? fina and deca in same

Just my thought.....The younger you are the less Deca seems to bother........Deca dick can be troublesome..........I would run Arimidex along side or Nolvadex which i do at a lower dose.......

You can judge a bit depending on how Deca effected you before.....

"straight mutha fuckin ballin"
Fina=progestin sides
Deca=Progestin Sides
Fina+Deca = Progestin Problems! (In theory anyway.....never tried it)
DRveejay11 said:
Fina=progestin sides
Deca=Progestin Sides
Fina+Deca = Progestin Problems! (In theory anyway.....never tried it)

Exactly......i missed it...That is the problem with the popularity of Deca.... gyno related problems from progesterone.........Same goes for Anadrol...............Based on this i would be leary and especially since Fina has the progesterone problem.........
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DRveejay11 said:
Fina=progestin sides
Deca=Progestin Sides
Fina+Deca = Progestin Problems! (In theory anyway.....never tried it)

i agree it could be a problem.

just a check to see if someone else had done it as a cycle
i have a buddy who has used deca and anadrol, not deca and fina. he has no gyno. everybody responds differently, but make sure you have anti-e's handy
Ill be on TrenEnanthate and Deca soon enough. Ill be on .5mg E3D Dostinex though. I think the idea of both is a great idea!
my last cycle i didnt 600mgs of deca and 50mgs of test enath. and i had no problems with gyno. never ran the 2 together so i wouldnt really know
A buddy of mine had projestin problems with the 2. Use some Bromocriptine with them. I think eq would be a better replacement for the deca.
grafix-gnc said:
Billy, Dostinex = anastrozole? :confused: ive never seen that before

Heres a little SAT humor for you:

Aromasin is to Arimidex as Dostinex is to Bromocriptine.

See what Im saying? Its an anti-prolactin, but it blows bromo out of the water. Ive seen nothing but good things about it, plus it greatly increases libido.
Ha..you tried to edit your post! Ha busted...hey everyone Graffix though dostines was anastrozole! babhaajaj

J/k man :)

i like little boys
(god i love my powers, :) )
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lol, i just realized what i said, i was like, wait, he wasnt trying to type a-dex. at first i figured you didnt know how to type, lol. no go welcome me at bb4life damnit, i joined :)
I remember reading about dostinex. Isn't it a shitload more expensive than bromo? Wouldn't it be more cost effective to take a higher dose of bromo? Mabey I am wrong. I don't remember too much on dostinex.