Hi my name is..............

Wartime100 said:
Hey Supergirl, what PT certification do you have? I am in the process of getting my NSCA-cpt.
studied with "Dr. Squat" lol.. ISSA cert.. i am actually thinking of getting my NCSA in Vegas next month as well.. That is a great cert to have!!
supergirl said:
studied with "Dr. Squat" lol.. ISSA cert.. i am actually thinking of getting my NCSA in Vegas next month as well.. That is a great cert to have!!

The biggest problem for me is waiting the testing to come to a nearby area. Since you said you live around NYC, there is a test in Brooklyn on June 7th. The registration deadline is april 11th. That is where I am going to take mine since I live in Jersey.
Ok, well i guess that leaves Lil Ol' me!

hey Chickies! My name is Friscochick, I am from (yes you guessed it) San Francisco Cali. I am 25 Years old, and have one three year old daughter. I have been working as an accountant for the past 5 years and love it. I got into working out, after my daughter was born. I have always been thin, and an active teenager so no need for the gym. BUT after i had her my little 5'2 frame turned into a blimp weighing in at 155 pounds!:eek: SO! what i did, was joined a gym, read lot about weight lifting, losing weight, cardio workouts and cutting diets. So i put into play three years ago, 8 months after i started i lost 40 pounds. For the last 2 years i have been focusing on weight lifting and limiting the cardio to three-four times a week. I workout 5-6 days a week naturally so far. Right now, i'm training myself a lil more on calistetics. I love what working out has done for my body and for my life.. I am at 5'2 114 pounds 16% BF

and i dont have any animals! Sorry guys!:D
See, there's something I didn't know about Friscochick, I didn't know you had a little girl. Wow, you look great! Keep up doing whatever you're doing Frisco, cuz u look great.;)
I guess its my turn!
Ive been working out in gyms for about 2 years, but before that I was very active in outdoor sports and swimming/running. I am 5'6 130lbs, im not sure on my BF% but i'll update soon! I enjoy kickboxing and spinning classes, and im in my 3rd year of college, working p/t as a tutor. Ive been around the gym atmosphere for so long but never tried any anabolics, except some t3 and clen. (if that even counts!) Im more knowlegable in the diet and nutrition/supplements areas, so im looking to learn more about AS :) Cute cats!! I have no pets but i want a puppy :(
my turn

hi ppl, My real name is Ryan, i am 5'9 192lbs, 11%bf and i am 24 years old. I live up in Canada, i have been training for 3 years now. since all of u are putting animal pics up i'll do the same, i have a 16 month old Border collie named ECHO and a 3 year old black cat named Atticus that we got from the SPCA. she is a kutie... i thik that is it.:confused:

good to see others
Hey guys can I join in...

OK, my name is Chris, my real name...I have been training 10 years now, and have competed on at the national level. Im 5-10, 280 pounds right now, I guess about 12-13% bf... I plan on competing next year, at the USA. Im mostly, on the Mayhem board, but visit this board every night. I don't have kids ,but I have 5 dogs (min pins) and yeah, they are my kids... Lexi, Eve, Sky, Jazzy, and Maisy. I tried to name all of them after porn stars, but when I got Maisy, she already had that name (I got her when she was almost 1 year old)
Im also, married to my wife Crystal who also works out. We have been married for 5 years, now and she is the best...

Here are a few pics of my kids...
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This is my favorite pic...

This is sky my blue min pin, my wife and I flew out to Las Vegas to get her, and she cost a fortune... But she has been worth every penny of it.

I also, want to say Sky is a chic magnet.... everyone falls in love with her the first time seeing her...
chris250 said:
This is my favorite pic...

This is sky my blue min pin, my wife and I flew out to Las Vegas to get her, and she cost a fortune... But she has been worth every penny of it.

I also, want to say Sky is a chic magnet.... everyone falls in love with her the first time seeing her...

Oh my god, she is so cute!
This is in another thread, but just in case... I wanted to put it in the right one!
Ok, so...I thought I would share my stats, training regime, diet, cycles, all of it. Some things I cannot say because I don't know who may be watching...I am engaged to a moderator on BBX (which is where I was) , Muscle Mayhem (I think) and 1moreRep. He has been in the game for a loooong time,( more games than you know) personal trains, and has taught me almost everything I know.

I started working out 3.5 years ago. I was 104 lbs...soft as a pillow! I am currently 140, 5'4", @ 14% BF., 121lbs. LBM Up until about 1 yr ago, I was in the gym M-F weights, then 30-45 min. of cardio. I was getting nowhere fast, and wanting to do a show this year, and making no progress.
I then hooked up with Beverly International, and SWEAR BY their methodology. It has worked wonders for me. I had tried enough diets to shake a stick at! They gave me 3 diets, 1 for bulking, 1 for maintaining, and 1 for cutting. All of them reaped great benefits. It is expensive to change to their products, but I find the $$!!!

My training regime has varied also. I've done circuit, supersets, pyramid, and max weight for each rep/set. In my experience, I've had the greatest results w/ max weight, but I've kept it changed up. I have done 1 body part 1 day/week. I recently threw legs 2 x/wk into the mix, because my upper body was growing faster than my wheels. My measurements 3.5 yrs ago were: BUST: 33", WAIST: 26", ABDOMEN: 28", HIPS: 35, THIGH: 21", BICEP: 9.5".
My stats as of 3/02/03: BUST: 38.5" WAIST: 27", ABDOMEN: 29", HIPS: 38", THIGH: 23", SHOULDERS: 42.5", BICEP: 12.5". You can say I've made some progress! I do have a ways to go. These days it's getting REAL HARD to find clothes to fit right. I plan on doing my first show in November.
As for the AAS: I've messed around with t-3. Clen, and DNP; all to no avail. I saw virtually no benefits from any of it. Since I have almost anything available to me:
I did my first cycle last October of Ana Anavar (var). Max dosage: 15 mgs/day.Had a little acne, that's all. Made decent gains, hardened me up nicely.
My second cycle was in December of EQ. 100mgs/wk. I did it through the holidays, so I'm sure it could have workedmuch better. I had TREMENDOUS LIFTS with it. I had nice gains from that also, but some was more water and fat than I wanted. Only had a little bit more acne than the Anavar (var).
Just today I finished my 3rd cycle. I ran Anavar @ 10mgs/day for 5 weeks, and Prop @ 25mgs E3D for 4 weeks. Started my first kit of HGH 6 weeks ago. Plan to stay with that for another 16-18 weeks, maybe longer.Experienced even more acne, a little enlargement down south, and voice crackiness. Also, flipped out 3rd week in. Felt like a raging psychotic on more than one occasion. I am impatient bynature, and at times I thought I was gonna blow! I did have great muscle gains, although my lifts were not as huge with the EQ.
I will be starting some Primo tabs in about 4-6 weeks. Don't know if I will run anything with it.I would like to get 2 more gainer cycles in before diet time for Nov. show. It's a total Novice show, and I plan to win. i need to gain at least 10 more lbs. of LBM by then.
My fiance is doing 2 shows in July, and we're getting married in Aug. so it will be a busy year.
Now, that you know a little more about my experience, feel free to ask any questions about the Beverly diet, my training, my personal bests, etc, etc.!!!

Yeah, she is my baby...She follows me everywhere, and sits on my lap when im on the computer. She sleeps in bed with us, (actully all 5 sleep in bed)...LOL

Like I said, EVERYONE falls in love with her...

Hi all! I'm 36, 5'3", 150lbs, 17% bf., been lifting since last summer with my husband of 18 yrs. as my trainer. I have one 11 y.o. daughter and a 17 y.o. cat who no longer has any teeth...bad oral hygene. I've fought being fat all of my life (have weighed over 200 lbs, not muscle), then hubby helped out with diet info. and training. I worked on Wall St. straight out of H.S. but went to FL for vacation and fell in love with it. We moved to the Tampa area about 15 yrs. ago. I hate cardio and haven't gotten myself to do it regularly at all...except for when I'm naked with hubby. ;) Lifting has changed my body so much...I look forward to the changes to come! Unfortunately I lost most my boobies so this April I'm going in for a lift and implants...I'm so nervous but excited too. I did one cycle of prop, injured my arm a week into cycle, then got the flu so although I didn't have any gains, the cycle helped preserve what work I'd done in the month I had to rest. After surgery I'd like to try another cycle of something else...not sure what yet. Then in about a year I'd like a tummy tuck so I can finally wear a bikini! :)
Welcome to the boards Mrs. Puddles. I was wondering when you were going to get your pretty little butt over here to the board.
It's great to have you here!:p