first cycle ideas


New member
i ve been trainning for 4 years i did gain almost 20lb by using a clean diet and 35yo,11percent bf,175lb.
im planning my first cycle all i got is:
160pc of dianabol of 5mg
8amps of testovirone depot of 250mg
8 deca durabolin of 200mg
30caps of 50mg of clomid
and a pack of 30 caps of 20mg of nolvadex
anybody can help me to put my first cycle together so that it can be effective with not too much effect.thanks lot.
First, read a lot more. You shouldn't have to ask what your first cycle should be, you should have figured that out through your research.


Weeks 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate 500mg/wk
Weeks 2-12 HCG @ 250iu 2x week
Weeks 14-15 Nolva 40mg ED
Weeks 16-17 Nolva 20mg ED
outlawtas2 said:
First, read a lot more. You shouldn't have to ask what your first cycle should be, you should have figured that out through your research.


Weeks 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate 500mg/wk
Weeks 2-12 HCG @ 250iu 2x week
Weeks 14-15 Nolva 40mg ED
Weeks 16-17 Nolva 20mg ED

I think something like Test @ 300-350mg/week would be better for him.
He could easily get by without the HCG, and he shouldn't start post cycle therapy (pct) for 2 weeks after his last injection. You have him starting after only having taken week 13 off. I would also limit the cycle to 10 weeks.
StoneColdNTO said:
I think something like Test @ 300-350mg/week would be better for him.
He could easily get by without the HCG, and he shouldn't start post cycle therapy (pct) for 2 weeks after his last injection. You have him starting after only having taken week 13 off. I would also limit the cycle to 10 weeks.

is it test enath by it self is enough or i can add the decas and dianas that i got to get maybe better gains??thanks
msimo007 said:
is it test enath by it self is enough or i can add the decas and dianas that i got to get maybe better gains??thanks

Do yourself a favor and just use ONE steroid for your first cycle.
1st try to get double the amps you have of the Test. I think that you will do fine with out the Deca. (Use the deca next cycle and get a total of 24amps as to have 400mg's a wk for 12 wks.)
You should see the reaction to your body with the Test for first cycle. I think at your age 35, and it being your first cycle, that you will find the K.I.S.S. method (keep it simple and stupid) will be best for you. I think that you will have enought to worry about with diet, workout schedule and shot schedule. don't complicate things with adding extra shots to your cycle. Use the d-bol if you want as it is test and is great at the begining or a cycle. D-bol will add water and increase strength but also bloat you a bit so watch out for this and modify diet and supplement intake if needed. (D-bol 25 mg day for first 3-4 weeks)

I think that you will love a test only cycle. You will start to feel good, strong, and horney to start with, and then you will see some major physical transformation along with some good self gratification as you grow in toyoru cycle. If your serious about this and your workout and diet and sleep are good, then you will be pleased. Make sure to eat well and often, small meal every 3-4 hours with a protein shake tossed in there for a snack between every other meal + lots of water. ( 1 1/2 gallons water a day)

Read + study this site= enough info for your first cycle.

So get readin' and eatin' and set a date for the cycle to start and JUST DO IT!

Welcome to the dark side!
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