evansss training log

Box squats 135x12/320x5/320x5
Leg press 180x12/500x20
Abductors 110x20
Adductors 110x20
Reverse hypers 70x10/70x10
Calves 135x10/135x10
Upright Ab Machine 150x20/150x20

Gonna see how far i can take these box squats. really starting to focus on the explosivness of them rather than just bringing the weight up. went up 5 pounds from last week, and im gonna go up 5 pounds next week to 325. I went from 470 to 500 on my 20 repper for the leg presses, which def made a difference. i almost didnt hit my set but iwas able to squeeze them out. went up 10 pounds with the hypers, but my main concern for this workout is the wheels.

Flat Bench WIDE grip 135x12/280x6/280x6
DB Press Hammer grip 90x10/90x8
Pushdowns 150x30/150x20
Side Lat raises 32.5x10/32.5x10
Front Raises 42.5x10/42.5x10
Rear Delts (on pec-dec) 120x10/127.5x8

Went up 5 pounds in my bench and felt strong. Gonna go to 285 next week. Dont wanna jinx anything so i wont give predications about weight to come, but i feel myself getting stronger on the bench. Wasnt able to hit my db's though maybe bc the increase in the flat bench. not worried about that though. went up 2.5 lbs in side and front raises, and 7.5 pounds on my last set for rear delts. not alot of weight to go up, but im trying to go in small increments so i dont hit a wall.
mister69 said:
looking strong brotha, def gonna follow this.

if by follow you mean do it yourself, its a great workout. i was a bit sketical bc it looks a bit basic for me, and ive been lifting for around 8 years, but PB assured me i would see gains. though its powerlifting, im trying to cut a little bit so i aim for 3-4 days cardio. best of both worlds. the progressive overload allows for max improvement on the weight without hitting a wall to quick.
I meant peek in your journal more to see your great strength gains :-0

evansss said:
if by follow you mean do it yourself, its a great workout. i was a bit sketical bc it looks a bit basic for me, and ive been lifting for around 8 years, but PB assured me i would see gains. though its powerlifting, im trying to cut a little bit so i aim for 3-4 days cardio. best of both worlds. the progressive overload allows for max improvement on the weight without hitting a wall to quick.
AngryMuscles said:
i think what he meant by follow is that he's gonna frequently peek into your journal for progress.

mister69 said:
I meant peek in your journal more to see your great strength gains :-0

ohhh got it now.

the weights packing on nicely. problem is its the holiday time so by weight i also mean in the stomach area as well.

Deads 135x12/385x5/385x5
Cable Pull-thru's 90x12/90x12
Rows 185x8/205x8
Reverse Narrow pulldowns 160x8/220x5
DB Curls 50x8/50x8
Hammer Curls 40x8/40x8
Ab Machine 150x20/150x20

Hit both my sets at 385 this week. Some kid actually came up to me and congratulated me about the weight. went up 5 pounds in my cable pullthrus, and went up in rows from 185 to 205 on my 2nd set. The pulldowns and curls stayed the same bc by this point in the workout im pretty much shot. the deads are my main focus and their climbing so im happy bitches.

Box Squats 135x12/325x5/325x5
Leg Press 180x12/520x20
Abductors 110x20
Adductors 115x20
Reverse Hypers 70x10/70x10
Sitting Calves 135x10/135x10
Upright AB Machine 150x20/150x20

Keep going up in those box squats little by little. starting to get a lil bit more happy with the 325. The 20 repper at 520 fuckin killed me. adductors went up 5 pounds though, im doing that more to stretch out rather than to increase poundage. My reverse hypers stayed the same and i have a feeling they'll stay at 70 for a little bit. Same thing with the calves.

My question is, can you keep doing box squats week in and week out? im doing them and liking them, but im not sure if i need to be rotating squat variations...

Wide Grip Bench 135x12/285x6/285x6
Hammer Grip DB Press 90x10/90x8
Pushdowns 150x30/150x20
Side Lat raises 32.5x10/32.5x10
Front Raises 42.5x10/42.5x8
Rear Delts (on pecdec) 120x10/120x10

Felt like shit today. Bench went up though. Everything else either stayed the same or i wasnt even able to hit the reps. Again, not worried about that as the bench is the main focus of this workout.