Guys taking roids too early


Guys - I just want to share a conversation I overheard today at the gym cafe between 3 guys.

Picture this - guy 1, around 5foot 11 (very skinny and lankey), guy 2 (5foot 10 medium build, slightly pumped arms, but not much else) guy 3 (6 foot 2, lankey, bad posture, looks like he has been training 3 months).

I overheard the concersation as follows:

Guy 2 - oh yeah, I've done 2 tren cycles, but really I love Deca, you know what I'm saying? With Deca, you really get to keep your gains. Right now I'm doing Winstrol, really aiming at muscle definition.

Guy 1 - Yeah, deca is great. I usually take that with dbol, its great stuff. (Then some conversation on where to buy it, how much to pay etc).

Guy 2 - Yeah - I put my buddy (pointing to guy 3) on Deca, and over the last 3 months he's put on more than 6 pounds...We only really train arms and legs. That's the way to add size...

Here I am looking at these guys in amazement. I come form the hard core training school (I am a competitive weight-lifter)- lots of real hard core 2 hour sessions that leave you aching. I started at a skinny 58kg (6 foot), and bulked up to 88kg over a period of 4 years, naturally. Since then, I have done 4 sensible cycles, with dbol and/or Winstrol, stacked with Sustanon, now weighing 94kg with very low body fat. So I am in really great shape and I deserve it. From their conversation, these guys have probably done more stuff that I have, and yet really they look like guys who literally have spent less than 3 months in the gym.

I felt like just jumping into their conversation and telling them a thing or two, but in the end I just bit my tounge, concluding there was probably no point.

Anyone know guys similar to this? Personally I think its real shame that people have this approach to training these days.
i know no one like this. Everyone i've known to be on can hold their own in the gym
I can't tell you how many times I've over heard shit like that. There is always some skinny bastard telling his buddy about his theories that are total bullshit while his friend is just soaking up all this shitty info. On top of that you have guys popping M1T's and Dbols like candy, eating 2 or 3 meals a day, no pre or post workout nutrition and train off and on over the period of a year, and to add on to that weigh as much as my leg.
Pic any board and you will get the "I'm 18 and I lift iron in P.E., I am 6'1' and 170 but want to get big, what's the best roid to put on lean mass now"
Everyone I know takes training very seriously, none of them juice and are all natty with solid diets...even in there natty form they could wipe the floor with many juicers..even though steroids are legal to use in the UK I don't think it's anywhere near as widespread as the US...things are changing though and it's in the papers more and more....
Sadly, I know a lot of guys like that. I make it a habit to educate first-time users on the pros and cons of steroids. Sadly, no-one has listened yet when I told them to go natural. I know about 5 guys like that.
Oh and they all still look like shit. One guy came to me for his second cycle. I told him to go natural since he looked totally untrained. But then he told me he had 'experience', he already did a first cycle of a gram of deca standalone a week. Off course he didn't work out much if any, and didn't eat. To his surprise, he suffered a lot of sides, and no gains.
Thoms said:
Oh and they all still look like shit...he didn't work out much if any, and didn't eat. To his surprise, he suffered a lot of sides, and no gains.
Damn, that is truly scary!.... :insane:
hal said:
Guy 2 - Yeah - I put my buddy (pointing to guy 3) on Deca, and over the last 3 months he's put on more than 6 pounds...We only really train arms and legs. That's the way to add size...


8 years all natty motherfucker. and ive put on a hell of alot more than 6 pounds.
people at gyms are fucking stupid most people who roid dont even know what the fuck they are doing or talking about bro......even the big guys ive met alot of big dudes who dont know shit....but they have the genetics and the dedication and they are big.....thats why i only listen to people on here and learn and i dont really share my information because people never seem to understand i keep it to myself.