Wide Bench 135x12/290x6/290x6
DB Press Hammer Grip 90x10/90x10
Incline Fly's 40x10/45x10
PecDec 150x10/210x8/240x6
Pushdowns 150x30/150x20
Side Lat Raises 35x10/35x10
Front Raises 45x10/45x10
Rear (on pecdec) 127.5x10/127.5x10
Basically hit my bench at 290. struggled like a motherfucker to get those two sets of 6. so im gonna leave the 290 on for this week. Was able to hit my db press at 90 so im gonna prolly go up to 95's this week as well. Decided to throw some incline fly's and pecdec action in there, only because the kid i was working out with wanted some more volume. im def gonna keep the flys in there,might take out the pecdec though. side and front lat raises stayed the same. i was able to hit both my sets for rear delts at 127.5 this tiime though.