Estrogen question for Docs?


Community Veteran
Bro I think your looking at the wrong number, if it was at 267 your Dr would be doing something drastic about it and you'd need a bra. I don't even thing a women has it that high.

I thought mine was at 229 when I read my report, then when I reread it, it was at 72 which is high. Ithink your looking at your test levels, which is in the normal range, on the low side but normal.

If you can post it, I'll see what it says if it's like either one I have.

Silverback316 said:
I know I am looking at the right number cause it is the only thing on the sheet. The doctor told me the same thing when he saw the results and he was surprised that I did not have bitch tits, etc. It was even higher when I first got it tested and that was at 280 so I know for a fact I am looking at the right number, plus I had the doctor go over the results with me. My doc is not very familiar with this type of stuff and the only reason I go to him is because he write scripts for things like nolva and a-dex without question. Also my test levels are pretty damn high at 1200 for total (300-847 are normal) and 32 for free (13-40 normal range) so I know I have everything right numbers wise.

The reason that your estrogen levels are so high is because your test levels are also elevated. The body tries to keep a normal ratio between test and estrogen so when test is highly elevated like during a cycle, estrogen will also raise. That is why most of us use an anti-e in conjunction with moderate to large doses of test. I don't know long that it will take the arimidex to work but it should do the trick nicely.
It will take time for the body to dispose of the excess estrogen. It will either fill up estrogen receptors or be broken down by the liver--which is stressful to the liver. If you are worried about sides, then use Nolvadex immediately. Even with an antiestrogen like Arimidex, it will take time. Aromasin will act faster. Remember, it is the aromatase enzyme in adipose tissue that does most of the conversion of testos to estrogen.
hey Silverback, I'll bump for you cause I'am also curious to know what the answer to your question is.

Silverback316 said:
So I could take nolva and arimidex together?

Yes arimidex works by preventing the conversion of test to estrogen and nolvadex works by blocking estrogen receptor sites. I've used both at the same time.