how a bodybuilders fridge should look


whole sale is the weight to go I spend 50-60 there on meats and dairy every 10 days or so and it supplements my other groceries.I go to bj's and get the 5lb bag of eas protein for 25 bucks that helps.

nike ninja
whole sale is the weight to go I spend 50-60 there on meats and dairy every 10 days or so and it supplements my other groceries.I go to bj's and get the 5lb bag of eas protein for 25 bucks that helps.

nike ninja
whole sale is the weight to go I spend 50-60 there on meats and dairy every 10 days or so and it supplements my other groceries.I go to bj's and get the 5lb bag of eas protein for 25 bucks that helps.
nice fridge. definitely had to get that look married with the 3 year old, but I do alright. I pre-cook chicken a couple three kilos at a time, all chicken breasts, i get them fresh from the local supermarket and they come out to be about 1.50/lb. guess with the yen being stronger these days that number is up. i mix it with brown rice and/or veggies depending on the meal, also eat tuna and some red meats and some tofu on occasion. i keep shakes for when i'm out and won't be able to keep chicken cold enough for it to stay good, etc.

starting my first cycle up pretty soon.

currently 6'2, 210lbs 9% bf. right now i'm looking at the 230-ish range with a slightly lower bf% as my longer term goal but we'll see i'm going to play it by ear.

food is EXPENSE over here for the most part. i eat 6 or so meals a day, my wife and daughter eat 3 but i sometimes give my daughter some of what i'm having so she comes up to about 4 or so. the meals with the wife end up having higher sodium and carb content though we prepare stuff and at a point i'll often take some out to mix with my pre-cooked meats/veggies or something. depends on what we're cooking. we budget for around 600 bucks a month on food, which includes eating out when we go to disneyland and go out shopping and what not.
i hear this all the time, but if you took the money you spend on shakes and shit... and bought bulk whole foods like 3J is talking about, you'd be suprised how close to even you'd be.

Plus there are things you can do without in college if you wanna get jacked. Cable TV, fancy car, etc. If you got muscles and game... you can keep the pussy rolling picking em up in a Honda Civic hatchback.

Trust me, i did it for years. :D

or you can just be good looking like
Sweet. I'm just getting started... and I do mean JUST getting started (I'm 140lbs), and my diet, by pure coincidence, is already exactly what the original post described... Chicken, sweet potatoes, hummus, avocados, rice, and fresh veggies. Plus quinoa.

If I could only get enough of it into me w/out feeling sick, I might actually get somewhere. :/ Been fighting really bad nausea lately. Toning, but losing.
fuck diet burger king allday

The best offseason cycle I had back in the day was when the Burger King next to my gym ran a crazy double whopper special. Something like 2 for $3. I'd get two before lifting and two after. My heart loves me for that summer.
Wow, not bad at all. After spending the last 7 years of my life as a student, my fridge has never looked like that, but close. My roommates always think I'm a freak because I cook enough for 10 and then tupperware everything to always make sure I have enough good food. Still always do my best to stay on diet even when low on time. Thank you slow cooker and wok.
<----- Certified nutritionist, athletic, and resistance trainer.
Nutrition is so importtant!!
You are what you eat!!
My prepared food took over our fridge so I bought one on craigslist for $25.00 and put it in the garage...It looks just like the picture.LOL.
That's definitely how a bodybuilder's fridge should look like, but wait, you're missing something....oh yeah the other second fridge :)
Very jealous... Makes it hard still living at home... especially when they have frozen pizza's and such, but most the food is healthy.

Perfect idea for when i move out though :p
we all know how important dieting is for body building.. or do we?

some people dont know how much preperation it takes to keep up with a good solid diet.. so i thought i would show u guys whats up..

in this picture is about 3-4 days worth of food for me
16oz sweet potatoe, mashed
16oz yams
6 servings of 8oz chicken breast with veggies (in tomato sauce.. recipe soon to come)
4 servings of 8oz ground turkey
5 servings of avocados
1 whole bucket of cottage cheese
1 whole bucket of hummus
a bag of ready made steak strips (they were on sale, couldn't help myself) they're about 6 servings per bag....
12 servings of my gf's red (tomato) brown rice (recipe soon to come)

get the picture?? lol


remember, your diet is the most important factor of your growth, so COME ON IN TO THE DIET SECTION!!! u can follow the link in my signature!!!



Where did you get the steak strips from, cant find them anywhere. Then again cant find much in Canada.
im in the us bro.. costco... i gotta tell u though its not the best choice of meats.. i just got it on whim cuz it was cheap and tastes good... but im sure it has preservatives