Finally got all my homebrew recipes down to a science!


Competing Bodybuilder
After researching for what felt like forever, to soak in as much knowledge as I possibly could, I gave it a go. At first, things didn't go as simply as I'd planned, and I got aggrivated at certain things about the whole process. It took me three months of experimenting, trials, and tweeking my techniques before I was finally 100% satisfied with every type of brew I was trying to do. With the help of the boards, and all the chem classes I took back in college, I made it through it. I absolutely love everything I've made in the past few weeks and the results I'm getting out of everything is out of this world!!! Just wanted to thank everyone who helped me become so successful at homebrewing. Want to post some pics of a few samples of the 3 different products I've made and am so happy with.
None of these were made by just ordering the powder. I made all 3 of these products by conversions. You've got to really really do your homework, be good at math & science, and be very patient. But in the end, it can be done successfully. I'm so happy with the way mine is now coming out, and I even love the fact more that I know what I'm taking, can take more and spend less money, and am now growing like a weed. This really helped with the plateau i had reached. I hope the rest of you are having this much luck with your experiments. Happy Brewing!!
None of these were made by just ordering the powder. I made all 3 of these products by conversions. You've got to really really do your homework, be good at math & science, and be very patient. But in the end, it can be done successfully. I'm so happy with the way mine is now coming out, and I even love the fact more that I know what I'm taking, can take more and spend less money, and am now growing like a weed. This really helped with the plateau i had reached. I hope the rest of you are having this much luck with your experiments. Happy Brewing!!

Good job man. I've never seen test susp before, I had no idea it was white. You planning on posting the recipes?
Ya, they look like they turned out really good. I'm the same as tnar and never seen test susp before and was surprised at how white it was...

Good job man!!
The reason you're growing like a weed now is because you are getting the REAL dosage of the products you're using now instead of that UNDERDOSED SHIT GARBAGE of these UGL's we alllll have bought from.
Taking 500mg a week of Test E from MOST of these UGL's was the equivalent of taking 300mg a week of your homebrew or even less in some cases.
So now with you taking 500mg a week of your own brew it would have been like taking 800mg a week of these UGL's.

UNDERDOSING is a greedy PLAGUE!!!!
Looks really good man goodjob!!!!!!!! very nice suspension, like winstrol... looks awesome
ZEEK I pin suspension with slin or 25 5/8.

T suspension is white because it's water based.

I have made tren multiple times with conversions but honestly I don't like it for test. The problem is it's very difficult to ensure you have removed all the estro. Many people feel good up for or seem to be growing fast because they are pinning a combination of test and estro. IMO test p powder is so cheap it's crazy to do conversions and risk some of these issues. But don't be 100% you are getting accurate doses from pellets either as some companies have been found to be a little short on hormone from what I've heard. I've never experienced any to be short personally.

Crystalizing tren works very well but the other way is a little easier and effective.

Now I must say your vials look nice and I would be proud as well. It feels good to get things figured out and have a finished product. Just like the first time I looked at a liter of finished oil. Lol. That was a happy day.

Congrats but be very very very careful on conversions with test. You really don't want the extra estro.
very Impressive especialy because you did it without simply ordering powder, ive done different powders and tren from pellets studied on the prop from pellets . you must be an intellegent and patient man for what you"ve accomplished. well done liftin500 !
Ya, they look like they turned out really good. I'm the same as tnar and never seen test susp before and was surprised at how white it was...

Good job man!!

All recipes for it might not be this white, idk. I looked at tons before I decided on one for sure. I went with the one "spydie" had posted years ago. It was 75mg/ml instead of 100, but doesn't really even really seperate at all. He was saying it took him about 2 years of experimenting to figure out this recipe and he absolutely loved it. Was supposed to be completely pain free, and it basically really is from my usage. If I take what would equal 100mg or around 1 1/3ml, I have some slight discomfort about 5 seconds after taking that sometimes might last 4 to 5 hours tops. But it's completely bareable and tonight even did legs and had no trouble with the pain at all. Nothing like taking some high high mg stuff I've taken in the past lol. I'm really really loving it though! 1st time trying it before and all I can say is WOW!
The underdosing was the main reason I did it. I just got fn sick of it. I started by trying probably 20 diff. labs. Some were a tad better than others, but in my book they all still didn't feel like they should. Up until 3-4 years ago, I had made some good connections, domestic & a few internat., mostly internat. just for some of my orals b/c i preferred for example: pink thai's and russian naps that were 5-10mg over domestic homeade caps that were 30-50mgs or alot even started only having sublingual drops. Apparently tho in my time away, shit hit the fan. When I started back shit was nothing like it used to be. I tried ordering from several diff. sources but wasn't happy. I can't speak for any sources backed by this board tho as far as quality of their stuff. Tried Z one time, but I only ordered strictly from the human grade list. Wanted to try some organon again especially! But everytime I sent $ he would say his reciever was blocked by w/u and i'd have to go retrieve & resend. Went thru this about 5 times and said to hell w/it. He offered to knock w/u fee off order once or twice, which was very fair, but I just kinda thought 5 or so times in 2-3 wks was a lil ridiculous and finally just ate the $75-100 in fees i had sent.
Hadn't been able to get online for a lil while where I could stay on for at least an hr or 2 but was gonna try & answer the questions on this thread just from my experience. I'm not expert by any means yet tho lol.
But so far I've only used 1" 25guage pinz for the suspension. I draw it with the same thing, except w/ it i'll usually keep a sterile tip I only use for drawing and use it a couple of times and put my new tip back on my syringe after drawing. I just prefer not to dull it at all. With me a 25 goes in great if it hasn't been thru anything before. Some of my buddies draw with same tip and then inject but I like the other way much better. I've read about using slin pins and that this susp. recipe worked great w/ them everytime and no clogging at the end of my vial but I haven't tried it yet. My only worry/question about that was whether a .5" tip is enough to get into the muscle. I know it'd prob. be plenty for me in my delts & quads but i'm 100% positive it wouldn't be near enough in my glute. I've had issues w/ oil based stuff there b4 & had to switch from 1" to 1.5". It was causing knots and lumps in my glute that would take a week plus to go away & i wasn't getting them anywhere else at all so I bumped it up a half inch & the problem went away. Can anyone verify the .5" 29 or 30 guage slin pin is ok?? Or are ppl talking about just ordering the 1" 30 guage tips that u can put on a 3ml syringe. They are so damn expensive compared to other sizes though. More than double! I'm curious about this myself though.
Yeah it doesn't bother me to share the recipes/formulas I used though. Besides the suspension recipe though I just used what everyone else who homebrews uses. Same %'s that are on the bkiller calc. From my experiences it all came down to filtering. That was a huge deal and what I had to experiment w/ the most. I hated every screw on syringe filter I tried. The only 1 i didn't try was the anotop. I started using the whatman autovials & could run 50ml of room temp oil thru them in 30 mins & if warm it would only take me 5 mins maybe. They only hold 12mls max but from my experience once the oil was in the syringe it cooled so rapidly I wouldn't put over 20 in at a time anyways. I use either the nylon or glass microfiber filters and normally run thru the .45 1st then use the .22 2nd. After this I've never had it be anything but perfectly super clear. I literally tried every brand too of syr. filters too. Whatmans, Millipore, nalgene, and some diff. off brands i found on ebay. Hated them all. I was wanting to switch to the bottletop type/filter units w/ a vacuum pump but instead just went ahead & bought 50+ autovials. They work so great at the moment I didn't want to risk it b/c i had read of so many ppl having their filter units crack b/c of either bb or eo.
ZEEK I pin suspension with slin or 25 5/8.

T suspension is white because it's water based.

I have made tren multiple times with conversions but honestly I don't like it for test. The problem is it's very difficult to ensure you have removed all the estro. Many people feel good up for or seem to be growing fast because they are pinning a combination of test and estro. IMO test p powder is so cheap it's crazy to do conversions and risk some of these issues. But don't be 100% you are getting accurate doses from pellets either as some companies have been found to be a little short on hormone from what I've heard. I've never experienced any to be short personally.

Crystalizing tren works very well but the other way is a little easier and effective.

Now I must say your vials look nice and I would be proud as well. It feels good to get things figured out and have a finished product. Just like the first time I looked at a liter of finished oil. Lol. That was a happy day.

Congrats but be very very very careful on conversions with test. You really don't want the extra estro.

I was worried about the estro myself. But I've never done any cycle that would compare to this. By far at least 75% water than i've ever experienced. No adverse symptoms so far and at 1st I was worried b/c I wasn't just throwing on the weight. I always just pack it on w/ cyp or enanth. I've only gained 12-15 lbs in 9-10 wks but my God, it looks like i've gained 50! Veins that never showed popping out every freakin where, abs showing like crazy, and having a high bf% thru most of my younger yrs i carried fat always in my lower chest. It's just vanished completely and my chest finally looks the way i've wanted it to my whole life. Not as big as an olympian but so ripped and with so little fat that i had veins come out even below the nipple area lol. Never ever before or even close! But that kinda reassured me i'm getting basically all the estro out unless it's b/c i'm running a high amt. of tren w/ it too. I know tren will use estro and feed of it some but I'm not 100% sure on that.
It helped me quite abit majoring in chem. in college, but I could've done it w/o it. Just have to invest alot of time in it, maybe even a some wasted money but it definately pays off.

For that suspension I just started out small and only converted 1.5 carts or 15 doses 1st time & yielded 2.5 grams test base in end.
-Took my powder & added 3.3ml BB to it & 1.00ml PS80.
-Took that barely wet powder solution, and heated it for what took about 10-15 mins. At about 10 the powder started melting and I had a completely liquid solution.
-I had previously made basically something close to how you make bact. H20, but instead I used approx. 26.165ml water with .66ml of BA in this and set it aside.
-Then took my powder,BB,PS80 solution and slowly added it drop by drop to the water 1ml at a time. After each ml i would shake like crazy. *Said this was super important*
-My final total solution for 2.5 grams at 75mg/ml was b/w 33-35mls once combined.
-I just waited til I had my milky solution to filter. Kept it somewhat kinda warm not too hot while filtering, but still even when the stuff gets to room temp it still wont really seperate at all. In mine after setting for a week a might just have a few granules sticking to the side of the vial which I shake and they dissolve.
-But that's all I did and it was my 1st time ever making suspension. I had converted synovex into prop around 5-6 times with success before though. So that helped.
I love it though & recommend trying it.
The formulas:
PS80 3%*****
BB 10%
BA 2%
-His recipe was for 20mls so I had to do my own figuring but w/ these 3 %s it was fairly easy. I just divided the 2.5 grams/2500milligrams by 75mg/ml to determine how many mls I was going for. Then multiplied all my %s in decimal form by your totals mls. In my case it orig. was 33mls. After doing that I came up w/ the 3.3 of BB, .66 BA, & 1ml of PS80. Then took those 3 #s added them together with my powder displacement total and took this total and subtracted it from my total 33mls. This let me determine how much distilled H20 I needed to use.
-Hope this helps u all and you try this formula for yourself. I love it and was scared to death of the painful ass shots everyone speaks of but have not even been able to feel the previous days shot yet. Alot of heavier days in the gym I will take twice a day. :shoot:
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Your clothes look very good, but the Tren A would normally be golden brown. Are you sure you have the one you do not ripped from the raw material?

How would you proceed in 1000ml Testo Suspension? Is not easy because everything settles down, so you have to be very fast at the filter and always wear the stirrer.
BS bio, chem minor, MS med lab science; ex pharma chemist; mix, mix, mix, sterilize; cops all doing stuff; not fair

Lifting 27 years natural; body in pain; had all my kids; no trust

Someone once told me "Trust is proof over time"; tired of BS; nuff' said

BS bio, chem minor, MS med lab science; ex pharma chemist; mix, mix, mix, sterilize; cops all doing stuff; not fair

Lifting 27 years natural; body in pain; had all my kids; no trust

Someone once told me "Trust is proof over time"; tired of BS; nuff' said


WTF??? Does this make sense to anyone else??? ^^^^^^^^^^^^