LOL RJ...I'm a bit overwhelmed
I'm 5'4'' ...110lbs...@ 20%
I do train in BJJ with 3J but my main exercise is dancing. I've trained in every style of dance except ballet.
armbars n triangle chokes are awesome but my heart racing to the beat of music is my high!
LOL RJ...I'm a bit overwhelmed
I'm 5'4'' ...110lbs...@ 20%
I do train in BJJ with 3J but my main exercise is dancing. I've trained in every style of dance except ballet.
armbars n triangle chokes are awesome but my heart racing to the beat of music is my high!
I do train in BJJ with 3J....
well i call your bullshit on this one. isnt your man the size of an average gorilla?
gorrillas dont do BJJ
ya ya nuff with the fucking story. you know im just yanking your chain round your gorilla ass neck. haha
i do bj..
take it from me... 3J does BJs better than most women.
only cuz i can dp u so well with my friends...
fair exchange.. lmao
stop it I'm getting horny.
time for your woman to hold the camera this time.
i thought u told me u dont wanna be on camera as im banging u.. wtf.. now that she has the camera ur ok with it?? that's fucked up!
its not fucked up.
Listen, your hung like an elephant...
my dick looks like a cheese wheel. So of course any comparison camera work would be a disadvantage for me.
But, if she holds the camera, then its just you and I, and our undying man love for each other. And people will forget about your extra 9 or 10 inches over me and just focus on the intimacy which is the 3J/RJ sandwich.
get it now you fucking homo?
awww baby... ur melting my heart... lmfao
wow.. gayest post of 2011 nomination right here