Favorite Lab

My support will always be with AML, BOSS has been nothing but outstanding, even when his suck meter is at 11, he or Kate are there quickly. LOVE the decatest, my wife loves the femina 15 and Anavar (var), my clients run a range from the T400 to the EQ and no one has had any issues. I can count on quality and reliability time after time.
Listen bro!!!!! Crazy thing is...... I know you know about these CORPORATIONS in the US and how they are EVIL as hell and trying to control shit???

Well just think about it!!! Glaxo Smith Cline, Pfizer, Sandoz etc.... They are all large Corporate entities man!!!!!!! You think you are getting what the label says???? They own the companies that do Quality testing of the products to make sure the dosage is correct!!! Standards are set LOW, money exchanges hands to keep quiet and the profits from RIPPING your ass off are soooo large it is worth it!!!!!!!!!! Trust me man!!!!! Very few pharma companies make their gear accurate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will go further with PINNACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the contrary, the drug industry is perhaps the most tightly regulated industry in the world. All pharm drugs, including AAS, exhibitt the highest possible standards in quality, which includes both potency and purity. When people's lives are on the line, as they often are, there is no other choice.

Please don't take the following too negatively, but the fact that I am sitting here and someone is actually saying that Pinnacle, a freakin' UGL, makes better quality gear than U.S pharmacies, shows me just how deluded some people have become in regards to their favorite supplier. I mean, did Pinnacle put some type of spell on you, as I have no other way to explain the ignorance manifested in that comment.

For many, all they need to see is good results to think they have the best "quality" gear. In reality, there are many factors which play a role in determing the "quality" of a steroid product...and just because a company may over-dose their product, it does NOT mean it is high "quality". I could make a dirty-ass testosterone product filled with polutants while sitting on the toilet taking a shit...and put a bit more testosterone in the vial than what the label says...and as long as no one gets an infection, everyone will be raving about how great the Mike Arnold test enth is. Does this means it is good quality? No fucking way...it only means it is over-dosed...and while most people think that is cool (and it usually is), it is not always a good thing. I would LOVE to see a full lab report detailing the purity & potency of any UGL everyone says is great. The fact of the matter is that not a single one is EVER going to approach the standards of a "real" pharmacy grade product...period.
Thank you Mike Arnold for that statement, you hit the nail on the head! We all have our favorite ugls but that post is the most retarded sales pitch ever.
To the contrary, the drug industry is perhaps the most tightly regulated industry in the world. All pharm drugs, including AAS, exhibitt the highest possible standards in quality, which includes both potency and purity. When people's lives are on the line, as they often are, there is no other choice.

Please don't take the following too negatively, but the fact that I am sitting here and someone is actually saying that Pinnacle, a freakin' UGL, makes better quality gear than U.S pharmacies, shows me just how deluded some people have become in regards to their favorite supplier. I mean, did Pinnacle put some type of spell on you, as I have no other way to explain the ignorance manifested in that comment.

For many, all they need to see is good results to think they have the best "quality" gear. In reality, there are many factors which play a role in determing the "quality" of a steroid product...and just because a company may over-dose their product, it does NOT mean it is high "quality". I could make a dirty-ass testosterone product filled with polutants while sitting on the toilet taking a shit...and put a bit more testosterone in the vial than what the label says...and as long as no one gets an infection, everyone will be raving about how great the Mike Arnold test enth is. Does this means it is good quality? No fucking way...it only means it is over-dosed...and while most people think that is cool (and it usually is), it is not always a good thing. I would LOVE to see a full lab report detailing the purity & potency of any UGL everyone says is great. The fact of the matter is that not a single one is EVER going to approach the standards of a "real" pharmacy grade product...period.

I agree 100% man.
The problem with human grade gear is that it is being faked a lot. i mean A LOT!!!... This is where the bad rep/underdosed gear comes from. This is why i stick with AML. I know im getting good gear. Last time i bought human grade i got ripped off, got some shitty underdosed ampules for triple of the price.
If i was able to get a prescription and get gear directly from the pharmacy, it would be another story.
Thank you Mike Arnold for that statement, you hit the nail on the head! We all have our favorite ugls but that post is the most retarded sales pitch ever.
Haha...I agree.

I agree 100% man.
The problem with human grade gear is that it is being faked a lot. i mean A LOT!!!... This is where the bad rep/underdosed gear comes from. This is why i stick with AML. I know im getting good gear. Last time i bought human grade i got ripped off, got some shitty underdosed ampules for triple of the price.
If i was able to get a prescription and get gear directly from the pharmacy, it would be another story.
Yep. Personally, I have been pretty fortunate with human-grade gear, but no doubt, there is some trash out there.

See bold above.
To the contrary, the drug industry is perhaps the most tightly regulated industry in the world. All pharm drugs, including AAS, exhibitt the highest possible standards in quality, which includes both potency and purity. When people's lives are on the line, as they often are, there is no other choice.

Please don't take the following too negatively, but the fact that I am sitting here and someone is actually saying that Pinnacle, a freakin' UGL, makes better quality gear than U.S pharmacies, shows me just how deluded some people have become in regards to their favorite supplier. I mean, did Pinnacle put some type of spell on you, as I have no other way to explain the ignorance manifested in that comment.

For many, all they need to see is good results to think they have the best "quality" gear. In reality, there are many factors which play a role in determing the "quality" of a steroid product...and just because a company may over-dose their product, it does NOT mean it is high "quality". I could make a dirty-ass testosterone product filled with polutants while sitting on the toilet taking a shit...and put a bit more testosterone in the vial than what the label says...and as long as no one gets an infection, everyone will be raving about how great the Mike Arnold test enth is. Does this means it is good quality? No fucking way...it only means it is over-dosed...and while most people think that is cool (and it usually is), it is not always a good thing. I would LOVE to see a full lab report detailing the purity & potency of any UGL everyone says is great. The fact of the matter is that not a single one is EVER going to approach the standards of a "real" pharmacy grade product...period.

Sitting on the toilet....LMFAOOOOO

Funny as hell, very good point thought. Potency does not always mean quality.
Was using jintani labs. Awesome prices, and got my stuff less then 2 weeks
Now I believe they are shut down as of Friday. =\ now in search of a new source