1. your too young for steroids
2. you arent training right if you look like that
3. Binge Drinking on a D-bol / test e cycle? Thats just plain retarted
Your legs look good, i will give you that, but im surprised there that big with the small amount of weight you are lifting. I dont see much results from your cycle.
LOL!!!! OK I shall respond.
1. You're*. That is a matter of opinion and I am well aware that most forums have the opinion that anyone under 21, and on some forums, 25 years old should not mess with AAS. However, I have researched as much as I can and I do accept the risks.
2. Again, a matter of opinion. I have posted pics so people can make up their own minds. All I'll say is that I may not look like a true bodybuilder yet but IMO, I do look like I lift. As for training right or wrong, you may not like the way I train and I may not like the way you train. We all have our own training methods and style that we have found works for us. Look at Jason Huh, nothing but quarter reps all day. Look at Jay Cutler, pussy ass weights compared to the size he is. Does that mean they are shit bodybuilders? No, it's what works for them. I do welcome critique but don't bag my training just because you don't agree with it.
3. Yes, one should never drink while on cycle and I most definitely shouldn't have drunk. I wouldn't call it binge drinking though. It was Christmas and New Year's Eve for Christ's sake! What sad kunt is gonna be sober then? The last two weeks were the first time I have been drunk in my 19 years alive and before then, I stayed sober at parties. I'm not drinking again for a long time.
Thank you. My legs are the by far the most advanced body part of my physique. I don't know what prompted you to say that "you're surprised that they're that big with the small amount of weight that I'm lifting". I'm sorry but in my two years of training in my city with a population of 70,000, I have not seen anybody squat below parallel anything over 180kgs for more than 3 reps, not even big guys. In July 2011, I squatted 140kgs in a powerlifting comp weighing 65kgs after 6 months of training. In March 2012, I squatted 170kgs in a raw powerlifting comp weighing 70kgs. In April 2012, I squatted 205kgs (451lbs) in a Titan Superior suit which is the entry level suit weighing 70.7kgs (almost 3 times bodyweight) at an IPF powerlifting competition. To compare, the second place only squatted 150kgs weighing 73kgs. Just a few weeks ago, I squatted 180kgs for 8 reps with knee wraps weighing 76kgs, then 200kgs for 3 reps. If that's not heavy enough for you, I sincerely apologise.
Going so hard and heavy has resulted in back problems which is why I'm trying to train smarter now and going lighter when I don't feel right. I have gotten great results so far, 6 weeks in and gained 7 or 8kgs of all muscle as I'm just as lean as when starting. The gains keep coming and at this rate, I forecast ending the ten week cycle at 85kgs bodyweight or so with minimal fat gain, which would mean a cycle gain of 12kgs, or nearly 30 pounds. I don't think a lot of people would call a cycle resulting in 30 clean pounds "not much results". Of course I will lose some during post cycle therapy (pct) but we'll see how that goes.
Thanks for your interest in my log.