First cycle 500mgs Test E with Dbol (Before pics)

maybe i came off a bit harsh. My bad. I just think that you're wasting your time lifting such light weights. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that im pretty sure (close to 100%) that you can hammer curl more than 8kgs. My point being. why dont you? i do admit you are strong for your size. i have 20kgs on you and im not lifting much heavier.

Thanks. Of course I can, but not after I've done other exercises involving my biceps. I am going to failure with 8kgs by 12 reps and I squeeze the last few reps and do super slow negatives. It gives me an insane burn. I've tried heavier weights but I just end up swinging and getting an incomplete range of motion. To give an example, I can do 60 pushups in one go fresh, but after a chest workout I can't even do one.
Tuesday legs

Had a sore lower back

Stiff legged deadlifts
20kg x10
40kg x10
60kg x10
80kg x12, 3 sets
60kg x12, 2 sets

Front squats
80kg x12, 3 sets

Standing hamstring curls
x12, 4 sets

Leg extensions superset with lunges
x15, x30, 3 sets

78.5kgs today

Quads were so pumped. Lower back was killing me though, it's from the heavy deadlifts and squats last week. Not gonna do any heavy stuff this week then go heavy next week.
Thursday shoulders

Shoulder press Barbell
20kg x10
40kg x10
60kg x6
50kg x8, 6
40kg x6, 8

Arnold press
25kg x3
20kg x7, 8, 7

Lateral raise superset with front raises
8kg x10, 5kg x6, 3 sets

Close grip bench
50kg x12, 12, 9, 8

Cable lateral raises
x10, 3 sets

DB overhead extension
20kg x12, 10, 8

Abs 5 mins

Jogging 10 mins

78.65kgs today

Rotator cuffs still bugging me on shoulder exercises.
Friday back

60kg x10
100kg x8
140kg x8 (start wearing belt)
160kg x5
140kg x6
140kg x6

BW x8, 5, 3, 4

DB row
25kg x10, 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
x12, 4 sets

Straight arm pulldown superset with one arm cable row
x12, x12, 3 sets

EZ bar curls
27kg x12, 10
22kg x12,10
17kg x12

Hammer curls
12.5kg x10, 8
10kg x10, 8

Abs 10 mins

Rear delt flyes
10kg x12, 2 sets

78.4kgs today.

I ran out of Dbol after 22 days on Tuesday. Now I'm weaker than I was last week. Still stronger than before the cycle though. Today, 160kg deadlifts were slow and heavy whereas last week, I blasted them off the floor. It's the start of summer here now and I'm starting to get hayfever, my nose is blocked half the time and I'm sneezing a lot. I need to get some anti histamines.
Monday chest

Incline DB press
15kg x10
20kg x10
25kg x10
30kg x8
35kg x6, 4

Right shoulder was painful as, felt like the tendon was ripping each time I lowered my right arm. I ended up having my palms facing together as that lessened the pain. Didn't go hard on this one.

Flat BB bench press
60kg x12
80kg x8, 5, 4

Not as much shoulder pain on the flat press, anything over a 45* angle makes my shoulders sore.

Machine chest press
x10, 4 sets

20kg x10, 3 sets

Incline DB flyes
15kg x12, 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns
x15, 12, 12 Dropset x10, x8, x10

Cable crossovers
x10, 10, 10 dropset x10, 10, 10

Rotator cuffs
External rotations, 2 exercises, 2 sets each

Preacher curls
27kg x10, 8
22kg x10, 8
17kg x10

Hammer curls
8kg x12, 3 sets

10 minutes jogging


Good pumps even though I couldn't go hard on some exercises. I was a bit lazy with my calorie intake on the weekend. All my tshirts are pretty tight now.
i remember the days of being 19 and thinking i needed to start jucing. finally got my hands on some dbol and took it all by itself. i didnt understand what it does to your testosterone/estrogen etc...all i knew was i had "steroids" finally lol. im guessing i only made good gains on it because i had a high natural test @ 19. it also caused a serious injury during both cycles i be careful lifting heavy.

i think i had about a 40lb bench increase in just a few weeks then one day tore my pec bad and couldnt lift for weeks

next cycle i took it easy on chest, but my deadlift was skyrocketing so i kept going heavier and heavier until one day...yep. destroyed my back, had to miss work for a while and was doped up on muscle relaxers/pain meds for quite a while. even went into a little depression.

good luck and be safe!
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Thanks Ape. Yeah, definitely don't want to injure myself. I've already done my back by squatting heavy, doing nearly 3 times bodyweight squats and heavy deadlifts every week without deloads. Back is nearly fully recovered and I train a bit smarter now. If I feel like my back is fatigued, I won't go heavy.

I have had minor shoulder niggles for a while now but it seems like it's getting worse. I have started doing rotator cuff exercises to strengthen the ligaments so I'll try to take it easy.
Tuesday legs

20kg x10
60kg x10
100kg x8
120kg x8 (belt)
140kg x5 (belt)
160kg x3 (belt)
180kg x3 (belt and knee wraps)
200kg x3 (belt and knee wraps) PB
100kg x21 (belt)

The guy spotting me touched me on the first rep of the 200 squats but not much help, the second and third, he helped me a bit.

Stiff legged deadlift
60kg x12
80kg x12, 2 sets

10kg x15

Standing leg curls
30 x12

Leg extensions superset with BW lunges
Full stack x15, x24
Full stack x12, x24
Full stack x10, x24
Full stack x10, 3 quarter stack x6, half stack x5, lunges x48

Lying leg curls
x12, 3 sets

Standing calf raises
x12, 4 sets

78.9kgs bodyweight today

Lower back was getting pretty tight on the hamstring exercises which is why I didn't do a lot of sets on them. Had a mean workout though. I ended up burning my hammies up with the leg curls at the end which didn't put any strain on my lower back. Only 1.1kgs more to gain until I hit 80kgs, I set my goal at the start of the year to hit 80kgs bodyweight so I'm gonna eat heaps, I don't care what it is. I'm gonna make that scale read 80 +
Thursday shoulders

DB shoulder press seated
10kg x12
15kg x10
20kg x8
25kg x8
30kg x8, 7, 5, 4
25kg x7, 5, 5
20kg x8, 8

First time going heavy on DB shoulder presses, warmed up quite thoroughly and shoulders were algood. I tried to do 35s but couldn't get them up onto shoulders lol. Hands were coming down to ear height.

Arnold press
15kg x12, 12, 1

Left rotator cuff carked it and so I stopped. Just did some cable rotator cuff exercises to finish off then some tri pushdowns and abs.

Tried to do 10 minutes cardio but hips and legs were still sore as f*ck from Tuesday's leg session so hopped off after three minutes lmao.

79.7kgs today. Only 300 more grams to gain until I'm 80kgs! Fuaaarrrrrkkkkk, I'll be on the moon when that scale reads 80+
Friday back today

BW x12, 5, 3

DB rows
30kg x10, 10, 8

60kg x12
80kg x12, 3 sets

Lat pulldowns
x8, 3 sets

Cable rows
x10, 3 sets

Lying hamstring curls
x12, 5 sets

Straight arm pulldowns superset with one arm cable rows
x12, x12, 3 sets

EZ bar curls
27kg x12, 10
22kg x12, 10
17kg x10

Rear Flyes
5kg x12, 3 sets

78.9kgs today. Went down I think because I went in today before I had lunch. Usually I go in after lunch so I'd usually have about a kg more of food in me lol.
Looks like I may have to take a two week break from lifting over the Christmas/New Year period. My gym is closed Mon/Tues/Wednesday and open on the other days only until 11am. And I have to work everyday. Fuuuuuuuuuu. Gonna inject right quad now and take progress pics after I get back from work.
Just woke up from a 3 hour nap lol. I've leaned out a lot in this last week, lost a lot of water since going off the Dbol. Face looks leaner, abs are more defined and getting the striations back in my quads. I peaked at 79.7kgs on Thursday but lost it all the next day. Don't know what happened there.

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either you have the fastest metabolism ive ever seen, or youre counting wrong. only 73kg while eating nearly 6k calories a day?

or youre very very active, that could explain it as well. you an athlete OP?

my metabolism is also like this i could sit on the couch and lose pounds. It really sucks when im trying to bulk i eat like a horse
Monday chest

Flat DB bench press
12.5kgs x12
20kg x10
25kg x10
30kg x10
35kg x12, 10, 6
30kg x10, 8
25kg x12

Cable tricep extension
x15, 4 sets

Dunno bodyweight, there was no scale. Gyms were closed so just went to a rugby club weights room.
I hear ya with being able to sit around and loose weight that easy. I got strep throat and didnt eat for one weekend and dropped 10 lbs. But in all honesty you do look like your coming alone nice but i would agree with others you should definitely go for heavier weights. Your body will get use to doing more sets of heavy weights. It will make a world of difference when you do. I do also think there is a place for light weights but thats if your gonna do a set of like 20 reps to get a real good burn.
Have to say I am a little lost with your program man.

You are eating enough calories to sink a ship, you are taking enough gear for a rook with even mild training your gains should be good, but I still think your training is off, your training program is something I expect to see from an endurance runner!!


DB Bench Press -
12.5 x 12
20 x 10
25 x 10
30 x 10
35 x 12,10,6
30 x 10, 8
25 x 12

That's insane to me, your max lift here is 35 kg yet you have done 30 warm up reps and still cruise through 2 sets before it gets hard and you manage the 6.
This means you have done 64 reps before you get to a set that is hard on you? By the time you get to that set of 35 x 6 you are already depleted, with this style of
training you will find you will not be pilling on strength.

I make it a goal to increase weight every time I train, if I hit 100kg bench for 6 then the next time I train chest I am for 105kg for 6, if I can manage 100 kg for 10 then clearly
that weight was not enough, your program seems to be one of going all over the place?

Perhaps think about it...

Your warmp up of 12.5 x 12 is a waste of energy, you just wasted energy stores here, start with a weight you can manage 20 reps with, if you can get 25 then it was to light, after that up the weight so you can only
manage 12 to 15 reps, then on the 3rd set you should be at max, 6 to 10 reps, if your below 6 its to heavy, if you can get the 10 without real failure then up the weight.

I do my chest like this...

Bench Press -
70 x 20
90 x 10 - 12
100 x 6 - 8
90 x 8 - 10

Then I go to Incline and there is no need to warmp up and do heaps of sets, straight to heaviest weight then drop sets for 2 more sets, I then go to Db Bench heaviest weight and drop sets for 2
then into Flies, again heaviest weight and then 2 drop sets.

The key is, get the warm up done with just 2 sets, then go max weight and then drop sets for 2, but once you move to other exercises the chest is already as warmed up as it needs to be, you do not need to be doing a million warm up sets.
Thanks for the advices. The reason I did so many warmup sets was that my shoulders have been playing up lately. I wanted to get them really warmed up so there was no risk of injuring myself. I'm not going all over the place. If my back isn't sore, I'll go heavy but if it's niggling, I'll go light and won't go to failure on the big lifts which is why one week I'll be squatting 180kgs, then the next only 100kgs. I mean I have logged 180kg squats for 8 reps, 200kg squats for 3 reps, 180kg deadlifts for 5 reps and 100kg bench press for 5 reps so dunno how much heavier you want me to go? As I said, I go heavy on the 4 main lifts with powerlifting form: squat, bench, deadlift and shoulder press. With the accessory exercises it's all about the burn and contraction for me.

I have gained 7kgs in 6 weeks and gotten leaner so dunno if I could've made any better gains so far?

Thanks again anyway. Keep the advice coming.
If your doing dumbbell chest press's correctly there should be no shoulder issues. Keep the elbows more tucked in if your shoulders aren't feeling up to the task. I'm looking forward to reading the progress on your log. What exactly are you trying to get out of this cycle though. No disrespect meant, but your training method/rep range just seems like its all over the place. You shooting for strength routine? Size Routine?