First timer-MK,GW,S4 stack

Week 4 day 2 shoulders

Standing dumbbell press

50x12 w/u

^^This is def a PR for me...I never focus on putting up a bunch of weight on standing dumbbell press because I'm more worried about my form. I put up the 50s for W/U and they felt like nothing. So I said fuck it and grabbed the 75s. Completely Solid form and I felt great.

Standing dumbbell press is really the only workout worth remarking on. The rest of my workout consisted of seated arnold press, lateral raises, front plate raises, rear delt and ext rotators, etc...nothing where I try to put up a bunch of weight.


Cardio was fucking brutal the first 6 minutes...after that it was great. I'm starting to enjoy cardio more (just gotta break that barrier) I've been sticking to this elliptical but I'm eventually going to switch it up. I was only going to go 20 mins but I went 23 mins to finish out a song. Noticeable difference this session was that I didn't start sweating until 16 minutes into it instead of 10 minutes. I wasn't sweating my ass off either. Endurance is def improving.

Noticeable changes today:

Set PR on standing dumbbell press, Cardio endurance is continuing to improve, and I'm not sure if it's the increased cardio or the S4 but my whole body is really tightening up.

I started going 5 on 2 off with S4. This is my second 'on' day this week...and still no side effects have returned.
Week 4 Day 3 BACK

Normally my leg day but I went psycho with all the dipshits doing barbell curls or shoulder shrugs in the rack. Normally I'd say politely say something and take control of the rack when someone walked out but the gym was packed--I hate this gym.

I got my straps in the mail a day early so I've been stoked to do deadlift--another awesome perk of this shit gym--shit barbells with no grip. I've never used straps (with the exception of clings in highschool 7 years ago--never for deadlift).

Grabbed a spare barbell and went for deadlift.



I was pretty happy with the weight I was pulling because I haven't been able to do deadlift in a few weeks. The straps def made things easier, but I felt really solid overall. Plus this is a small town gym--I was getting a lot of stares pulling that weight. Especially when everyone only works chest, biceps, and upper traps. Everyone has upper cross syndrome. Blows my mind lol.

Bent over Barbell rows


One arm dumbbell rows


Felt strong as fuck today, looking forward to squats this week.
FUCK S4! Thoughts anyone?

Week 1 of S4, I started having some pretty annoying vision side effects day 3-5. I went off 2 days over the weekend and they completely went away. I had sex multiple times throughout the week.

Week 2 of S4, by the third day I had very little vision side effects. I didn't see the girl for a few days but last night (wed day 3) I had a weak fucking erection and the same thing this morning. This does not happen to me, it has to be suppressing my natty test.

From everything I've read, the suppression is pretty minimal for most people (especially at 50mg/day which I've been taking). I was hoping 5g of DAA bulk and forma would keep me in check but, I'm beginning to think I'm pretty sensitive to anything hormonal.

Needless to say, the benefits of this sarm is not worth the side effects its been giving me. S4 is going in the trash.

I absolutely love MK and GW.
Picture update

The first frontal pic is completely relaxed and preworkout. I started to get a slight pump from flexing. Vascularity and striations really don't show with this shitty camera phone. Also I still really need to have someone take a back picture for me, I suck at trying myself and it still isn't doing it justice. I feel like I'm getting a decent body recomp. I've been doing great with cardio and lifting (but to be honest I've been slacking on my core work : /) I haven't been doing any "ab" exercises, just functional-endurance core work.

Any feedback or comments are greatly appreciated!!

I have no idea how much I weigh, I haven't touched a scale for like 3 weeks I really hope I'm staying over 200 and pushing 205!! e
The rats are actually starting to get used to the taste and seem not to mind it as much as the first and second dose. I'm running the MK/S4/Stanzol for 8 weeks (S4 only if the sides don't become an issue. I'm on day 4 and so far no issues with vision.) Weeks 3-8 (Starting Tuesday 6/26) would be Hdrol @ 100mg ED and/or Stanozane @ 400-600mg ED. I'm also going to be running Clen @ 2 on/2 off weeks 3-8, preferably not going over 80mcg, and T3 @ 25mcg everyday weeks 3-8. I've used Clen a couple times in the past, but this will be my first run with T3. I've decided to use the T3 because I have some remaining stubborn belly fat that I just can't seem to get rid of.

Seems like your making some great strength gains, and by the looks of your pics your looking fuckin ripped! That's too bad about the S4 and the libido issue. Is it possibly that the DAA dose is to high? I thought the normal dose was 3 grams ED?
S4 and suppression?

I'll comment more later tomorrow, I'm on my phone right now. Thx for the feedback though bro and I wanted to bring up the S4 thing tonight w/ hopes that someone else will see this. I've been on mk for 4 weeks w/ 5g of DAA and 10 pumps forma w/ zero sides. Erection king the entire time. I didn't notice any issues until the S4...and I'm choosing not to risk the chance b/c this girl is fantastic hahaha super nympho.

The DAA serving is 3.33g in a scoop but I've been taking 5g(based on info I've gathered).

Maybe I fucked up? Does anyone have an opinion on this?

I'm pretty confident the suppression is from the S4 b/c the libido issue correlated w/ when I got back on the S4 after my 2 off days. I hadn't had sex in a few days prior to this, so this is completely not normal. Libido was high, I def wanted to lol but my dick was at half performance.

Regardless I'm giving up the S4 b/c I can't fucking stand the vision side effects, I'm def sensitive to the S4. (vision sides were not as bad the second week). Sucks because I feel like I was getting some good benefits from it
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Seems like your making some great strength gains, and by the looks of your pics your looking fuckin ripped! That's too bad about the S4 and the libido issue. Is it possibly that the DAA dose is to high? I thought the normal dose was 3 grams ED?

Thanks man!! I'm def feeling stronger in the gym, I'm going to post my leg workout from yesterday later on. Squatting 315 for reps has been feeling like 225-245 it's awesome. I'm def going to run MK solo in the future (with forma and DAA to avoid any raise in estrogen).

The GW is great also, def noticing improvements in cardio (I've absolutely hated cardio in the past...I've gone through phases but, I'm def enjoying it right now)
The libido/erection thing could be from multiple avenues. Honestly I doubt the S4 suppressed you much if at all in 2weeks. Everything else you are on is non-suppressive so DON'T WORRY! I personally feel libido is 50% hormonal balance 30% mental and 20% blood flow. Don't stress homie!

Like I said you should not be very suppressed (test is fine) and nothing is aromatizing heavily (estro is fine). So this takes care of the hormonal balance, but the only way to know for sure is to get a blood test...So I would just relax and possibly get on something that increases blood flow (arginine) and maybe mental focus (Mucuna Pruriens). If you want to add something I would grab PrimalJax (has 5-6 ingredients for blood flow, mental focus, n libido). It is made by body-tech and sold at vitamin shoppe. I have used it and it works. Take 1 pill in the morning and 2pills 1-2hrs before your with your girl. use for 2weeks then see if you're good on your own.

...Oh and glad to hear you found a nympho!!
Also try decreases (or stopping) the Forma for a few weeks. Forma inhibits the 5-AR enzyme which is responsible for converting test into DHT. DHT has a direct positive effect on libido.
Also try decreases (or stopping) the Forma for a few weeks. Forma inhibits the 5-AR enzyme which is responsible for converting test into DHT. DHT has a direct positive effect on libido.

Thx bro appreciate the feed back. I'm gonna drop the forma to 10 pumps to 5 pumps a day. If I continue to have issues I'll drop the forma and see how that goes. You think I should drop the DAA from 5g to 3.33g? (which is the actual scoop).

I agree performance is big time mental, but I've been hangin w/ this girl a few months now so that def isn't a factor.
The libido/erection thing could be from multiple avenues. Honestly I doubt the S4 suppressed you much if at all in 2weeks. Everything else you are on is non-suppressive so DON'T WORRY! I personally feel libido is 50% hormonal balance 30% mental and 20% blood flow. Don't stress homie!

Like I said you should not be very suppressed (test is fine) and nothing is aromatizing heavily (estro is fine). So this takes care of the hormonal balance, but the only way to know for sure is to get a blood test...So I would just relax and possibly get on something that increases blood flow (arginine) and maybe mental focus (Mucuna Pruriens). If you want to add something I would grab PrimalJax (has 5-6 ingredients for blood flow, mental focus, n libido). It is made by body-tech and sold at vitamin shoppe. I have used it and it works. Take 1 pill in the morning and 2pills 1-2hrs before your with your girl. use for 2weeks then see if you're good on your own.

...Oh and glad to hear you found a nympho!!

Def not worried but it was just a fucked up night lol, maybe I naturally drained my natural libido for this week hahaha. The girl has been fun, any time any day for her. She's outta town for a few days so I'll see what's up when she gets back. I might go ahead and pic up that PrimalJax, I've heard great things about it before. Thx bro.
How about fat loss? Any noticeable drop in body fat or weight?

Yeah def noticing some fat loss, I don't have numbers to back this up but I'm def noticing it. Serratus anterior is popping out much more. Same for obliques, I haven't worked abs at all (just functional endurance core work). As soon as I start killing abs my whole torso will tighten more--changes have def been noticeable. I'd like to think increased vascularity is also from the fat loss but it might be the sarms. Striations are def more noticeable.

Aside from that, if I run sarms again I think I will only run MK. I'll continue to post a few weeks after I'm done w/ them and see how my cardio is affected. I'll base my decision on how effective GW was for me after that.
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S4 suppression discussion again!!??!!

I'm def confused on this and questioning this 'S4 suppression'. Last Wednesday is when I was considering that S4 may have suppressed me. I had an extremely weak erection (this does not happen to me)...and the same thing happened Thursday morning sex. Girl was out of town for a few days, and I didn't see her from Thursday morning until yesterday evening (Sunday). As a note, I noticed I had no morning wood or erections during this time span.

I quit taking S4 because of this (plus the vision side effects were enough for me to drop it).

Last night (sunday) we had ridiculous sex like normal, like 3 times in a few hours.

I'm obviously back to normal but I just like to bring up this S4 discussion. I have to think there is no possible way S4 suppressed me in this time, but the half life is so short it's in the back of my mind. Makes me wonder if the vision side effects can correlate with any natty test suppression side effects, or side effects on DHT (from the forma) as my homie mlupi319 enlightened me about. I bring up this possible correlation b/c when I stopped taking S4 the vision side effects almost disappear the next day, and entirely disappear the following day.

I also dropped DAA to 3.33g from 5g (which is the recommended serving) and I also dropped the forma from 10 pumps (5am and 5pm) to only 5 pumps AM.

Stoked to workout this week, last week was incredible. (It has been awhile since my ENTIRE body has been sore). I'm completely recovered and hydrated over the weekend and ready to fucking KILL IT.

Opinions or comments on this would be cool, for the experience. This week my log is back to killing the gym and I'll quit talking about my dick hahaha.
Also with a 4 hour half life (from what I've been able to gather). If I decide to run S4 in the future (I doubt it) maybe I should split the dosage throughout the day.

Any thoughts on this?
I've been splitting my S4 dosages up through out the day. Mk/S4 in the morning before I go to work, then another dose of S4 when I get home from work/before the gym.
Yea I'm starting to notice a slight yellow tint to my vision, but it seems to come and go, as well as vary in intensity depending on whether I'm inside or outside. Vision is also affected when walking into a really dark room, but tends to adjust after a little bit. Today is day 8 of MK/S4/Stanzol

On a positive note, vascularity is on the rise...veins popping out of my forearms all over the place, with an over all harder/fuller feeling.