix just to push the envelope.
What did I get, some water retention, and not really all that much, and a small amount of sensitivity in the nips, that's all. Well, except for the 10lbs that I gained and seem to be keeping.
Along with anadrol, I started shooting 150mg ed of suspension, 75mg in the morning and 75mg at night. After a few days I bumped it up to 100mg am and 100mg pm and ran that for around 1 1/2 weeks? I even threw some dbol in the mix just to push the envelope.
What did I get, some water retention, and not really all that much, and a small amount of sensitivity in the nips, that's all. Well, except for the 10lbs that I gained and seem to be keeping.