HCG + Clomid Instead of TRT


New member
I had my levels checked recently because of loss of libido, nonexistent morning wood, and weights seem heavier than normal. I am 23 years old. 7 days after I got my levels checked I was prescribed 1mg Propecia for MPB. Below are results:

LH: 3.48 MIU/ML ...... (Range: 1.24 - 8.62 MIU/ML)

FSH: 14.50 MIU/ML ...... (Range: 1.27 - 19.26 MIU/ML)

SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOBULIN: 41.8 nmol/L ...... (Range: 17.3 - 65.8 nmol/L)

TOTAL TESTOSTERONE: 326.2 ng/dl ...... (Range: 241.0 - 827.0 ng/dl)

TESTOSTERONE, FREE, MALE >20 YRS: 55 pg/mL ...... (Range: 47 - 244 pg/mL)

PROLACTIN: 11.49 ng/ml ...... (Range: 2.64 - 13.13 ng/ml)

Doctors think it is too early for me to start TRT. Just wondering if it would be beneficial to do Clomid and HCG. I would like to have kids in the future. I have never touched juice; my levels should be much higher for my age.

Some guidance would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL!
I too have tossed around the idea lately and going the clomid route to increase my natty t since its on the lower side. I've seen a lot of research and people using clomid but you never really see or hear of people doing the same with nolvadex. I wonder why that is?
I too have tossed around the idea lately and going the clomid route to increase my natty t since its on the lower side. I've seen a lot of research and people using clomid but you never really see or hear of people doing the same with nolvadex. I wonder why that is?

Clomid tends to be more effective at raising LH and TT within reasonable dosages.

@OP: You would really only use on or the other at any given time, as HCG is suppressive to the Pituitary it will cancel out the effects of Clomid. But I don't feel you need any HCG anyways seeing as your LH is already quite low. Raise that up with Clomid and you'll likely get a decent increase in TT.

To give you an idea, these are my bloods from before and whilst on clomid.

LH - 6 iu/l
FSH - 3 iu/l
TT - 520ng/dl

On clomid:
LH - 20 iu/l
fsh - 9 iu/l
TT - 870ishh ng/dl (cant remember exact number)

Either way, I feel 100x better, stronger and libido sky high. Some people get sides from Clomid, in which case Torem might be a better choice... but I love the shit!
What time of the day were these labs taken?

Have you checked your TSH? Hypothyroidism can cause your symptoms.

How much sleep are you getting a night?

What does your diet look like? Lots of Taco Bell?

How much exercise are you getting?

Height? Weight? Body fat%?

Anything in your medical history that would should be aware of.
Also, get off the propecia. That stuff is known to lower testosterone levels and mess you up. A head of hair is not worth it.
What time of the day were these labs taken?

Have you checked your TSH? Hypothyroidism can cause your symptoms.

How much sleep are you getting a night?

What does your diet look like? Lots of Taco Bell?

How much exercise are you getting?

Height? Weight? Body fat%?

Anything in your medical history that would should be aware of.

Bloods were taken at 8:30am.
TSH was 2.73 mIU/L
I sleep a solid 8 - 9 hours and need every bit of it.
I am very anal about my diet and hit macros consistently on a daily basis. Always eat clean. Rarely cheat.
I work out 6 days per week and make sure to hit each muscle 2x per week. I lift for about 1.5 hours each day.
I am 6 feet, weigh 178 lbs, and I would say 11-13% BF.
Prostate cancer, MPB, and diabetes, run in my family.
Also, get off the propecia. That stuff is known to lower testosterone levels and mess you up. A head of hair is not worth it.

I have heard of Propecia lowering T but for the past week, I have woken up with morning wood 4/7 days as opposed to never waking up with wood. I also am noticing my face is less oily. These experiences are beginning to boost my confidence.
I thought that Clomid kills E2 and that by adding HCG, it would add some estrogen. Any merit to this?

Nope. Clomid doesn't do a damn thing to lower e2, it actually raises it via raising test. Clomid (and every other SERM) only blocks e2 from binding to certain tissues in the body. The e2 is still left in the blood free to circulate. You need an AI like Aromasin, Arimadex etc. to actually lower circulating e2.

HCG does aromatize, but you wouldn't really use it primarily for that reason. HCG is used to stimulate the testes into producing testosterone.

I would absolutely do a tonne more research and actually learn about the compounds your considering putting in your body... at the moment (no offence) it seems like you don't have a clue. Educate before you medicate!
Nope. Clomid doesn't do a damn thing to lower e2, it actually raises it via raising test. Clomid (and every other SERM) only blocks e2 from binding to certain tissues in the body. The e2 is still left in the blood free to circulate. You need an AI like Aromasin, Arimadex etc. to actually lower circulating e2.

HCG does aromatize, but you wouldn't really use it primarily for that reason. HCG is used to stimulate the testes into producing testosterone.

I would absolutely do a tonne more research and actually learn about the compounds your considering putting in your body... at the moment (no offence) it seems like you don't have a clue. Educate before you medicate!

I am definitely trying to educate myself as I feel doctors don't know much. I do agree with them that TRT is not the way to go, especially for my age. So would there be any benefit to just taking Clomid on its own vs HCG on its own?
Clomiphene is not impactful in the presence of hCG, as hCG is suppressive. Clomiphene, as the sole compound would make more sense, as that has been studied and proven effective; multiple times.
Clomiphene is not impactful in the presence of hCG, as hCG is suppressive. Clomiphene, as the sole compound would make more sense, as that has been studied and proven effective; multiple times.

I am not really looking for muscle gains at this point. I am looking to improve my sexual health. When I was a teenager I would get wood just looking at a girl's ass. Now, that isn't the case. Also, I don't watch porn. I just want to have sex everyday instead of 2x a week!
I am not really looking for muscle gains at this point. I am looking to improve my sexual health. When I was a teenager I would get wood just looking at a girl's ass. Now, that isn't the case. Also, I don't watch porn. I just want to have sex everyday instead of 2x a week!

If that's your goal, get off propecia and stay off it for life. You will never have the sex drive you want if you continue to supress DHT.

No sides in the first week doesn't mean it's safe. Check out some of the stories on PROPECIAHELP: Persistent Finasteride Propecia Proscar side effects info & forum if you haven't yet.
How do you know you are getting adequate sleep. You can easily have sleep apnea and not know it

For those who are wondering if they got sleep apnea and got an Android phone. Install Sleep Talk Recorder. It records all sounds you make at night :-) Should atleast give you an idea
For those who are wondering if they got sleep apnea and got an Android phone. Install Sleep Talk Recorder. It records all sounds you make at night :-) Should atleast give you an idea

No thanks, I don't want to know whats going on in my room when im sleeping!