ECA results so far

Here's a comparsion after 1 week on ECA, diet and cardio has remained the same.

How long is it suggested to stay on ECA? same as clen 2wks on/2wks off?

Thanks for your help
Wow, nice comparisson. Thanks for sharing. Ya, I usually go 3 weeks on ECA increasing the ephedrine dose a little each week but generally they say 2on2off.
Damn.. I am assuming you have a pretty strict diet and cardio routine you follow and you are probably very good about it, but those are some great results after only a week. I am going to have to start up some ECA..

In the states can you find ephedrine in stores or do you have to order it online? Sorry if thats a dumb question.
Thanks guys for the feedback and advice

ketnar, you can find it in stores depending what state you live but its expensive that way, online its alot cheaper

Ian512, eca is ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin - I'm using 25mg ephedrine, 200mg caff, 325mg aspirin 3x day

here's another comparsion from 7 wks ago and now, it really helps to take progress pics cause its hard to see changes day to day yourself
change the aspirin to a baby aspirin 81mg, that's all you need. aspirin can be hard on the stomach. if you really want to ramp it up add in yohimbine hcl and some grapfruit juice in the morning....
change the aspirin to a baby aspirin 81mg, that's all you need. aspirin can be hard on the stomach. if you really want to ramp it up add in yohimbine hcl and some grapfruit juice in the morning....

do you mean add yohimbine hcl while taking the eca? at what dose you recommend? and what does the grapefruit juice do? makes the eca more effective?

what kinda gear you running?

also, height and weight (before cutting and currently)??

was running prop/tren ace but now just test e and primo

height 5'9 started this diet/cardio at around 195-200lbs, bodyfat was approx 22%

now weigh 175, I'll have my b/f tested in next couple weeks and once I'm at 8-9%, I'll change my diet so I can start gaining some lean muscle
Great work bro - Have u tried clen/T3 stack? if so how do you think the ECA compares? Have any problems w/ sleeping? 200 mg caff in the eve is a lot (to me) dunno if I could sleep w/ that.
Great work bro - Have u tried clen/T3 stack? if so how do you think the ECA compares? Have any problems w/ sleeping? 200 mg caff in the eve is a lot (to me) dunno if I could sleep w/ that.

thanks guys, no I've done clen by itself but not in combo with T3. Haven't had much problem with sleeping, tried to take the last eca dose around 3pm.

leanbody, have you tried clen/T3....if so what's your thoughts on it compared to just eca?
thanks guys, no I've done clen by itself but not in combo with T3. Haven't had much problem with sleeping, tried to take the last eca dose around 3pm.

leanbody, have you tried clen/T3....if so what's your thoughts on it compared to just eca?

Yeah I did ClenT-3 and wasn't that happy with it. i'm going to try one more time prolly in l;ate summer. I didn't like the racing heart, bervousness, etc. but i think that s typical of all of these formulas that raise yoyur metabolism. I want to try ECA to compare them. The other prob I had with clen /T3 was i didn't have the diet carefully hooked up snd I did little cardio. So i lost about 3% points BF but did not get to 10% where i wanted to be.

I have a quick question. Approximately in how much time will you notice the difference when taking ECA??