Fender's Log


Young Dirty Couch Bouncer
Figured I'd start a workout log here. Started one over at Teamsniffy but keep forgetting to post in it. I spend more time here.
Little about myself....
43 years old
6' tall
I have worked out most of my life but with crappy sears benches, vinyl weights and shitty Joe Weider cable stations. About 4 years ago I was a bloated, 250 lb. Network Admin and had to do something. Joined a gym, hired a personal trainer so I wouldn't look like a fool in the free weight room and started lifting for real. Trainer left a few weeks after I was done with him but he taught me the basics. I eventually hooked up with none other than our own Pullinbig who got me more into a powerlifters routine and haven't looked back.

Tue 5-2-06

Chest...my downfall due to shoulder problems.

Flat BB Press - 135x12, 225x10, 245x6

Incline DB Flye - 55x10, 70x8x2

Cable X-Overs - 70x10, 80x10, 100x8


Smith Machine close grip bench - 225x10x2, 225x8

Cable Press downs - w/rope 160x10x2, w/45 degree bar 160x10x2, w/straight bar 160x10x2

Dumbbell Triceps Extension - 75x8x2

20 minutes cardio on elliptical.

I don't do dips every week because of my shoulder but they are usually part of my routine.

*Edit*... I corrected the last set on flat bench.
Last edited:
Wed 5-03-06


Squats 45X25, 135X15, 225X10, 315X10, 365X6, 405X2
Felt a tinge in my back on the second one at 405...nothing lingering.

Pullthrus - 250x10x2 This is the whole stack....

Hack squat machine - 8 total plates X15X2

Seated Calf raises - 5 platesx4x15

Leg Press - 1000X6X2

Did 10 minutes on elliptical....
adidamps2 said:
hey Fender! nice to see you log here. you'za strong one too! lol
Only the legs brother!!! My bench sucks. Legs are all I got. Leg press was a PR by the way.
Thur 5-05-06

No gym last night. Was going to do cardio, abs and just pick a bodypart and do some high reps and low volume....ended up have a couple of beers (Bud lite at least) with my neighbor.
Wed 5-10-06

OK...between not feeling well and picking up some side work I just took an entire week off from the gym. The last routine I did was legs and since I didn't want legs to go more then a week I did them last night thus skipping my chest/tri and back/bi day. I don't want to go more than a week with legs or they kick my ass for days.

Anyways...the same routine as last week.


Squats 45X25, 135X15, 225X10, 315X10, 365X6, 405X2
I again felt a tinge in my back again...I need to start stretching I think

Pullthrus - 250x10x2 This is the whole stack....

Hack squat machine - 8 total plates X15X2

Seated Calf raises - 5 platesx4x15

Leg Press - 1000X6X2, 1025X2 It's amazing how heavy 25lbs can feel!
Thanks guys...and yeah T-man...as I have said i'm 43 and don't plan on competing or anything but I like feeling strong. But its not worth it if I end up hurting myself.
Winterlong said:
Nice workout. 1000 on legpress - impressive :)
I'm assuming it's 1000lbs. 10 plates on each side for 900 and I was told the sled was 100. I think I can go as high as 1250 on the machine at my gym...I am looking to max that out by the end of the year.


Flat BB Press - 135x12, 225x10, 245x5X3

Incline BB - 185X10X2

DB Flyes - 70X10X2


Skull Crushers - 90X10X2

Cable Press downs - w/rope 160x10x2, w/45 degree bar 160x10x2, w/straight bar 160x10x2
Thanks T-man...chest strength is lagging even though I have decent size. I was in a car accident 19 years ago and my head snapped down when I hit the streering wheel. I broke my pelvic bone, couple of ribs and my right clavical. They didn't find any neurological damage but the tip of my pointer finger on my right hand and the area about my right knee is numb (great for quad shots!) I wonder if I have some underlying damage that is preventing me from pushing the weight. I know someone will tell me to go to the doctors but other then increasing my bench, I have no problems. Legs have come along nicely and my back is developing as well.
dang. through all that you still lifting. that is great. hopefully the bench comes along for you. your doing great all said and the bench still aint too shabby.
Appreciate the words Tman. I'll just keep plugging. I've come a long way in 4 years.