how do i make hgh

low T

New member
Hello everyone. I'm new to this website and I hope i'm posting this in the right section. I'm new to chemicals and i'm wondering how to make hgh. Please give as many details as you can on how to do it or where to learn (ie books or classes). Thank you very much.
Hello everyone. I'm new to this website and I hope i'm posting this in the right section. I'm new to chemicals and i'm wondering how to make hgh. Please give as many details as you can on how to do it or where to learn (ie books or classes). Thank you very much.

??? The fact that you have asked the question proves you cannot understand the answer.
You don't make HGH, you buy it.

Damn, this just may win the prize for dumbass questions.
Recombinant Growth Hormone is made by taking DNA that contains GH 191 single chain amino acids (20,000 molecular weight) and incorporating it into a living purified cell culture synthesized from plant matter. Over a period of time, the Growth Hormone pattern develops in the culture medium and the finished product, in the form of a powder, is now an 'exact' duplication of Human Growth Hormone.

I bought my kid a kit at Toys'R'Us for a Christmas present to synthesis hGH. I will let you know how he makes out. I hope it works cause that lil' buggers juice bill is through the roof.
Recombinant Growth Hormone is made by taking DNA that contains GH 191 single chain amino acids (20,000 molecular weight) and incorporating it into a living purified cell culture synthesized from plant matter. Over a period of time, the Growth Hormone pattern develops in the culture medium and the finished product, in the form of a powder, is now an 'exact' duplication of Human Growth Hormone.

I bought my kid a kit at Toys'R'Us for a Christmas present to synthesis hGH. I will let you know how he makes out. I hope it works cause that lil' buggers juice bill is through the roof.

i whipped some up in my garage yesterday.. piece of cake.. tools needed (12oz hammer,flathead,portable screwgun)..
You all give forums a bad name.
A perfectly good question asked by someone who thought they might get some help here,.. Obviously that person was wrong.

So much smart ass attitude. Sickening.

You all obviously think that because this person doesn't know the answer to the question he is vulnerable, and maybe you can make fun some how?

Did you all know how to make GH, or even know what GH birth?..Or did you need to do the research some how,...maybe by asking someone, or reading, maybe even asking a question in a forum?

Do you think your better than this person somehow?..Or maybe think that this person doesn't have the right to ask such a question?

.....who really is the ignorant ones?
You all give forums a bad name.
A perfectly good question asked by someone who thought they might get some help here,.. Obviously that person was wrong.

So much smart ass attitude. Sickening.

You all obviously think that because this person doesn't know the answer to the question he is vulnerable, and maybe you can make fun some how?

Did you all know how to make GH, or even know what GH birth?..Or did you need to do the research some how,...maybe by asking someone, or reading, maybe even asking a question in a forum?

Do you think your better than this person somehow?..Or maybe think that this person doesn't have the right to ask such a question?

.....who really is the ignorant ones?

Don't be an idiot. Do you have something of substance to post or did you just feel compelled to chime in on a 1.5 year old thread?
I'm the idiot?...... do you think that what I said has no substance because the thread is old?...who's the idiot?.... honestly,..were do you people come from?

Did you feel that you had a lot of substance in your post pointing out that the thread is 1.5 years old?

No matter how old the thread is, I made a valid point.

if you dont think I did, or if my point is flawed, then challenge it and respond.

But please... add to the dialogue "with something of substance", rather than making pretentious and stupid remarks.
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Bla, bla. bla. Why are you in chem study? Seriously, get out of here if your just trying to start shit. You have 2 post and your first was to defend someone from 1.5 years ago. Sounds like a troll to me.
Wow, you seriously think your clever?...

And I am in chem study ,..or anywhere else because i want to be . Suck it up.

And calling me insignificant names, doesn't suddenly make you clever either.

I dont care who bumped this, it still doesn't change anything?......
I realize I am the least qualified person to answer this question with anythng but....noone brews it that I know of in their apartment because of the intricate nature and the time/cost vs product just ain t there unless you have no life, no chick, and get easily offended by cyber criticisms.

I d make it if it was feasible but given my schedule i don t have time to brew test.

No offense s all good. But this a steroid site...take it easy. I m a fkn redneck of german descent..I get shredded everytime I watch the fkn t v, .

Your welcome to ask or say anything...a little levity is allowed. As is horseplay.

If it gets to bad I ll shut them down, pull out a band aid or tampon..whatever fits.

Chill bro....
I have a compound pharmacist who I buy my HGH from.

He will be making it in the near future and I have spoken to him about possibly sourcing some of the raw ingredients. No other pharmacist I know does this. To help it along, I thought I might do a little research, the faster he get's it off the ground the more affordable HGH will be for me.

This simply is my motivation in venturing here.

I am chilled, I believe I responded how anyone would..... the questioned asked here was very polite, and to the point.

It had nothing to do with having a chick , no life,.. getting shredded every time you watch tv.????etc.

I dont believe my response was any less relevant, because the thread is old...Yet I was the one called stupid names etc...

why?...because I made my self clear how I disliked the way no one answered the question but only made fun of it.(and him)

I think there is something really wrong with that... It only deter's people from asking questions. If no ones asking questions , and we all miss out on a healthy enriching dialogue, ..without that,.. what use is a forum?

Either way ......I am chilled ..... I had my bitch,..had my say...and now finally,..I'm over it..;-)
I guess you can make HGH in the same manner some of these chinese generic producers have been making it recently.

toss some HCG in a vial and call it HGH

Or some random filler that dissolves in water and call that HGH
The machines needed to make hgh are too far out of reach of any compounding pharm unless they plan to be a very large distributer. HGH is not like buying raws and making hormone, the equipment is extremely expensive.
I know the equipment is expensive, he has been selling HGH for many years, and knows all about it, he is making a Lab specifically for this purpose, and is also talking about working with a new delivery method that will enable you to take one injection a week of HGH.

Not that the injection is a problem, if only Primo needle was that thin. I honestly find it more a pleasure nowadays taking HGH.( I take schitropin) the vial is already mixed and fast and easy injection.

I was thinking of sourcing some of he raw materials from china, but I am going at actually ask the pharmacist what the materials are now. I know he didn't like the idea of going through China, but there must be some Legitimate sources there, and this wont need to be discreet , its all legal and will have no problem with customs etc.

Funny thing was I was going to even get cocky enough to ask if anyone knows what the raw materials were in here? lol....:bootyshak
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