First Cycle - Testosterone Enanthate only!

You need ALOT more than 2,600cals bro. Glad things are going well for you! What size syringe are you using? ML and gauge?
just a quick question ur doing 25kg flies but only 30kg benchpress something doesn't add up there... not knocking you just curios.
It's Never a Bit Too Much!!!

You want to grow big, you have to eat big!

Especially with someone like you, I'm sure your body burns everything away immediately. Which means you can eat like an ox.

good job, keep the updates.
Miami is right eat like a horse even if you do put on a some excess bodyfat you shouldn't have a problem getting rid of it after cycle.

Good Luck!!
8th injection 125 mg enanthate + 25 mg propionate yesterday into right deltoid.. aspirated and drew blood, and this injection really hurts, site is still aching.
Having some serious problems with my diet, almost like I have no leptin at all, have added over 10 kgs over the last 3 months, and most of it fat. It's like I'm not able to eat ONE meal, everytime I eat, I just keep eating all the food in the house until I can't eat any more.. but anyways, who cares? I'll try to keep those of you finding this thread interesting/useful/entertaining updated.


Clasic mate this one made my day you pmsl lol when i read this one .....i no how you feel about the eating everythink in the house im like that lol ...

as siad dude just eat all the time and as much as you can..

good read up.. keep us updated..

So you think you got bad gear? Most people run 250-300mg of E......What's with the prop? lol the title of this thread is Enthanate ONLY!
Is there any reason your not running more E? I'm not understand why your stopping cycle early. Your just not getting results?