enan from QV or testex elmu from spaine?


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enan from QV or testex elmu from spaine?

is the testex from spaine worth paying a little more cash?? also is norma better than qv decca
Testex in my experience, is completely painless, whereas QV Eth. is hit ad miss as far as pain. Testex is cypionate, although it really makes no difference.The are more volumnous, as Testex is 125mg/ml, 2ml amps. All the normas I have gotten are underfilled, if you go with Euro Deca, i would go with the Yellow Tops.
Normas and Yellow Tops are the two best Decas out there, IMO. But like RoadHouse said, and I can concur, all the Normas I've ever had have been underfilled by about .2 - .3 of a cc.

Another point to consider is Normas and YTs are probably the most commonly faked gear there is, except of course for Primo. That being said, as long as you trust your source, fake gear will not even come into play.

I personally would rather spend the extra cash for human grade gear, but then again, that is only my personal preference.
the deca looks real from the pictures i have seen, but who really knows..i think my source is pretty trustworthy but there again who really knows..
Re: enan from QV or testex elmu from spaine?

Its like comparing a Ferrari to a KIA.
They will both take you from point A to point B.
But Testex is way better quality and painless compared to QV.
Also Normas are one of the Best human grade decas available.

dodah said:
is the testex from spaine worth paying a little more cash?? also is norma better than qv decca
ICN enan is human grade and is relatively inexpensive at 250mg/ml. It's definitely worth the money. In most cases, you'll find the ampoules are overdosed. I've also seen assay's concerning an older supplier from way back. People were accusing him of selling fake ICN's (which I don't believe there are any). Well, the test results showed all of the 10 ICN's tested to be over 250mg's per ml.

I recommend an amp opener though. Those little bastards are damn near impossible to pop open with your thumb or a pen cap. It's a good thing they're cheap. I can't count how many I've shattered.
Get ICN if you can, you can get 10 for less then some sources sell 10ml of QV cyp. That's some not all;)

Juice Authority said:
ICN enan is human grade and is relatively inexpensive at 250mg/ml. It's definitely worth the money. In most cases, you'll find the ampoules are overdosed. I've also seen assay's concerning an older supplier from way back. People were accusing him of selling fake ICN's (which I don't believe there are any). Well, the test results showed all of the 10 ICN's tested to be over 250mg's per ml.

I recommend an amp opener though. Those little bastards are damn near impossible to pop open with your thumb or a pen cap. It's a good thing they're cheap. I can't count how many I've shattered.
try scoring with a small triangle file from the hardware store works like a charm