First cycle test c a couple ph for kicker

Hit up some cardio this morning.

Decided to go to 2 pins a week instead of the 3 I have been doing see if there is any difference I can notice. So will be pinning sun and wed 200mg per pin.

Doing Arimidex .5mg EOD
Trenazone is now 1.5ML per day
Havok is sitting at 40mg per day

I am still going to attempt keeping the weights light this week but as the fire inside builds it is getting tougher. Will keep going for muscle connection and keeping it slow and contracting til it hurts!

Shoulders tomorrow ready to rock!
Shoulders were done today kept it light but really worked on explosive power and good long squeeze contractions! I feel powerful and it is like I get stronger with each set. Ready to see what I can do next week!
Legs today hit some light squats, GM, and leg ext. Done with the light stuff time to get nasty!

It was near impossible today not to throw on some pies and go nuts but I did it and I am ready to completely crush next week!!!
Fully ON now!

I was looking in the mirror and the guy in the mirror ask if I was on steroids, I was like well hell yeah I am you got a problem with it LOL
Ok all joking aside had a couple major sessions on Bench, and did them back to back.

The first one I did mostly singles worked up and tried to beat my max. Missed it twice but nailed my max on the way. Then this morning I hit triples up to 315 missed my 3rd rep. Oh and everything I have been doing has been with a competition paused rep including my triples. Hit 300 for an easy triple and would have got 315 but got cocky and held my pause for like 3 seconds on the last one and got stuck about 5 inches up..... Then did a few sets with chains.

Then I demolished my chest and triceps.
45 degree Incline DB Press
close handle press downs
Threw in 6 sets of abs and wow the pump was sick I am swoll up like crazy in the triceps.
My chest keeps trying to lock up.
:uzi: I think my cycle just fully kicked in!

Also up to 227.8 dry morning weight.
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Amazing workout bro just keep pumping the iron and keep up the details in here, great to read!!!

Thanks Bro! I wanted this to be more how I felt and all being my first cycle but what I am realizing what we feel on cycle speaks loudly through our work! More details from here on!
Back Day

Felt really tired when I woke up guess I was still rebuilding LOL Today was back so I decided to just kill that shit.

45x5, 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 405x3, 455x3, 475x3
Bent Over Row
Low pully V-handle Row
Alt DB Curl
Crunches 25x6
R. Crunches 25x6
Felt really tired when I woke up guess I was still rebuilding LOL Today was back so I decided to just kill that shit.

45x5, 135x5, 225x5, 315x3, 405x3, 455x3, 475x3
Bent Over Row
Low pully V-handle Row
Alt DB Curl
Crunches 25x6
R. Crunches 25x6

Nice workout, i`m looking to hit over 300lbs on my DL hope my lower back can handle it..Looking great bro
Nice workout, i`m looking to hit over 300lbs on my DL hope my lower back can handle it..Looking great bro

Man you got that shit. Just keep tight abs and lats, keep the arch in the back and pull with every bit of tension you can create and don't stop til you lock out!!
Man you got that shit. Just keep tight abs and lats, keep the arch in the back and pull with every bit of tension you can create and don't stop til you lock out!!

I will try next back day, I`ll let you know. Thnx for the push :Poke:

Hit some Cardio today
45 minutes

Feeling really good, strength is up, I feel like a kid energy just flows out of me like sweat off a fat man in 100 degree weather running a 5K LOL Really enjoying the cycle.

Now for the bad news today I was putting on my trenazone on my upper legs and somehow some got on my left nut. Holy freaking hell I mean this stuff kinda stings on your neck for a few minutes but when it touches the nut it is much more intense and last for what seems to be 25 minutes..... Will make sure that does not happen again LOL

Do u include alot of negatives in ur last set? Do u feel it has many positives towards muscle growth?

I use slow negatives for a lot of stuff and I feel that since it is the hardest part of some lifts that having your muscles under tension during that time will make them stronger. I think as far as mass goes partials and continuing to get strain helps. I more do it for strength and power the mass and looking good are just bonus!

On deadlifts going slow down will make you hella strong for that lift and help your squat. I see a lot of guys just let go at the top they are missing the best part of the lift, when you get to strain like a mother fucker smiling ear to ear cause you just locked out huge weight!
Thanks for the reply ! I my self like to do 1 warm up set and 3 sets from 6-8 reps but listin to ur advice I'll do 1 week regular and the Next for the followin week last set negative . Thank u for the advice. Keep posting :)