Does it get better ??? Need some positivity


New member
Hey guys into my third week of a test e only cycle my first and just feel like shit ....feel tired and start of my workout felt strong but faded very quickly and my second pin I'm still sore and swollen just seems like nothing is going right .....does it get better ????? My diet etc is all on par I don't drink or smoke or party I'm just having a rant I guess just finished back and faded very quickly and feel like shit ATM like I'm sick weak and tired .
Hey guys into my third week of a test e only cycle my first and just feel like shit ....feel tired and start of my workout felt strong but faded very quickly and my second pin I'm still sore and swollen just seems like nothing is going right .....does it get better ????? My diet etc is all on par I don't drink or smoke or party I'm just having a rant I guess just finished back and faded very quickly and feel like shit ATM like I'm sick weak and tired .

By week 3 you really shouldn't feel Test E yet, or at least strongly.. I'd go see a doctor.. you may have a little bug or something
1 st timer ???

If so your body may be reacting to the intro of exo test and whatever oil it s suspended in..

Test flu kis a possible variable..

Careful with doc s .

If your not really illin..patience..if you get worse go..

I think it s in your may have a cold...??
Hey guys into my third week of a test e only cycle my first and just feel like shit ....feel tired and start of my workout felt strong but faded very quickly and my second pin I'm still sore and swollen just seems like nothing is going right .....does it get better ????? My diet etc is all on par I don't drink or smoke or party I'm just having a rant I guess just finished back and faded very quickly and feel like shit ATM like I'm sick weak and tired .

just sound sliek your getting sick
maybe over the "test flu" even

give it a couple more weeks then go to doc if needed.
By week 3 you really shouldn't feel Test E yet, or at least strongly.. I'd go see a doctor.. you may have a little bug or something

Teast e peeks per dose at about day3 so thats not it.
his body shutting down his own production, while this quick rise and leaving it in "WTF MODE" is more likely why.
Go and see a doctor the sickness may or may not be related to the test but the doctor is the only way to find out what it is.

and if you go tell him yoru using off script use of ANY steroid your fucked for life for ANY healthycare or life isurance........

Even if you go to Doc NEVER mention steroid use for stupid things like and absess (say its froma b12 shot) or gyno (say it was from some supplements you where taking that you stopped)

use your head...

and no there is no "MEDICAL privacy", they make you sign that over to them to look and if you dont guess what, same result DENIED or a REALY shitty deal if any.
As a first timer , I felt similar. Test flu was a bitch for about the first 3 weeks. PIP was really rough at the start, more tolerable now at wk 10. And, no, it wasn't a cold. Positive effects have been good, gaining size n strength . But side effect have been noticeable: night sweats, hot / cold flashes, variable appetite, lack of energy or motivation.
I've learned to deal with it. Pros outweigh the cons. Libido has been great.

Cycle : test e 500/wk
Honestly, I think you just have some sort of Test flu like the others are saying. I wouldn't rush to the doctor unless you start feeling worse. Just take it easy for a few days, hydrate yourself, eat, and see how you feel.
Make sure you are shooting completely sterile. Wash hands, use gloves if necessary. Alcohol swabs should be used to wipe the bacteria off the top of your vial before each time you use it.

that should help reduce any bacteria issues
and if you go tell him yoru using off script use of ANY steroid your fucked for life for ANY healthycare or life isurance........

Even if you go to Doc NEVER mention steroid use for stupid things like and absess (say its froma b12 shot) or gyno (say it was from some supplements you where taking that you stopped)

use your head...

and no there is no "MEDICAL privacy", they make you sign that over to them to look and if you dont guess what, same result DENIED or a REALY shitty deal if any.

Use my head? Please use your head when did I ever mention in my post about telling him to tell the doctor he's on an AAS cycle. I said to see the doctor and explain your symptoms he may prescribe something to speed up recovery.

Not talking about AAS with your doctor is a given, if your stupid enough to do so they you deserve the consequences. People should take even more care about what you talk about with your doctor when dealing with the American Health Care system not so much on the Canadian side.
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IMHO.........probably unlikely related to exo test.......the only way to know for sure is to get your bloodwork it immediately
Countless guys over the years start a cycle and immediately increase their training time and intensity when indeed the gear my produce some sex drive and strength early on the recovery component of AAS is several weeks down the cycle road.

Take one complete training cycle OFF. If it's a full week then so be it.
test flu

^^^^^^agreed and would ad that a mild dose of ibuprofen carried me through this achy flu feeling more than once. feel better, shouldn't last long.