first tren ace cycle log while on trt.

did u stay low dose bro ?

Glad it agreed w u. I love it but like diving and boating...I respect the ocean. I feel more than 6-8 knot wind blowing...up anchor get close to shore...u can always s go back...down here a water spout will hit u in 30 ms.

My 1 st tren shot 5 yr s ago was 200 mg tren e...dumb mother fucker. Then I did it again. Took me 5 yr s to get over my fear..but never tren e again...I don t dive at night or in caves. Bad acid trip s...same feeling...

Glad ur good my dear friend. Mind urself....kiddo s always s safe Soldierm
did u stay low dose bro ?

Glad it agreed w u. I love it but like diving and boating...I respect the ocean. I feel more than 6-8 knot wind blowing...up anchor get close to shore...u can always s go back...down here a water spout will hit u in 30 ms.

My 1 st tren shot 5 yr s ago was 200 mg tren e...dumb mother fucker. Then I did it again. Took me 5 yr s to get over my fear..but never tren e again...I don t dive at night or in caves. Bad acid trip s...same feeling...

Glad ur good my dear friend. Mind urself....kiddo s always s safe Soldierm

Stayed low, yessir!! Lol, I really wanted to bump up to daily at first as I was impatient, but I'm glad i waited. Its been smooth sailing, no real sides to speak of. Yes at first notices some sweating, slight insomnia but that eventually disappeared. Now I just notice the strength increase, big-time, pumps in the gym, amazing, libido in good shape and have gotten vascular, more so. Smooth blast. Went to Thanks for the wisdom and guidance T!! My dude!! And of course Ben jumping down my ass a couple times...helped a lot. ;-)
It seems Tren A cycles commonly go 8 weeks. If yours is 6 weeks originally, I don't see an immediate argument against extending it to 8
Anyways, my arms and legs are very vascular. Thats the reason I'd like to extend the blast mainly, is to get my torso to catch up and get more vascular. I think I could do it with the extra time.
The BIGGEST challenge overrun into with meeting my goals is my APPETITE! I feel like I could eat the house, at all times while I've been on this blast! It's insanely thru the roof, my APPETITE. That's great if I was on a bulk, but IM NOT!! Lol
Tren A cycles tend to go 8 weeks from what I've seen...that may be for good reason

Although, you may be responding well and the visible sides are minimal, what lies beneath? Tren is harsh on the body. Is 10 weeks pushing too much and causing more harm than good?

Maybe someone more knowledgable can help you dig deeper into that aspect

On the plus side of running it 8's only 8 weeks off before you're able to go again
Tren A cycles tend to go 8 weeks from what I've seen...that may be for good reason

Although, you may be responding well and the visible sides are minimal, what lies beneath? Tren is harsh on the body. Is 10 weeks pushing too much and causing more harm than good?

Maybe someone more knowledgable can help you dig deeper into that aspect

On the plus side of running it 8's only 8 weeks off before you're able to go again

good point!! That's all I need, to hear what someone else think rather than just my crazy self:-) Thanks for the input G!
I really want to try tren now im going to start a cycle in the next few weeks ill be copying your cycle basically lol great write up bro keep it up so i know what to expect haha good work looking pretty solid to bro
I really want to try tren now im going to start a cycle in the next few weeks ill be copying your cycle basically lol great write up bro keep it up so i know what to expect haha good work looking pretty solid to bro

What's your cycle history B??
It all went ok, this blast that is. Only thing is im prolly going to extend it a couple more weeks than originally planned. Just cuz I'd like to get a bit tighter than i am now. Looking back I wonder if I ran 50Ed instead of eod I would have gotten to my goal in the 8 weeks I planned this blast for. I know that (50Ed or 100EOD) seems to be the norm for first tren blast/ cycles. I went light, mainly out of a fearful respect for tren and all I heard it was about. My sides on this blast have been minimal to none. Gains have been slow in the making. I dunno, if nothing else, next time I do a tren blast I will go a bit higher dose. All good;-)
Ah fair enough so you were trying to cut up bit you still look pretty cut for a man of your size what are you weighing now post cycle . My history 2 cycles of test first was just test e for about 13 weeks haha second was test e front loaded with sust for a bit longer previously had a fair bit of experience with petides and sarms aswell so think its time to step it up never had a problem with gyno . But i did write of my racing bike and developed a bit of an addiction to oxy contin i was pretty messed up so i coudnt lift for about 12 months but that was a little while back been lifting consistently for bout 18 months again no pain pills was going for the bruce lee look now i want to put on some good bulk thats about it bro
Good job on getting off the oxys bro! I know a little about that. Heroin had me hook line and sinker for a good year plus of my life.
With your history, may I suggest you ease your way up the ladder a bit? No need to rush things. I'm thinking maybe give deca a try next. Something like 200- 400/ week. That was my second cycle. Thhat and of course test e 250 twice a week. Results: big bulk. I got up to 230 on that one. Deca is a 19not like tren that is a good bit milder but will bulk you up with good training and diet bro. Keep prami, I took small dose, for prolactin sides.
Thanks for the compliments! That's the encouragement that keeps us going after it. Let me know your thoughts on cycle advise.
Yea right i never tried heroin but if i did i would probley be in the same boat as you brother and congratulations to you for getting of that shit ive heard that's not an easy task to say the least . Yea i broke a few bones and was pretty messed up so the doc kept prescribing them so i just kept taking them but you know how all that goes . Yea i was thinking deca but after reading your thread i was sort of like well why fuck around and just go straight to the trem but deca dosnt sound like a bad idea yea 230 so your a fairly big guy how tall are you im sitting about 180 ish if i converted that propley were all in kgs over here 78 kgs atm im going to order some gear of psl tomorrow so hopefully that gets through customs just 5 vials of test e but i might see what they have and grab some deca aswell like you said im in no rush ah if you dont mind me asking how old are you and why are you on trt? ?? And how much did you raise your trt doses when you were running the tren and as for the compliments all good brother your lookin good no homo haha you can see some hard work there
Yea right i never tried heroin but if i did i would probley be in the same boat as you brother and congratulations to you for getting of that shit ive heard that's not an easy task to say the least . Yea i broke a few bones and was pretty messed up so the doc kept prescribing them so i just kept taking them but you know how all that goes . Yea i was thinking deca but after reading your thread i was sort of like well why fuck around and just go straight to the trem but deca dosnt sound like a bad idea yea 230 so your a fairly big guy how tall are you im sitting about 180 ish if i converted that propley were all in kgs over here 78 kgs atm im going to order some gear of psl tomorrow so hopefully that gets through customs just 5 vials of test e but i might see what they have and grab some deca aswell like you said im in no rush ah if you dont mind me asking how old are you and why are you on trt? ?? And how much did you raise your trt doses when you were running the tren and as for the compliments all good brother your lookin good no homo haha you can see some hard work there

Haha, all good bro. Old lady has gay friends...they tell her their jealous lol so homo or no homo all good. Lol . Just Fucking with Ya. I'm 41, just old enough to not give too much of a fuck and laugh at myself these days. Thank God that I'm even alive!
When I started this blast I kept TRT same as it was. So 250 test/wk. Keeping test low helps cut while on tren. Seemed to help me. But if you want to bulk, like I said run deca about 400/wk and test a bit higher than that say 500/wk. Can't stress diet and rest enough. Train hard. PSL will get thru customs, if not they will take care of you. Good Co.
Yea i thought you you said you kept it at 250 i just went to order some test and deca fuck ive gotter excange money for usd and make a money order or do a bank transfer bit of fucking around be great if i could just throw it on the credit card