First timer-MK,GW,S4 stack


New member
This is my first time using sarms on my rats for research. This entire log is from the perspective of my rats, narrated by me. This is my first time running SARMs. I've never ran an AAS cycle. I ran a beastdrol (superdrol) cycle with bad side effects and quit two weeks into it. Basically gained nothing out of it but I was back to normal after the PCT. I plan on running a test e cycle in the future. After the bad beastdrol experience and being more knowledgeable...I'm not ready for ASS yet. Prohormones can suck it I'm not touchign those again. So i'm playing with sarms

I'm 24yo, 6'0", 200-205lbs, 12%bf
Bench: 355 Deadlift: 455 Squat 455

Monday: Chest and core
Tuesday: Back (deadlift)
Wednesday: Shoulders and core
Thursday: Legs (squat)
Friday: sometimes off (heavy core if on) Light leg and accessory lift day

Sat: off
Sun: off

^^Kind hate my schedule but it's working right now. Plus I don't have any other option


wk1-6 MK-2866 25mg/day
wk2-6 GW 5mg/day
wk2-6 S4
wk1-7 forma stanzol 5 pumps AM 5 pumps PM
wk1-7 DAA powder

**I haven't decided If I'm going to throw in S4 yet. It's still on backorder and the vision side effects turn me away bigtime.

I have a bottle of hcgenerate on hand just in case of shutdown. I'm not too worried about this since I have the DAA. I was more concerned about possible elevated E2 with mk.

I also take protein, creatine monohydrate, yohimbine, BCAAs, Waixy maze, fish oil, mult vit. I'm going to alternate between N2KTS and a new preworkout product called unleashed. --I'm taking half of this shit because I got it for free--not part of my normal regime.

Cardio 3x/week 30 mins plus other activities
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Day 1 --chest

Started the Mk at 25/mg, the forma, and the DAA.

I started using the unleashed first instead of N2KTS. Massive pump today, prob from the preworkout I'm not expecting anything from mk for a week for so. Nothing remarkable but I powered through all of my lifts, I'm going to get more detailed with the logs next week.

Since mk is supposedly good from strength gains I'll throw down one of my heavier exercises as a baseline for next week.

dumbbell bench press
160 x 12
160 x 12
200 x 10
250 x 10
250 x 8

All feedback and comments are appreciated. Hop in on this thread I'm excited about this shit
day 2- back

I was going to wait a few days to comment when I started noticing some differences but, yesterday was pretty solid. It was probably all in my head but I killed my workout. Maybe I should just take sugar pills lol. Seriously though, My whole body felt really solid and I was cranking out weight. Feeling a fullness in my whole body. I didn't weigh myself yesterday though. Also, I was at a different gym and their barbells SUCKED ass. This really affected my deadlift. I usually do all of my lifts raw but I'm gonna have to get straps if I go to that gym grip on the bars I couldn't hold the bar more than 3 reps at 315 before it started slipping. I compensated by doing sets of 2-3 right after one another and it seemed sufficient. Bent over barbell row at 225 with ease. Like I said I'll get more detailed with my workouts later on but I'll throw down a baseline on my heavier lifts.
225 x 12
225 x 10
315 x 8
315 x 6
365 x 4

bent barbell over row
225 x 12
225 x 12
225 x 10
225 x 10

wide grip pull ups were really easy yesterday I did 60-70 total sets of 10

Excited for today, legs
Day 3- legs

I was kind of dragging ass today at the start, not sure what the deal was but it didn't take long to get into it. Overall I'm just feeling more solid, nothing necessarily improving with strength yet. Only posting my heavier lifts again today:


135 x 12
225 x 12
225 x 12
315 x 8
315 x 8
365 x 6

Strait leg single leg, single arm dumbell dead lift ( I throw a lot of functional lifting into my workouts. Usually before the heavy compound power lifts--I don't do much for isolation or accessory lifting right now)

30 x 12 (one dumbell)
50 x 12
60 x 10
80 x 8
80 x 8

Also, this shit has a super chemical-like taste. (tastes kind of like the way acetone smells--and no I haven't drank acetone it reminds me). This is what my rats have told me--yes I communicate with rats. For some reason they looovvveee the taste, even if it is probably bad for them hahaha.

200lbs again today (I started at 200lbs day one also--no change).

Pics from the first week 200lbs and 12%bf here. Front pic is 100% relaxed and preworkout...first thing in the morning. Same thing for the side profile except slightly flexed on that one. I'm not used to having this much bf% but I've been bulking for a long time. I'll be doing a cut after this mk. The s4 will be nice if I decide to do it.

I also started doing more cardio again...and I quit drinking beer.
Also, this shit has a super chemical-like taste. (tastes kind of like the way acetone smells--and no I haven't drank acetone it reminds me). This is what my rats have told me--yes I communicate with rats. For some reason they looovvveee the taste, even if it is probably bad for them hahaha.

damn, I'm already dreading the taste when I start my Mk...liquid clomid and nolva have that similar tang to them
Pics from the first week 200lbs and 12%bf here. Front pic is 100% relaxed and preworkout...first thing in the morning. Same thing for the side profile except slightly flexed on that one. I'm not used to having this much bf% but I've been bulking for a long time. I'll be doing a cut after this mk. The s4 will be nice if I decide to do it.

I also started doing more cardio again...and I quit drinking beer.

Solid base and impressive lifts!
damn, I'm already dreading the taste when I start my Mk...liquid clomid and nolva have that similar tang to them

Solid base and impressive lifts!

Haven't tried a SERM yet so I can't compare...but this shit really doesn't bother me hahaha hopefully I don't get sick of it.

And thanks broha, I'll be ready to cut after this for sure. I'm noticing an increase in vascularity since I started. Veins were popping in my pecs and shoulders that weren't even there on chest day.
One week update --chest

I've had an unexpected turn of events that's trying to fuck up my game. My 24 hour membership was up may 20th. I thought I would be moved out of my place the 21st but I'm stuck in the city for another week. So, not having a gym yesterday tried to fuck up my chest day.

Fuck 24 hour fitness.

I figured I could sweet talk the manager lady I know into a week free or at least discounted. She was in a conference call for like 20 mins before I said F it and went to the guy manager. I explained to him that I can workout at a YMCA express for free, or I have a 2 week pass to gold's gym but I would prefer working out at 24. He said since I was such an active member with good payment standing, they would offer me a discount. 35$ for a week instead of $45 HAHAHAHAHA. I tried to haggle him for a minute then I laughed in his face and said I'll just go to gold's gym when he said he couldn't do anything about it because of corporate. I should have just fucking snuck in for a week like I did 2 weeks prior to signing up for my membership.

This really messed up my workout yesterday but I was still able to crank some shit out. I went to the Y at about 6:30, they close at 8pm. I wanted to do barbell bench because their dumbbells only go up to 100s. Since it's an express, they only have two benches (available for bench press) -- and some lil skinny fuckers wasted so much time I just busted out 100s on dumbell bench since they were about to close.

I tried to balance higher reps with the not so heavy weight to get sufficient work done to supplement not having heavier dumbbells. I have to say I feel like my strength increased this week because I really couldn't get tired doing dumbbell press (without pushing limits of too many reps).

Also, I always do low weight/high rep before a major lift. I've found for myself that warming up is absolutely essential to my health and strength. Having a pump and some blood flow makes me feel so much stronger and solid.

dumbbell bench
80x12 (I love the difference in a year of training/eating smart. 80s are NOTHING haha.

The rest of my workout was mostly accessory lifting because the tiny ass Y express was so fucking packed. Frustrating day yesterday lol sorry about the rant.

Rest of my workout was mostly push, I did some scapular stability work, dumbbell flys, work with triceps.

I can't say yesterday was a complete waste but I want to be on track especially while my rats are in my basement on MK, tryin to show me up.

I'll be going to gold's the rest of this week, moving on saturday, and I'll be back to a gym on monday.

My body fat is a little higher right now than normal. Normal is around 10% and sometimes less. Regardless of my BF% I'm just not a very vascular person. The big thing I've noticed in one week is increased vascularity. (I have veins everywhere but they just don't pop unless I'm really killing it or isolating a muscle group). The veins that normally show in my arms are def bulging way more but the cool thing is I'm getting some serious vascularity in my pecs, delts, and upper traps.
week 2 day 2--back

I killed the gym yesterday, although I think I just had the extra energy from not starting out with deadlift like normal. I'm still in a gym transition, I need to buy wrist straps because the barbells at this gym are complete shit. I can't keep a grip on heavy deadlift for more than 3 reps.

Bent over rows

225x8 These were very slow/controlled reps

Bent over rows reverse grip

I'm so much stronger on reverse grip rows with the extra lat and bicep activation.


I did close grip rows, wide grip pull ups, single arm DB rows and was pretty spent after that. I haven't done much accessory lifting lately but I was feelin it so I cranked out a few DB curls at the end--getting a great pump. Either it's in my head or this shit is working.

single arm dumbell rows were a joke, cranking out 100lbs DB was nothing. The workout was pretty strenuous at that point so I didn't want to overdue it by increasing. Keeping form was important also.

Thew up a few pics for the hell of it.

The pic with my arm at my side is completely relaxed, and preworkout. All of these pics are preworkout.

My abs are hiding in there!!

**That's the first back picture I've tried to take and it doesn't do me any justice. I need someone to take it for me.
S4 back in stock!

Looks like I'm gonna throw S4 into this stack after all, it's back in stock today.

Next week I'll start GW and S4 and run them both for 1 month

GW at 5mg/day in the morning 4 weeks
S4 at 50mg/day in the morning 4 weeks

I'm not going above 50mg/day on the S4, even if I don't get vision side effects at 50mg/day.

If I start to get vision sides I'll go 5 on and 2 off. If the sides continue after 5/2 then I'll quit taking it.
week 2 day 3- shoulders

Hammer Strength shoulder press


Standing dumbell press


^^only posting heavier lifts again

I worked out w/ a friend at gold's while I'm in this moving transition, I wasn't planning on this shit when I planned this stack but, I'm making it work and it hasn't been affecting my workouts or the intensity. I never use hammer strength machines either that was kind of fun. Noticing a definite fullness in my body and increased strength. Mostly I'm noticing the vascularity, it's pretty crazy so far.
Week 2

Sry for the lack of posting, this moving thing has fucked me all up w/ gym memberships and no internet connection but, my workouts have been great despite this. (I didn't deadlift in week 2 : ( though)

Last week: Legs thursday

Squats were really solid again, only difference I had two solid sets of 365 for 6 reps. Really feeling solid, no incredible strength gains.

Friday: Mostly did a lot of function core work since I did legs a day or 2 later than normal, needed to give them a rest rather than do some light work on them Friday.

My calves are def my genetic weakness, I was at a new gym and the lighting must have been different because it pissed me off, calves were looking smaller than usual haha. I fucking killed calves friday, it's monday and I still have that good hurt haha.
Week 3- Chest

I felt like shit in the gym Monday, I felt weak, didn't feel solid like I have been, and my joints were really achy.

When this happens I can usually push past it, it'll just take me a lil extra time to get into things. I get a pump, start feelings solid and get into it. That wasn't the case monday. I can push 100lbs dumbbell bench with no problems but I was really struggling monday. I would have pushed through it but I know my limits, I didnt want to create an injury.

I hope monday was just a fluke (I haven't had a bad workout day in weeks so I guess it's bound to happen). I haven't read anything about MK drying out joints or causing joint pain (it benefits joints and collagen synthesis from everything I've read) So I hope I'm not the weird fucker getting weird side effects.

I'm really looking forward to today's back workout, I'm gonna kill it.
Uniquemicals bump

Btw, I highly suggest uniquemicals to everyone. Customer service and processing is fucking on point. There was an issue with my order, server fucked up and my order duplicated. Unique responded to my email within 24 hours and refunded me. My original order was not effected and showed up really fast as usual.

Props to this company.
week 3 day 2 -chest again

My workout yesterday was so worthless I decided to do chest again ( I kill it everytime in the gym, yesterday was just fucked up). I'm pushing my workouts back a day this week to make up for this.

I'm back to normal--no joint pain. Full stregth

Dumbbell bench


Incline dumbell bench


I'm considering doing barbell bench next week for chest so I can test putting up some more weight (this shitty gym I'm at max's at 100lbs dumbells).

I noticed some major vascularity today. Also, striations in my chest and pecs were really popping on standing dumbbell flys.

Noticeable changes: vascularity, striations, solid/overall fullness feeling, strength felt improved

My rats start S4 and GW tomorrow
Rep points?

I accidentally hit the rep points that how rep power is increased? Members vote you up?