Got My N2 Guard Today! Question..


New member
Got my N2 Guard today, and it says to take 7 capsules daily on the instructions. Should I really take that many or is there a lower dose I should be taking? Oh and when is the best time to take the 7 capsules if so?

I also see that it has Taurine and several vitamins in it, I already take Taurine in my pre-workout shake and a Multi-Vitamin daily. Will that be a problem?
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Razordrol, it's 50 mg Tren 15 mg Epi

I would do 5-6, i was doing 4 on just Epi alone at 40mg. Since you've got oral tren i'd say 5-6 would be optimal. Great product you should enjoy both of those, Razordrol just got pulled from the store i work at. One guy came in and went from 148-172 in 5 weeks on it!! :wiggle:
I take mine all at once and time it so that it's taken at a different time than whatever oral I'm taking :)