down 40 lbs total....30 more to go

the one who use to train in my gym is an israeli (from russia) guy named vladi, his currently training in canada.
i heard he did 1210 in a contest in france
Yes I bet he liked to beat on You! Have you ever met a DT instructor who didn't get off on sneaking a knee into the common peroneal? With your size though I wonder, did it work? I can only imagine a neck restraint or possibly OC. Passive would be one thing but active assaultive would be one hellacious challenge. Did PPCT work on you? How about the LVNR?
You look awesome Mule!

So you lost 40 pounds in 5 weeks? Are you using anything (e.g. clen, t3 or ephedra) to help the fat come off? I hate these compunds so I'd be inspired to know you made such a dramatic transformation without them.

Also, what amount of dextrose did you use pre and post WO? I'd think you'd need to have short workouts to do this because your blood sugar would probably drop pretty quickly about 45 minutes or so after taking the dextrose.
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I used MHP anadrox and did the ketosis diet I took no suger before or after the w/o I just limped through it the goal ws not to build muscle simply to shred was difficult and very tireing..
hey mule, you look great even though u lost some size your still huge, i know this is not a training forum but i wanted to ask you if it is possible to only powerlift and stay fairly lean. Do you think low rep sets are purely the best way to gain size? It is obvious you know how to gain size and i would like some advice directly from you

thanks, peanut
I think you need to train your body to handle heavy weight for moderate reps 3-5 and as well you need to combine moderate weight for high volume....

Lifting heavy stuff is what gave me my size that and lots of food, but it also made me very fat...
Thanks.... This is without question one of the best boards.... Good positive attitudes

I have found that with the bodybuilding I'm getting a ton of functional strenght
Thanks guys the more it comes off the more I want the rest of it off ..the rim of fat around my middle is driving me nuts...