grizzld's Test Cyp Log

Here's the plan

Weeks 1-13 500mg Test Cyp split in to 2 injects of 250mg every 3 1/2 days Weeks 2-19 Aromasin start dose at 6.25mg ED Adjust if needed.

PCT Week 14-15ish (13 days after last PIN) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Blast 1000iu EOD for 10 days. Week 15ish Clomid first day 100mg, then 50mg ED for next 2 weeks, Nolvadex 40mg ED for 2 weeks. Weeks 18-19 Continue 50mg ED of Clomid, drop Nolva down to 20mg ED.

Current stats

Height 6'0
Weight 225
BF% 17%

Overall goal is to pack on some muscle lean out a bit more

Current goal is to hit 15% BF in the first 5 weeks

Diet is Clean about 3000 cal work out days 2000 off days This is a work in progress I may up cal's depending on the results I see with the current cal intake. If I feel like I need more I will up it

Work out 5 days off 2 Cardio 5 days off 2 AB/Core am work outs 4 to 5 days a week

Enjoy the Ride:biggthump

1ML 250MG test cyp

Work out arms

barbell wide grip curls 95lbs x4x12 super set rope pull downs 110x4x12
skull crushers 95lbsx12x4 super set wire curls st bar 110x12x4

cardio 2.3mi 17min 3min cool down

cal intake 2344


work out chest-
flat bench barbell press 205x5x5 super set wide grip pull ups 5x5
wire flys 70x4x12 super set dumb bell incline flys 45x4x10

cardio 2.3mi 17min 3min cool down

cal intake 2140


Work out legs- Squats 205x5x5
leg extensions 70x11x7
ham extensions 45x11x7

Cardio 2.3mi 17min 3min cool down

Cal intake 2339


Rest no work out no cardio

cal intake 1828

D5 SECOND PIN went smooth as butta 250mg

Work out Shoulders-

Standing military press 165x5x5 superset pull ups 5x5

seated dumb bell over head press I sit on the end of the bench and don't use a back It seems to hit my muscles harder 45x11 35x10 35x8x5 30 sec rest period

front and side dumb bell raises 20x10x5

Cardio 2.3mi 17min 3min cool down heavy and speed bag work

Cal intake 2389

All caught up , as soon as I get my boy to take pics I will post my before pics probably Monday night
Hey grizzly! Im in this one for the ride! I think me and you already know eachother thoy ;).
What is your goal for the end of your cycle?
D 6 work out- back

Dead lifts 305x5x5 up from 295 super set wide grip pull ups 5x5 2min rest

Low pulley rows close grip 160 x11x7 30sec rest

Lat pull downs 110x10x10x8x8x8 1min rest

Cardio 2.3mi 17min 3min cool down

Cal intake 2652
Good job today bro, sure that back will be sore tomorrow...

I always post a day back so that actually was yesterday :)

Today I can feel it but usually I am super sore when I do back and legs.

I think I feel it less b/c I have been working on my form w/ deads trying to get it perfect

Same with squats I went up 10lbs this week but really concentrated on my form (i tend to bend to far forward at the waist) and was not nearly as sore as I usually am the next day
Cool back workout , keep liftin brother and keep that form strict

yeah bro I will eventually post some videos just to get some feedback on my squat and dead lift form.

I read a book a while back "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippitoe

It illustrates proper form and explains it well for squats , deads , bp , cleans , mili press. It reads like a text book but its got everything you want to know

I work out alone so I think video will help me out alot
Hey grizzly! Im in this one for the ride! I think me and you already know eachother thoy ;).
What is your goal for the end of your cycle?

I want to get the most out of this cycle as possible. That said I will set goals based on how I feel. Since this is my first test run I will listen to my body mainly. I am not against bulking up if I feel like I need to take on 1000 more cals. I will . Since I have been cutting as of late I am going to keep the same cal. Intake for now and see where it goes, I would love to maintain weight for the most part and lean out . If I don't see the results though I will change it up and clean up after the cycle. I will monitor my BF% through out the cycle and change up my diet as needed I will have blood work done week 5 to see how its going and adjust my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I need to.

My current goal is 15% bf by next test 5 weeks from last Tues. I am not so concerned with how much I weigh as I am lean mass to fat.

what do you think?
D 7 no work out no cardio rest

cal intake 3036 had a cheat day nothing to crazy just a heavy dinner

since I am off today and already worked out here is today

D 8 pin tonight

work out chest -

flat bench bb press 215x5x5 up from 205 2min rest

high pulley wire fly 50x11x7 30 sec rest

incline db press 55x12 65x10x4 2min rest

low pulley wire fly 40x11x4 40x8x3 30sec rest

Cardio 3.5mi 27min 3min cool down

I will post pics and cal intake for today tonight