TooTuff brings up a good recommendation for trying the Test-propand Tren-a mix next time... I know the mixed
blends are really working great for people... just keep in mind, you would be looking at a dedicated 50/50 ratio
of the two - unless you go with the enanthate which would be tren-e 250 and tren-e 150... which is a damn good
ratio of 500/300 a week.
I've always stuck with tren enanthate and handled the sides very well... the worst thing for me is the night sweats
- I live in Florida and sleep with the air on, along with a ceiling fan...
I soak the sheets like a mother Fk'r and wake up freezing my ass off... then run down stairs and out to the back
yard in my under wear to warm up (as long as people aren't walking by).
My BEST tren cycles were running tren very high and test on the low side - with a tren-e 800mg / test-e 300mg
ratio... I've also extended these cycles for a much longer time than most people...
The idea of extending my tren cycles came from a good member here at Ology (THE-DET-OAK) who said he knew
a bunch of MONSTERS at his gym who ran their tren cycles for long periods... and found there wasn't any noticeable
risk or damage over your typical heavy cycles.
However - take that with a grain of salt... as it goes against traditional conversations on the topic... and from my experience,
I haven't seen any bad effects or anything out of the norm from my blood tests after running tren in this manner...
so I'm not saying you should do the same - just that my body works well from personal experience.
I should also mention - adding mastering to the mix, and lowering the tren dose has trumped EVERYTHING... test,
tren and masteron really kicked the shit out of most of my cycles... those three together were WICKED!
As for Dbol... some people might disagree - but just like TooTuff mentions of extending the Dbol with a lower
dose... this would be exactly what I would do.
I've looked at Arnold and Mentzer's talk about running dbol at low doses for much longer times... and has worked
extremely well for me for sustaining the benefits of dbol in many of my cycles.
Please keep us posted, and if you have any P.S.L. questions... just let us know?