Dragon Pharma

13 hammerfist

I ain't no damn Rookie...
i have 4 different types of product from dragon pharma EQ 200, DECA 250, MASTERON 100, ENANTAT 250. they all seem to be exactly the same color and consistancy. in the past i have used several different types of gear and none of them were exactly the same and there is a specific taste to them. where this stuff just tastes like food addatives. if you look at there site it is crap and they don't answer any questions you might have. anyone have any idea if this is real or not or maybe if it was tampered with? or is this typical of this company.
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yeah they dont replay to shit, I think thier shit is under dosed, im running it now i just feel the sides effects or gains i should be getting from what i have been doing
i'm beginning to feel the same about them being under what they claim. i have taken stuff from mexico and you can definatly tell the difference. organon, brovel, fort dodge, tornel, have allways given me what i expected.i have even had some that had cows n shit on the front. but i'm about to run this cycle and see whats up. did you see under the caps? whats up with that janky ass seal? i see it is too brittle to be removed without riping the metal, but realy? if this stuff doesn't do the trick; next time i'll stick with a mexican coctail if i can find some. but i am going to run this cycle and see what there made of. hopefully not just sesameseed oil and alcohol.....
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you get what you pay for. i know they are cheap and thats what i will stay away from. i may loose a deal but i wont loose my size.
yeah i think i have been had on this. oh well live and learn. and your so right about the cheap crap, you do get what you pay for or even worse. sad part is i got it from a family member that says he's been taking it for a while. he has had some gains but nothing like what you couldn't get from a good diet and riping up the gym; and now that i see how many bottles he has used up he should somewhat resemble the newest version of the incredable hulk. dragon pharma gets a no go in my book! thank you all for your replies it's been a great help!
Just a reminder that color of oil and such doesn't mean anything. It's just the type of oil they use. And I have no input because I've never used them. Trying them is the only way to know and it sounds like everyone thinks they are crap.
so ok then. glad you spoke up. that in and of itself says alot about your character. i'll give it a run and i'll do a report aswell. so here it goes.... thank you again for speaking up.i'm going to run a cycle take a picture before and after. way to stand behind it!:Pump: oh shit here we go!
if it's as good as you say bro i'll shout it from the friggin rooftops i swear. i'll post it wherever. i dont go for looks i go for the powa! but at the same time i'm tryin to trim a little aswell. so lookin to burn and get strong as hell. so sure i'll be glad to post it whereever you like.
How is that Vioxx working for you? I tried some awhile back and didnt see any results. I ran their Test 400 and Deca 300.