First cycle 500mgs Test E with Dbol (Before pics)

My goal for this cycle is to get maximum hypertrophy. Strength gains are not a priority. I was originally intending to keep the rep range between 6-10 for compound lifts and 10-15 for isolations. But the other forum Im at ran a 5 rep max comp so I had a go at that. Looking back through my log it does seem quite erratic. Im a bit of an instinctive trainer though, if I feel strong, Ill keep adding plates. I will try to have a bit more structure though
Thursday shoulders

DB shoulder press seated
12.5kg x10
20kg x10
25kgs x8
30kg x4
25kg x6, 6
20kg x10

Cable tricep extension
x20, 15, 12, 12

Cable lateral raises
x12, 3 sets

79.00kgs bodyweight

Gym closed at 11am and I managed to finish work by 10:30am so got a workout in within 20 minutes. Had a good pump
Oh and I forgot to mention, for my chest train on Monday at the rugby club. 35kg dumbbells were the heaviest they had!
Friday Back

BW x12, 5

Cable rows
x10, 3 sets

Lat pulldown
x12, 3 sets

EZ bar curl
27kg x12,
22kg x12
17kg x12

Rear delt flyes
5kg x12, 3 sets

DB shrugs
30kg x15, 12

78.9kgs today.Fell off the track last week with Christmas and work. Need to get back into it but thinking of going to the beach for New Year's. I probably shouldn't though because diet will be shit if I go.

Stiff legged deads
60kg x12
80kg x12, 10

Lying leg curls
x12, 10, 12

79.7kgs bodyweight today. Ate heaps yesterday

Just went in to do some hammies cos I skipped legs this week. I only had 15 minutes so that's all I could do.
TLG i must agree with the other guys. I know i flamed you earlier for doing 8kg bicep curls but i really think you could get "more" out of your course. Lets not be deceived here and both agree that the weight is from the gear and diet NOT your training.

You look good in your photo and i know you can lift heavy and i also have had reconstructive surgery on my right shoulder and dislocated my left multiple times so i get the soreness. I still lift 100kgs every single time i can. The way i see it, lifting so light actually wears out your shoulder endurance before you even get to the heavier weights. Well at least it does for me.

I am happy that you're getting gains. I just don't get it though.
Sunday Chest tris bis


Incline barbell bench press
20kg x20
40kg x12
60kg x10
80kg x8, 3
60kg x10

Flat DB bench press
25kg x8, 3 sets

Flat DB flyes
15kg x10, 3sets

Skullcrushers EZ bar
27kg x12, 10, 8

EZ bar curls
27kg x12, 10
22kg x10, 10

Cable flyes
x15, 12, 12

Cable tricep pushdown
x20, 15, 12

DB hammer curls
15kg x10, 3 sets

Abs 5 mins

79.05kgs today with no food in me.
6 weeks in progress pics, sorry about dark lighting. It's been cloudy and raining the last few Sundays so not enough light gets in through my window. I don't want to turn the lights on because then it creates downlighting which can skew the pictures.

Definitely gained some fat and water compared to last week.

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TLG i must agree with the other guys. I know i flamed you earlier for doing 8kg bicep curls but i really think you could get "more" out of your course. Lets not be deceived here and both agree that the weight is from the gear and diet NOT your training.

You look good in your photo and i know you can lift heavy and i also have had reconstructive surgery on my right shoulder and dislocated my left multiple times so i get the soreness. I still lift 100kgs every single time i can. The way i see it, lifting so light actually wears out your shoulder endurance before you even get to the heavier weights. Well at least it does for me.

I am happy that you're getting gains. I just don't get it though.

I am getting good gains at the moment so I think I'll continue with my current routine, although I will keep your guy's advice in mind when determining the weight/rep/sets for the day. Thanks again
I did aspirate and nothing came up so I injected. Dont really see the point of it though because once u start pushing the plunger the needles gonna move anyway and so u might move it into a vein or vice versa. Gonna aspirate anyway just to stay safe. And what is normal, the blood in the syringe?

Honestly, that isn't the case. I work as an EMT, and if i go IM, and draw back and dont get blood, my hand is steady enough to not jiggle and hit a vessel. Be careful, man. I don't think you want that shit hitting your heart directly. just my opinion... You def don't want blood in your syringe.

Honestly you look the same bro.


Possible ways of interpreting this post:

a) Directed at anabolicfrak implying that he doesn't look like he lifts either. Unlikely considering anabolicfrak has not posted any pics unless these two users know each other in real life.

b) Directed at me (TLG) implying that I don't even look like I lift.

c) Implying that by studying the progress pictures I have posted, there are no noticeable differences when comparing pictures taken at the start of the cycle or at the current point in time.

Most probably a combination of b) and c).

Honestly, that isn't the case. I work as an EMT, and if i go IM, and draw back and dont get blood, my hand is steady enough to not jiggle and hit a vessel. Be careful, man. I don't think you want that shit hitting your heart directly. just my opinion... You def don't want blood in your syringe.

I have pinned 13 times now, aspirating each and every time. Only once, when pinning my quad, did I draw blood when aspirating. I hold the plunger down as I withdraw the needle now. Once I didnt' hold the plunger down as I withdrew and some oil leaked out of the puncture hole.
Monday legs (mostly quads)

Back barbell squats
20kg x15
60kg x12
100kg x8
120kg x5 (add belt)
140kg x5
160kg x3

Was gonna add wraps and go heavy but lower back was starting to seize so stopped there.

Front squats
100kg x10, 8, 6

Lying hamstring curls
x12, 3 sets

Leg extensions
3 quarter stack x20
Full stack x12, 3 sets

Calf raises
x15, 12, 12

Seated calf raises
x10, 10

80.3kgs today. Quads were like jelly and hamstrings were burning like crazy. Fucking swole. To be fair, my gym was closed so I went to the other one in town. So the scales may be calibrated differently. Still it's the first time I've ever broken the 80kg barrier. Pumped!

I've also decided to go 6 times a week. I'll keep the current 4 day split, just keep going with no rest days apart from Saturday. So it'll go like this: Mon chest, Tues legs, Wed shoulders, Thurs back, Friday chest, Saturday rest, Sunday legs, Monday shoulders, Tuesday back and so on.
Wednesday Shoulders

DB shoulder press
15kg x10
20kg x10
25kg x8
30kg x8, 8, 6 (first set was all me, spotted last two sets)

Arnold press DB
25kg x8, 8 (spotted last 3 reps of second set)

Lateral cable raise
x12, 10

Front raise cable

Rotator cuffs x3 sets

Trained at rugby club, don't know bodyweight.

Got absolutely wasted for NY. I had the time of my life so algood. It was only the second time I got drunk. Not drinking again for a very long time.
1. your too young for steroids
2. you arent training right if you look like that
3. Binge Drinking on a D-bol / test e cycle? Thats just plain retarted

Your legs look good, i will give you that, but im surprised there that big with the small amount of weight you are lifting. I dont see much results from your cycle.
1. your too young for steroids
2. you arent training right if you look like that
3. Binge Drinking on a D-bol / test e cycle? Thats just plain retarted

Your legs look good, i will give you that, but im surprised there that big with the small amount of weight you are lifting. I dont see much results from your cycle.

LOL!!!! OK I shall respond.

1. You're*. That is a matter of opinion and I am well aware that most forums have the opinion that anyone under 21, and on some forums, 25 years old should not mess with AAS. However, I have researched as much as I can and I do accept the risks.

2. Again, a matter of opinion. I have posted pics so people can make up their own minds. All I'll say is that I may not look like a true bodybuilder yet but IMO, I do look like I lift. As for training right or wrong, you may not like the way I train and I may not like the way you train. We all have our own training methods and style that we have found works for us. Look at Jason Huh, nothing but quarter reps all day. Look at Jay Cutler, pussy ass weights compared to the size he is. Does that mean they are shit bodybuilders? No, it's what works for them. I do welcome critique but don't bag my training just because you don't agree with it.

3. Yes, one should never drink while on cycle and I most definitely shouldn't have drunk. I wouldn't call it binge drinking though. It was Christmas and New Year's Eve for Christ's sake! What sad kunt is gonna be sober then? The last two weeks were the first time I have been drunk in my 19 years alive and before then, I stayed sober at parties. I'm not drinking again for a long time.

Thank you. My legs are the by far the most advanced body part of my physique. I don't know what prompted you to say that "you're surprised that they're that big with the small amount of weight that I'm lifting". I'm sorry but in my two years of training in my city with a population of 70,000, I have not seen anybody squat below parallel anything over 180kgs for more than 3 reps, not even big guys. In July 2011, I squatted 140kgs in a powerlifting comp weighing 65kgs after 6 months of training. In March 2012, I squatted 170kgs in a raw powerlifting comp weighing 70kgs. In April 2012, I squatted 205kgs (451lbs) in a Titan Superior suit which is the entry level suit weighing 70.7kgs (almost 3 times bodyweight) at an IPF powerlifting competition. To compare, the second place only squatted 150kgs weighing 73kgs. Just a few weeks ago, I squatted 180kgs for 8 reps with knee wraps weighing 76kgs, then 200kgs for 3 reps. If that's not heavy enough for you, I sincerely apologise.

Going so hard and heavy has resulted in back problems which is why I'm trying to train smarter now and going lighter when I don't feel right. I have gotten great results so far, 6 weeks in and gained 7 or 8kgs of all muscle as I'm just as lean as when starting. The gains keep coming and at this rate, I forecast ending the ten week cycle at 85kgs bodyweight or so with minimal fat gain, which would mean a cycle gain of 12kgs, or nearly 30 pounds. I don't think a lot of people would call a cycle resulting in 30 clean pounds "not much results". Of course I will lose some during post cycle therapy (pct) but we'll see how that goes.

Thanks for your interest in my log. :)
Thursday back

60kg x10
100kg x8
140kg x8 (no belt)

BW x10, 5

DB rows
30kg x10, 10, 8

Rowing machine
500m in 1:47.7

Fooled around heaps at gym yesterday, thought it was a shit workout but my lats are actually pretty sore today.

I was going to go gym today and hit chest but I fell asleep so am gonna skip today. I would've had to pay a casual fee anyway as my gym doesn't go back to normal hours until Monday.
ur doing well, everything needs time !! Maybe they got some good points about your workout, but it doesnt mean u gotta do it if you dont want to. YOUR LIFE, YOUR BODY! keep going
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