If I cant take it, then I wouldnt resell it to a friend. Most of my friends are overweight, beer drinking, BBQing, lazy dudes.
mmmmm.... bbq
If I cant take it, then I wouldnt resell it to a friend. Most of my friends are overweight, beer drinking, BBQing, lazy dudes.
3rd, 4th, 5th cycle from now? Can I get any good news?? lol
Save it for later then. You may be able to use it in the next couple of years. Store it in a dry, dark, climate controlled place away from kids. A safe deposit box is a good place. Or some place in your house that you can lock up.
As you have been reading here I am sure, you typically only want to add one new compound per cycle. Always with a test base. Then you can see how you react to it and be able to deal win side effects better since you will know what is causing it.
Yup.... only wanted to add one. Not trying to get all crazy again. With Test as a base.
So your next cycle will just be Test. The one after that we can talk about what to try next. Let's cross that bridge when we get there.
Sounds good..!!
So with just Test, will I still need the HCG and AI? Im assuming that I'll still need the AI, just not sure about the HCG.
One last question for the night....
Would these needles be okay to use?
1cc U-100 Insulin Syringe 25g x 1" PrecisionGlide Detachable Needle
I usually see people recommending the bigger gauge needles, but I cant find a 23 gauge needle thats only 1cc. Pinning 1/4 of a CC with my 3cc needles is a little tough with such a small amount.
Then I fucked up and mixed my water based HCG with my oil base Test, and that didnt turn out too well. So I had to toss that needle and later that day I read here, never to mix oil base with water base. Now I know why.
I like 25g 1" pins for AAS injections. That's what I use. I use 3ml though. If you can run Test E/C you would be injecting larger volumes twice a week. But I understand wanting to use what you have.
The problem with injecting IM with 1ml syringes is that it can create more pressure and increase tissue damage. So those would woek, but you will have to decide if it is a good choice for you.
Many guys do put oil based gear and water based hCG in the same syringe. They are sandwiched together -- not mixed. So you draw one and then draw the other. Try to clear the air bubbles and inject IM. I personally don't like this though as I find it hard to clear all the air bubbles. I prefer to inject each one separately.
So here's what I have sitting around now. How should I pair this stuff up for future cycles?
Test Blend 500 - 1 Vial
Test Blend 400 - 2 vials
Tren Acetate - 3 and 1/4 Vials
Tren Enanthate - 1 and 1/4 vials
Dianabol - 1 vial
Equipoise - 2 vials
Anadrol Oral - 70 Pills (50mg)
Winstrol Orals - 200 Pills (10mg)
Anavar Orals - 200 Pills (10mg)
Any safe recommendations would be appreciated. I plan to have my BF % down before taking any as well. I just really dont want any of these going to waste. Spent too much damn money on it all.
they won't go to waste if you save them bro lol. Sit on them for a few months plan you out a great cycle and then kill it man. Don't force yourself to use them if you can better utilize them later on. It'll give you some extra time to get in some cardio sessions like you'd like.
Found this one for you. You can inject both, dude says air bubbles and all lol I don't know about that necessarily. But, I would imagine so long as you're not in a vein it wouldn't mean death. 4th post down its said to draw one over the other first and why. Hope this helps a bit.
Cool. I checked out the link. I'll give it another try tomorrow. Gonna pull the Test in first, and see if I can get the HCG to sit on top without too many bubbles.
When I tried it a few days ago, there was just way too many bubbles in there for me to feel comfortable injecting. Must have flicked that thing 100 times trying to get the bubbles out. Somewhere during the process I mixed up needle tips too, and ended up pinning with my draw needle. Didnt feel too good with the dull tip.
Okay... So Im almost about there.
How do I take the Clomid and Nolvadex? I've looked around this site and lot, and everyone seems to take different dosages at different times. Not sure which one is best to follow.
I am going to let someone else help you with that. I am on TRT so I have never had to run PCT.