D71 back
dead lifts 135x15 225x12 275x10 315x5 335x5 2min rest
bb v up rows 45x15 70x12 95x10 1min rest`
low pulley wide grip rows 170x11x7 30 sec rest
cardio 2.5mi 20min 3min cool down
cal intake 3471
d 72 chest
flat bench bb 135x20 225x5x2 235x5x3 2min rest
flat bench db fly 40x10x4 1min rest
incline db press 55x10 75x10 85x8 90x5 1min rest
high pulley cable cross 50x11x7 30 sec rest
cardio 3.6mi 27min 3 min cool down
chest is smoked feels great !
D73 rest no work out no cardio
cal intake 3117
d 74 legs
squats 135x10 225x5x5
db lunges 45x8x4
leg extensions 90x11x7 30sec rest
legs feel like jello i am thinking that its b/c i always ignored doing leg work outs growing up i'm paying for it now, in strength and endurance but they will build up wish i had a leg press machine
i wanted to have blood work done this week how ever i got into some shit at work and don't want to ask for the time to go get it done so next week. I am thinking the test is some what under dosed b/c i haven't seen much improvment in strength however i have been gaining muscle and vascular so its there maybe just not that strong or maybe i need more then 5oo a week . Only blood's will tell
cardio i ramped it up again 9mph feels good i can handle it same intervals same time i would have the numbers for it but my new treadmill combined with my new floor fan blew the breaker half way through so i don't know what it comes out to ill tell ya's tomorrow
cal intake 3665 calo's coming up weight back to 217