How does your wife or girlfriend handle your portein farts?


New member
Didn't see anything more :iwdumbass :iwdumbass interesting on here so I thought i would throw that one out theeeeeere!!!!

god bless
she usually handles it by kickin me.......sometimes she threatens to fart too, then I threaten that her stuff will be on the front porch, as women do not fart or take a crap (In my mind)

she has yet to make good on the threat.
Guys bad smelling gas is a sign that your body is not processing the extra protein, so if it's not being digested properly your body's not using it.

some (like me) have a problem with lactose. Ive only found a few brands of isolate that seem to meet with the claim "lactose free"
Like Johnny said this comes from indigestion, not protein specifically. In fact, this indigestion means you are a walking breeding ground for bacteria, and this places a strain on your immune system thereby shortening your lifespan.

Shitty news eh?

The way to work around this is not to eat foods that require alkali to digest when you are mixing in foods that require acidic digestion. This however would make eating a further chore, especially when you are doing 4-6,000 calories a day. However, the better your digestion it is yet one more contributing factor to a long healthy lifespan.
Mudge, johnny, what can we do to help this. My gas is fucking rancid at times.
I take in 350g a day... No serious gas problems. Maybe 1 day a week I can seriously distrub some people in an elevator, but thats about it.
terrible farts mean that I am a real man, so of course my woman loves them and me for sharing them.....jk, shes just used to it by now
This is a very interesting point. So what do you do ? Add more carbs assuming you eat 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Maybe switch to another type protein ?

JohnnyB said:
Guys bad smelling gas is a sign that your body is not processing the extra protein, so if it's not being digested properly your body's not using it.

WOW- I started this as a joke........however mine are worse than others girl just tries to give me the "dutch oven"

god bless
Come to think of it, when I first bumped up the protein my farts gave my GF kind of a paralysis for a few min... Then she would curl up into a fetal position and weep... that went on for another few.

I guess I got accostomed to the extra.
"How does your wife or girlfriend handle your portein farts?"

My girlfriend has far more of a problem with gas than I do. She feels the need to share her problems with me on a constant basis. I guess thats the sign of a meaningfull relationship.