First timer-MK,GW,S4 stack

Back on track with posts!!

I moved recently, so I haven't had an internet connection set up at my new place yet. Also I went on a 3 day fishing trip over the weekend. This has messed up my workout schedule but I'm not gonna let it mess up my progress.

Finishing up last week my workouts were def solid, I will be much more detailed this week.

Also, due to the fishing trip I have to push my workout back a day this week. I'm gonna go with a 4 day split and just kill it. I might throw in a 5th day for core and accessory lifting depending on how I feel.
Cardio with S4 and GW

This is the first day I had noticeable endurance changes. This was fucking intense, I was so stoked about it. I absolutely HATE cardio, I have to force myself. I don't necessarily get tired, I just have to force myself because It's so fucking boring. I can lift all day. Fucking hate cardio. I'm done bulking so I've been trying to kick up the cardio with this stack. I try to switch things up with cardio so it's not as boring but nothing works lol.

Hopped on the elliptical first thing this morning. Elliptical isn't something I typically do but I wanted to change it up.

Did my cardio first thing this morning on an empty stomach. Had 2 glasses of water and a cup of coffee after I dropped my SARMS. (I've been taking them after my first meal with fear of nausea but I felt great this morning I didn't notice anything.)

I was going to do 20 mins on the elliptical at a decently intense speed, but I fucking killed it. This doesn't sound like much but it was huge for me, I was so excited about it. I got that euphoric endorphin rush feeling I get when I lift weights. I kept it going also. Ended up going 26 minutes, I could have easily went 30 minutes but I don't want to overdue this cardio kick and get burnt out on it. I never felt tired or bored from start to finish. It just got better after 10 minutes. I was sweating my fucking balls off. I noticed a big increase with sweating starting the mk. Not sure if the S4 and GW are increasing sweating.

Maybe it's just in my head, but the GW might be working. I loved cardio this morning!! What.The.Fuck.

Can't wait to lift this evening.
This is the first day I had noticeable endurance changes. This was fucking intense, I was so stoked about it. I absolutely HATE cardio, I have to force myself. I don't necessarily get tired, I just have to force myself because It's so fucking boring. I can lift all day. Fucking hate cardio. I'm done bulking so I've been trying to kick up the cardio with this stack. I try to switch things up with cardio so it's not as boring but nothing works lol.

Hopped on the elliptical first thing this morning. Elliptical isn't something I typically do but I wanted to change it up.

Did my cardio first thing this morning on an empty stomach. Had 2 glasses of water and a cup of coffee after I dropped my SARMS. (I've been taking them after my first meal with fear of nausea but I felt great this morning I didn't notice anything.)

I was going to do 20 mins on the elliptical at a decently intense speed, but I fucking killed it. This doesn't sound like much but it was huge for me, I was so excited about it. I got that euphoric endorphin rush feeling I get when I lift weights. I kept it going also. Ended up going 26 minutes, I could have easily went 30 minutes but I don't want to overdue this cardio kick and get burnt out on it. I never felt tired or bored from start to finish. It just got better after 10 minutes. I was sweating my fucking balls off. I noticed a big increase with sweating starting the mk. Not sure if the S4 and GW are increasing sweating.

Maybe it's just in my head, but the GW might be working. I loved cardio this morning!! What.The.Fuck.

Can't wait to lift this evening.

Hell yeah! My cardio is better than its ever been as well. I usually hate cardio like no other. The only SARM I'm taking right now is the Mk...and to think Gw is supposed to be even better for endurance lol can't wait to start that.

Keep at it Bro!
Hell yeah! My cardio is better than its ever been as well. I usually hate cardio like no other. The only SARM I'm taking right now is the Mk...and to think Gw is supposed to be even better for endurance lol can't wait to start that.

Keep at it Bro!

Thanks man, it's gotta be the GW. I didn't notice any increase in 'energy' today necessarily...

But my endurance during cardio was incredible, it was great.
Week 3- Day 1- Chest

Dumbell bench press
100 push ups
^^to warm up and get some blood flow

Incline Dumbell Press


I was pretty stoked about this, I rarely use 100lbs dumbbells on incline.

Dumbbell Bench Press


*****I'm doing barbell bench press next week to test my strength. It's getting to the point that these 100lbs dumbbells are nothing.

Finished out with
4 sets of cable flys x 10
4 sets of incline dumbell flys x 10

I felt so great in the gym today. I wanted to hit triceps way harder, and for a longer period of time but I had another interruption biggie, I'll make up for it.

I shouldn't have done isolated calf lifting prior to hitting triceps but I was wanting to give the upper body a breather.

My calves are def the weakness of my physique, pisses me the fuck off lol. I don't want to blame it on genetics yet (although my brothers are the same way)'s one of my goals to make them blow up soon. I'm lifting calves twice a week, as much as I can without over training. Lifting them on leg day, then Isolated lifting one other day of the week. They will improve.

Noticable changes today: Cardio endurance was amazing (I can't wait to test tomorrow), I felt extremely solid and strong. I think my overall muscle hardness is improving also, I feel so jacked after I get a good pump going. Vascularity was great today but no noticeable improvements
Week 3 Day 2--Back

AM Cardio

I was shooting for only 20 minutes again on the elliptical, pretty high intensity and high resistance. I didn't feel as euphoric as yesterday, I definitely got bored. Despite being bored, I still went over my # and went for 24 minutes. I never got tired until the last minute and I the fatigue in my legs kicked in, I felt some overall fatigue afterward but it faded quick. Something is def helping my endurance. This elliptical is at my house also so I had my shirt off--and holy fucking shit did I sweat. Literally dripping sweat from my entire body.


Wide grip pull ups

5 sets of 10 (last 2 sets I did parallel close grip to switch things up)

Barbell Rows (undergrip)

225x10 <<<This set was slightly difficult

^^I tore through all of these reps, very slow and controlled

Single arm dumbell rows


***I wanted to deadlift so bad yesterday, I'll start again next week. The barbells at this gym suck so bad I have to breakdown and get wrist straps. Any weight over 315 I can't hold for more than 3 reps when I could normally rep 315 for 10

Other lifts[/B][/B]

Incline bench reverse flys, Lat machine (I was pulling 330lbs slow and controlled with each grip option), Standing reverse flys, I lifted calves at the end yesterday also.

Noticeable changes: Endurance is def up during cardio, I don't feel like my strength is incredible but it's def improved (I'm feeling really solid, Vascularity today wasn't increased, but my overall physique looks different in the gym--some of it may be from the massive amounts of sweat and recent dark tan from a fishing trip but I feel like I'm looking more cut. Striations are poping, cuts are poping, I feel like I'm getting some muscle hardness (maybe from the s4?)

All input and feedback is appreciated!!

Also I'm purposely not weighing myself, I'm going by how I look and feel in the gym.
S4 side effects

I started noticing vision side effects from the S4 today. I'm only on 50mg E/D and it's only been about a week. I'm gonna start w/ 5 on 2 off starting tomorrow, I'll take the weekend off. This is kind of annoying considering I'm noticing these bad side effects before any great noticeable benefits.

My vision is only messing with me if the lighting drastically changes, i.e. if I go from a dark room to a lighted room, inside from outside, etc. Vision mostly has different yellowish tints and very very slightly blurry.

These effects are by no means affecting my day, and they are very subtle...I just don't like my vision being fucked with and this was the major concern of mine before starting the S4.

I'll see how 5 on 2 off goes, if the side effects get even slightly worse than they are today...S4 is going in the trash.
Does anyone have experience dosing lower than 50mg E/D? Wondering if I'll still see the benefits if I drop it to 25 or 30mg. I'm starting my 2 days off tomorrow, so I'll have plenty of time to read for my answer but looking for some opinions.
Does anyone have experience dosing lower than 50mg E/D? Wondering if I'll still see the benefits if I drop it to 25 or 30mg. I'm starting my 2 days off tomorrow, so I'll have plenty of time to read for my answer but looking for some opinions.

I've been meaning to ask you if you had been getting any vision sides as of yet. I'm starting MK/S4/Stanzol tomorrow and the vision sides slightly worry me. Let us know how the 5 on 2 off goes for you.
I had some residual vision side effects on my first off day but they def faded a lot (I dosed for 5 days prior at 50mg). My second off day I had zero vision side effects.

I wanted to drop the dosage below 50mg but I haven't read anything supporting this. I'm going to continue at 50mg per day tomorrow. If the vision side effects get worse I'm going to quit the s4.

I've noticed zero natty test suppression (although I have no blood work to support this). I've been talking DAA bulk just in case--reguardless I'm def at my normal sexual deviant self haha
Week 3 -legs

Week 3 Legs

Strait leg deadlift (dumbbells)


^^My hams are still fucking aching 3 days later lol, might have over did it a little bit (in combination with cardio) but I was feelin fuck it.



I'm really gonna push it this next week on weight, gonna drop the reps down so I don't overtrain. I did a lot of accessory lifts on with the leg day so I didn't want to go over 315 on squats. This MK is really kicking in. Repping 315 on squats felt like 245.

I have a friend that finished out his first cycle (12 weeks of test c). When I started talking about MK he decided he wanted to try it with me, so he incorporated it into his post cycle therapy (pct). We can't workout together anymore because I moved but, he claims that he has lost ZERO strength from his test cycle. He's not one to lie about something like that. Seriously liking this mk.
Hell ya bro, Mk is so versatile because of the little to no suppression of natty test. You know I started Mk after my Epi cycle (in conjunction with nolva and aroma for pct) and the strength gains are still coming!

Keep up the good work!
Hell ya bro, Mk is so versatile because of the little to no suppression of natty test. You know I started Mk after my Epi cycle (in conjunction with nolva and aroma for pct) and the strength gains are still coming!

Keep up the good work!

Thx bro I appreciate the support! Just read the latest updates on your log.
Week 4 --day 1 chest

Barbell Bench

135x12 W/U

^^I was pretty fucking frustrated with not hitting 275 for 6 reps. I was also pretty frustrated with how heavy 275 felt, I didn't attempt 315 like usual. I realized I haven't done barbell bench in weeks. Also, I'm at a different gym these days and I'm still getting used to the weights--they def arn't quality and they def feel different. Regardless of not putting up the weight I wanted to, I still felt pretty damn solid.

Dumbbell incline bench


Felt great today, I'm looking like I'm made of granite in the gym if I wear a tank top. Also, dosed S4 again at 50mg today (I had my 2 off days this weekend) side effects all day.

I'm getting new straps in the mail this week...excited to put deadlift to the test. I had to break down and get straps because of these shit barbells with no grip.
Yep just gave them their first dose this morning/afternoon (6/11/12). The rats are not fond of the taste at all, however they will go on. I'm debating on doing a log cause after 2 weeks I'm going to throw in some Hdrol and/or Stanozane(P-Stanz) but I work so god damn much so we'll see. I'd really like to detail my results though.
GW barely has any taste, pretty smooth. S4 is similar to MK, but MK has a stronger taste.

For some reason my rats love the MK taste hahaha.

Even if you don't do a log, I'd be interested in seeing the stack you're running.