gfd's training notes (battling the bad back)

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thanks OC and gymlion


close and wide grip

rear delt flys
tricep push down with #4 band

abs/slant board with #3 band /GHR

KB shoulder presses
love ghr's. but the workout your talking about wasn't GHR for hammys, but for abs... i get on the GHR faceing the ceiling, then i do full range ab work.

got the perfect pushups

been doing a bunch of them

and crunches on the magic bean,, or whatever its a stability ball that contors to the back..

been doing some squats, GHR's

broke up with G/F of 3 years 9 months.... I just had to call it off, still gonna be friends and shit i guess... we aint mad or nuthin, but it wasn't workin...

i feel good about it

but the stress has affected my workouts,, just thought i'd put this on the log, so i know why there has been a lull...
been working out low volume.

threw my back out, got it fixed,, i used the woodybands on the low back (traction, distraction, stretching, strengthining) that shit really works.

deadlifted yesterday off the pins and it felt great.

i am in the middle of moving after breakin up with G/F. and im about to go on vacation for xmas for 2 weeks.

so i'll be back loggin my workouts by about jan 8th, long as the internet guy turns the internet on in time.

triceps, ropes/dumbells/french press
shoulder raises
abs, slant/GHR abs/Ab wheel
low back ext's low back traction/stretches/distractions
tore my rotator cuff snowboarding at xmas
couldnt squat, could bench

got my bench up to 325
started squating again, got it up to 355

pretty happy about the bench,
goal is to squat 400 by summers end,,, that'd be by sept. 1st in my mind.

i should be able to get that, my squat is ready to explode, my backs been holding up great.

not sure why my bench jumped so much, i have no clue... i did work reverse bands for a while, and i added in heavy dumbells again.

i think my benched jumped because of the DB's, i use 105's on a 10% incline for 2 or 3 sets of 8-12 reps. about 2 weeks after i added the DB's in, my bench jumped... i hadn't done DB's for months due to wrist problems... my wrist got better i added them, my bench jumped up from 310 to 325,,, strength off the bottom must have been my problem
im going to start keeping this up again...

i have a photo shoot on thursday, so i've been low carbing it... no real hard training..

mostly i'll just show up at the gym, warm up, and do a few moderate intensity set slow and controlled one workout then the next workout i do a heavy "rep method" set.

it looks like this.
EVERYTHING is 1-2 sets, depending how I feel. I flex my muscle as hard as possible on these sets, trying to exhaust myself in as short of a time as possible.
Day A:

Protocol: 4 seconds eccentric, 2 seconds pause explode back up
135x8-12 x 2 sets

Abs: (super set with Low Back Ext)
Protocol: 4 sec eccentric, slight pause 1/2 count, 2 seconds concentric, 4 second isometric (pause flex) at the top
Body Weight (BW) 8-12 reps

Low Back Ext: (same as abs)

Dips: (elbows in) triceps focus
Protocol: 3 sec eccentric slight pause 1/2 count explode up focusing on triceps flexing
8-12 reps

Lateral Raise:
Pretty much a regular type of a set. I get as much flex in as i can, trying to get the middle delt to pop. I am so Ant. Delt domimant that I spend extra time on this if i need, so a light weight for 8-12 slow flexed at the top reps.

Warm up with band pull aparts, light band a lot of reps

Protocol: AMAHP (as many as humanly possible)
225 MAX reps in 1 set
1 set

Pull ups/face pull
i can only do close grip pull ups right now, due to my rotator cuff.
Protocol: AMAHP
Protocol: I use a rope, use a light weight, for 15-20 controlled reps, pause for a 1 count on the flex (pause flex)

Fucking hate bi's and tri's, but they help me.
Protocol: Any type of bicep exercise, i rotate weekly, MAIN FOCUS for me is PAUSE FLEX! I have a shitty peak, so this is my focus, i use a light weight
4 count eccentric, 4 count pause flex, 2 count concentric about 5-9 reps.... never 10 that is too much FOR ME
Same thing with triceps, PAUSE FLEX is my focus.

With legs, I just do light squats with the best form possible, I keep my reps around 15-20, I just can't do heavy lifting when I'm low carbing it.. I don't recover If i do.

LEGS (2 sets max)
Squats: 15-20 reps 225lbs All controlled reps. Rotate from free to box squats weekly
Single leg squats: 8-12 reps 2 sets
GHR: BW 15-20 rep sets, try to get perfect form... hard to do...

Full court basketball
Hill sprints
Reverse sleds
Treadmill/Bike/Elliptical Intervals (30 sec on 90 sec off) 9/10 intensity (for example, I put the treadmill at a full incline, and I put the speed at 9.0, or 10.0 and I do a 30 second interval. I like to do 9-12 rounds

The sled is really important for me, it keeps my knees from hurting, (reverse sled pulling that is). Plus it really helped my horrible quads out.

today I'm doing the legs routine, with sleds, going to add an 84# weight vest to the sled pulling just to see how it feels.
Ran hills today, it's not really a hike, i can still see my house, but it's a tough hill, takes 2 minutes to walk to it, and then I just bust up it half way, rest, bust up the other half, rest.

Then there is a hill at the top, its actually a service road to a water tower that is paved...

so i do sprints up that, forward and backward, i walk down the hill backward to stretch the calf and avoid shin splints.

I also did some pushups and light ab work...

I am sick of this shit can't wait for thursday to be over, I want to start getting back into strength training again.
Bench worked up to 275 for 3, couldn't really do higher reps, was too tired
inc db 105x8x7

a few bi's and tris
ran hill
box squats worked up to 315x5

Hill sprints

AM hike
Bench, worked up to 315x1

Wednesday, nothing
squats 225x15x2
front squats 135x8x2
single leg squat 135x8x2
trap bar dead 6 plates x3x3
45 degree back ext +#4 band x 10x2
full court basketball 3 games

Bench 135+#1band x 3x8
110 DB incline x 8 105x8
Tbar row
Lat pull down
basketball drills/hike
saturday hill sprints
( i usually do some forward, some backward and i'll add in some side shuffles up the hills as well).
sunday nothing

i was feeling drained on monday, so i did some light bench work,.. felt really weak... was a horrid workout. 275 felt like 315, 105 db's felt heavy, pull ups felt slow...

Then on tuesday morning my grandfather died and I got really sick.. been sick with fever and shit, got on antibiotics yesterday morning... zpack 5 days...
The fever made my joints ache, it was a crazy high fever 103, haven't had that since 2000...

So I'm fucked for the week.

I'll start back up with some light work and some light cardio tomorrow or saturday... probably just cardio, not interested in weights right now, still feel weak.