For 15yrs...ive read and been told that Cyp...


Man on a Mission
For 15yrs...ive read and been told, and said that Cyp...

is to be inj'ed at least every 7 days and Enanthate every 7-10 days.(Enanthate being longer acting) Ive always shot either once a wk BTW.

Has this changed?!?!!? Ive heard recently that Enanthate is shorter acting...WTF!?!?!?!??

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ethenate is a long ester which is released slowly. If you really wanted to you could probably inject every week and a half im guessing. But now you see people inject more often like every 3 days, they do this to keep blood levels as stable as possible. Doing a long ester once a week would still have your blood levels differ day to day giving your more test on certain days than others. Its definatly not fast acting.
Bimmer said:
ethenate is a long ester which is released slowly. If you really wanted to you could probably inject every week and a half im guessing. But now you see people inject more often like every 3 days, they do this to keep blood levels as stable as possible. Doing a long ester once a week would still have your blood levels differ day to day giving your more test on certain days than others. Its definatly not fast acting.

Thats exactly what i thought. Enanthate is slower acting than Cyp. Meaning inj. Enanth. every 10 days if one desired. Cyp needs inj. at least every 7...
No the release times are nearly indentical. You want to shoot either one once every 4 days or every 5 at most. 7 is too long and you'll get uneven blood levels.
cyp is 12 days for HL and enanthate is 10 1/2 That's about a 10% difference in long esters.
If you want to get anal about it. For your purposes they are the same
ulter said:
cyp is 12 days for HL and enanthate is 10 1/2 That's about a 10% difference in long esters.
If you want to get anal about it. For your purposes they are the same

So after all Cyp is longer acting?!??!?!

In 1993 in the Anabolic Ref guide it states that cyp be inj.ed every 7 days and enanth 10 since enanth is longer acting.
Ive been involved w/ Chemical enhancement for some time and EVERYONE i ve trained w/ over the yrs, including two Mr. Louisianas have been of the logic that enanth be shot every 10 days and cyp 7. Hmmmmm.
Enanthate: Chemical Structure C7H14O2.
Also referred to as heptanoic acid; enanthic acid; enanthylic acid; heptylic acid; heptoic acid; Oenanthylic acid; Oenanthic acid. Enanthate is one of the most prominent esters used in steroid manufacture (most commonly seen with testosterone but is also used in other compounds like Primobolan Depot). Enanthate will release a steady (yet fluctuating as all esters are) level of hormone for approximately 10-14 days. Although in medicine enanthate compounds are often injected on a bi-weekly or monthly basis, athletes will inject at least weekly to help maintain a uniform blood level.

Cypionate: Chemical Structure C8H14O2.
Also referred to as Cyclopentylpropionic acid, cyclopentylpropionate. Cypionate is a very popular ester here in the U.S., although it is scarcely found outside this region. Its release duration is almost identical to enanthate (10-14 days), and the two are likewise thought to be interchangeable in U.S. medicine. Althletes commonly hold the belief than cypionate is more powerful than enanthate, although realistically there is little difference between the two. The enanthate ester is in fact slightly smaller than cypionate, and it therefore releases a small (perhaps a few milligrams) amount of steroid more in comparison.
ulter said:
No the release times are nearly indentical. You want to shoot either one once every 4 days or every 5 at most. 7 is too long and you'll get uneven blood levels.

This is what I've experienced. If I injected enanthate only on monday, by friday or saturday, I would notice a difference. Twice weekly is the best.
This was taken from one of my more recent profiles

Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as Enanthate)
Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol
Molecular weight of base: 288.429
Molecular weight of ester: 130.1864 (enanthoic acid, 7 carbons)
Effective dose: 250-1000 mg/week

Like testosterone cypionate, enanthate is a single-ester and long-acting form of the base steroid testosterone. To me, its slightly better value for money than the aforementioned because its ester is only 7 instead of 8 carbons in length. Where that doesn't really change much in terms of release and blood concentration for users who inject on a weekly basis, that does mean that less of the weight is ester and more of it is testosterone. When taking an amount of an esterified steroid, that amount in terms of weight is a combination of the ester and the steroid. Naturally the longer the ester is, the more of the weight it takes up. So its safe to state that 500 mg of enanthate contains more testosterone than does 500 mg of cypionate. Not that this slight difference will be noted on a weekly pattern really, but its enough for me to give it a slight edge if given the choice. Although, as stated with cypionate, your choice between enanthate and cypionate is best based on availability. These are a much better choice than sustanon 250 or omnadren, which are blends of different testosterone esters, due to their irregular release.

Pharmaceutical Name: Testosterone (as Cypionate)
Chemical structure: 4-androstene-3-one,17beta-ol
Molecular weight of base: 288.429
Molecular weight of ester: 132.1184 (cypionic acid, 8 carbons)
Effective dose: 250-1000 mg/week

Testosterone Cypionate is a single-ester, long-acting form of testosterone. Due to the length of its ester (8 carbons) it is stored mostly in the adipose tissue upon intra-musuclar injection, and then slowly but very steadily released over a certain period of time. A peak is noted after 24-48 hours of injection and then a slow decline, reaching a steady point after 12 days and staying there for over 3 weeks time. Of course most users of anabolics will not find adequate benefit in the use of this steady-point dose, so this product is normally injected once a week, making the very lowest dose higher than half the peak dose at any given time. This is roughly the starting blood level as well. A long-acting testosterone ester is a must-have in any mass-building cycle. As such this is a very decent product.
Personally I have more affinity for testosterone enanthate, but few users will note any real difference between the two products, and both remain a better buy than their popular counterpart sustanon 250, which is a poor choice of testosterone in my opinion. It makes sense that a user simply opts for which one is most readily available at the time.
But is it just me or did anyone else feel that it was 10 days for E. and 7 for cyp.

Ive been shootin E. once every 7-10 days for YRS w/ great results!

I find contradictions in almost every profile I have concerning Enanthate and cypionate.....but for all intensive purposes they are almost one in the same
gator_mclusky said:
But is it just me or did anyone else feel that it was 10 days for E. and 7 for cyp.

Ive been shootin E. once every 7-10 days for YRS w/ great results!


Most people are under the impression that enanth is a longer acting ester......while on cycle I shoot my Enanth or cyp every 3-4 days.....while using them as a cruise I shoot them every 7
raw lifter 1 said:
I find contradictions in almost every profile I have concerning Enanthate and cypionate.....but for all intensive purposes they are almost one in the same

That seems to be the case....
You CAN shoot it once every 7 days or 10 days. It's a matter of what you want your blood levels to be and how steady you want them. These half life numbers and release rates vary from person to person. The PDR says to inject cyp once every 14 days. But that's ridiculous if you want to avoid spikes and valleys that cause your libido and mood to roller coaster.
I have been cycling for over 20 years and I used to shoot once a week. Then in 2000 my endocrinologist told me to shoot cyp every 4 days, that was the first time I had heard that. Now 4 years later I see what why you would do that. It's much more stable and easier on your libido and mood.
ulter said:
You CAN shoot it once every 7 days or 10 days. It's a matter of what you want your blood levels to be and how steady you want them. These half life numbers and release rates vary from person to person. The PDR says to inject cyp once every 14 days. But that's ridiculous if you want to avoid spikes and valleys that cause your libido and mood to roller coaster.
I have been cycling for over 20 years and I used to shoot once a week. Then in 2000 my endocrinologist told me to shoot cyp every 4 days, that was the first time I had heard that. Now 4 years later I see what why you would do that. It's much more stable and easier on your libido and mood.
That's exactly how I feel. You can get away with 7-10 days, but you do feel better and more stable with every 5 days. When I'm just cruising and not really cycling, I'll go E7-10 days. You can definitely tell the difference E5D!
Were getting slightly away from the topic though gentllemen....Is Cypionate a longer acting test than enanthate therefore requiring admin less frequently than enanth albeit only a few days difference?

Imo, there are so close to one another (only 1 molecule different), and medically interchangable, I just clasify them as the same and both requiring the same frequency of administration.

Even if one is a day longer than the other, what difference does it really make and who really cares.