First cycle test c a couple ph for kicker

Felt a little something today!!

So something has kicked in. I started thinking man these weights feel lighter today when I was at my 225 on dead lifts, then as I went up I was amazed at how the weight was just flying up, no strain just straight up and slow back down. Ended up hitting a new 1RM then went on for a great session.

Hit BO Rows next normally after deads I am a bit whiped doing singles and sometimes will just call it a day, not today kept 225 on the bar hit 3 sets of 10 like they were nothing then moved to cable rows and was doing extra sqeezing at the top cause I liked it!

So all in all hit 5 different exercises for a total of 22 sets like a boss! Since I am just starting into week 3 and only had 1 of my 3 pins for this week I do not think the test has hit just started the havok Sunday no way it is kicking yet.

Must be the trenazone, maybe a partial from the test. When all this stuff is hitting at the same time holy shit it is going to be insane I think! Excited to say the least!
Good shit man, I will may giving a try to trenazone for my cycle sounds good and it`s not expensive at all. Follow you progress...
Yeaaa budddy, keep it up!!! Btw I've never heard of this Havok stuff your rocking, what exactly is it?? Whats its benefits?? Negatives??
It`s epistane bro, it is a Pro hormone as far as I know peolpe getting very good results on it, all I can tell..
Good shit man, I will may giving a try to trenazone for my cycle sounds good and it`s not expensive at all. Follow you progress...

Yeah I am starting to think it may be some good stuff, with this stack it is going to get fun!!

Yeaaa budddy, keep it up!!! Btw I've never heard of this Havok stuff your rocking, what exactly is it?? Whats its benefits?? Negatives??

It is a PH that has almost the exact same structure as Epistane. It is great for strength and lean mass. I have used it in my PH cycles and loved it everytime!! Lets see negatives um um sorry I cant think of any oh its an oral so you need sometype of liver protect supps.

BTW your smiley face tat is the shit!! haha....Looking great in those pics, your gonna get super sexy during this cycle!!

That was my first tat I was like I want something to remember this time in my life my friedns said you fucking smile all the time and most of the time you are fucked up. Then that smiley face came to mind LOL Yeah man I am hoping to be super sexy after this cycle LOL

It`s epistane bro, it is a Pro hormone as far as I know peolpe getting very good results on it, all I can tell..

Yep exactly good stuff from my experience!
Today was an off day hit up some HIIT cardio. Felt strong held some good speeds even on some serious inclines and pretty much killed it. Something is for sure kicked in I am feeling like a monster even during cardio. Watch out here I come! :Poke:
Holy pure awesomeness! Another 1RM PR today! Had a great session even after the PR pump was solid and was killing it.

I felt strong and aggressive while lifting. My PR was for OHP and it was rough but I just refused to quit nothing was going to stop that weight from locking out!

I don't know this being my 3rd week into the test that it is even in full effect which means it is going to get better and I just started the havok I ran this stuff by it self before and was impressed so I think think cycle is going to be off the chain!
Hey man real pumped reading your log!!!! trenazone??? can`t stop thinking how good it goes for you to give it a try...
Hey man real pumped reading your log!!!! trenazone??? can`t stop thinking how good it goes for you to give it a try...

Well I think the test is starting to kick in as well but the trenazone is in full effect. Thinking about raising it to 1 1/2ML per day until I run out!
Sorry about the question G, how do you apply the trenazone,behind the neck? or there is a diffrent way to apply it? Thnx
Sorry about the question G, how do you apply the trenazone,behind the neck? or there is a diffrent way to apply it? Thnx

No problems man, I have the new dropper system which is much easier than the old spray. I rotate spots every 3 days so far it seems best spots are front lower neck and upper chest, and quads. But I also use abs, and shoulders and chest. You just spread it lightly and let it dry takes about 8 minutes to dry then you are done.
Killed some legs today! After some heavy squats I hit some heavy as hell GM and leg ext til the burn was just too much! It was very painful and lots of fun! Put in my last pin for my 3rd week.

Going to take it semi easy next week and probably just go for a good pump and not worry about going real heavy since this week was my heavy week.
That is what I`m doing changing one week heavy one mid weight week more reps...keep the pump man!!!

Well currently I am getting ready for a meet so I use next week to recover from the heavy singles this week, then I will hit heavy 5 reps followed by heavy doubles. Then the next week heavy 3 reps followed by moderate singles, then the next go for all I have singles then a week off then the meet!

The week after the meet will be more BBing routine and then I gotta go on vacation which I will probably stick with BBing routine that week too.