How long before you feel any benefits from P-GH?


New member
I just finished my first month on P-GH and have yet to feel any benefits from it.

Yes, but hands and face get all tingly for a moment, just as there is a momentary shortness of breath. But that's about it.

How long before you guys started to feel if it was working? Am I being too impatient?

Thanks muchly.
It's been a month for me as well, I've noticed better sleep, more energy and am losing some b/f

I would have thought you should have noticed some leaning out after a month.....but hey I'm no the expert as I haven't tried it yet... Will be starting it shortly. Are you sleeping deeper?
No, I'm not sleeping better. And no, I haven't experienced an enhanced sense of well being.

The only results that have even let me know I've injected is the tingly feeling and shortness of breath.

I get blood tests every two months because I'm part of a research study, so I'm due again in three weeks. Last test was the week before I started P-GH. Hope to see an improvement in my lipid profile.
I have been on for over a month. Prior to P-GH use I did not sleep well, waking up frequently. Now I am sleeping soundly and waking up more energetic. Also, I am leaning out which is also noticable. My wife commented on the definition in my back which I never had. Based on my last lipid profile after starting P-GH, that has also improved. This is subjective, but I feel more calm. What I am experiencing seems to be what others are also reporting. I guess since we are all different physiologically, the effects can differ.
Test, I'm sorry if I sounded negative. I'm just disappointed that I have experienced no benefits and am wondering how others responded.

Maybe this next month will show some results.
I just started using P-GH yesterday. I slept like a baby last night, and had tons of energy today. I had to do a presentation in front of a client for almost 3 hours this mind was sharp, I was focused, energized, and time flew! I am usually so beat after a 3 hour presentation that hitting the gym is out of the question that evening...but I am ready to go! We shall see how much body fat I lose in the next month or so. I am feeling some increased energy after just 2 days!
Spartie, no flame intended, honestly, but your response is the kind that makes me fear that fans of P-GH are victims of the dreaded placebo effect.

You could shoot 20iu of gh at once and still not experience the kinds of benefits you describe after being on the stuff for one day. Gh precursors, just like gh itself, take weeks if not months to show any effect whatsoever, so I find it impossible to believe that two or three injections could result in such a vast improvement of your state of mind.

I don't think you're lying, in fact I'm convinced you're not. I just fear that everyone's enthusiasm for this product is blinding them to its inefficacy.
Good point...and I forgot to mention that I was in a severe auto accident last week and was prescribed Valium for muscle spasms and Vicodin for pain associated with the whiplash.

Think those drugs may have contributed to my good sleep and overall euphoria?

I honestly agree with you, and see where you are coming from....but I did indeed feel "something" within minutes of the Sub-Q injections. Mostly a tingling sensation and even some dizziness. I will not be able to give a accurate and realistic "review" of this "supplement" until the 3 or 4 month mark of continuous use I suspect.

Good luck in your search for long-term results, as I am sure they are very few.
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No offense or flame taken had a good and legitimate point. I feel good enough to hit the gym, just sore as F$%^k! Thanks for the concern and good wishes! And lets hope that P-GH is the next "best thing"!

I will say that Universal Kits is a very good and reputable company...a good Bro that runs the operation. The price of P-GH is MUCH cheaper than HGH, so i suggest trying it for 3 or 4 months like myself and see if it works for you. Good luck.
i also took my first shot yesterday. .5mlx2 am and pm. i didn't sleep that well at all last night and felt no energy today. i was really tired all day today. i had the tingling, shitty taste in my mouth and shortness of breathe but i think it is way too soon to judge its effects.
I can shoot GH and feel it within 2 days depending on the dose. And this is no placebo.
Also it is more like that he would feel some effects from the p-gh the GH because of the sudden increase of gaba in the brain causing effects that are independant of those from GH andministration.

Another point is that if you are producing a good amount of endogenous GH especially do to the youth factor, I would imagine the less dramatic the effect of a GH precusor as well as GH itself. Which is the reason older individuals feel the benefits of GH with lesser amount.
EZ, I absolutely agree that gh results are age dependent, and that's why I'm worried about the P-GH.

I'm an old fart (48) and respond to gh very quickly. Not two days, but I can begin to feel it within two weeks.

Four weeks with P-Gh and I got nothing.
kbrkbr said:
EZ, I absolutely agree that gh results are age dependent, and that's why I'm worried about the P-GH.

I'm an old fart (48) and respond to gh very quickly. Not two days, but I can begin to feel it within two weeks.

Four weeks with P-Gh and I got nothing.

Well there are always a lot of variables. Like in my case when I had been off juice so long(6 months) my balls got bigger my muscles got hard and my sex drive went up along with decreased lethargy/increased energy all within a week. I didn't expect anything at the time and was just more or less dicking around. The only reason I got it in the first place was because I had gotten LR's gaba and it made me sleep and not have so much anxiety.
So actually sleep was all that I was after. Then I start reading about it afterwards.

Anyhow ordered two time12 weeks worth of it and a few bottles didn't do shit!
variables could be: They were bunk; maybe sugar intake too close to p-gh injection hindering endo gh release;increased tolerance;bacteria buildup in p-gh bottle degrading it; pituitary was already putting out all it was going to;needed a break etc...,

i don't know But I kept on using it into breaking back into the juice then stopped for almost 3 weeks except a few hit & miss shots until yesterday.
I have one bottle left that I mixed up. I shot .5ml right before bed and the numbeness and breathless feeling whammied my ass hard! I wasn't expecting it at all just thought I would use the last bottle up cause it was there.

First thing I noticed when I woke up was my balls were solid and bigger(just like the first few times I used it) and my muscles felt harder. My wife had the same thing(minus the balls:)

So...........I'm not getting a placebo going on my end. But one of the above mentioned variables should be considered. My wife rubs my balls constantly and usually comments on them before I do(it puts me to sleep- on a side note I think I was spoiled from a kid cuase my baby sitter used to rub my balls to get me to stop yacking & squawking. When I turned 16 y/o in spite of all my protesting, my mother & father decided I was too old for a baby sitter). :redhot: :destroy: Thus began a life of crime:crying: :chainsaw: :uzi: :whipping:
Day 12 for me.

.5ml twice day, everyday.

Definite thing I've noticed:

1) DEEP SLEEP!! I'm seriuos about this, I'm a horrible sleeper and for the last week I've been sleeping like growing 12 year old, and also dreaming a lot more.

2) Sense of well being. About 5 days into it I started to just feel *good*.

3) Less sorness in the gym. I really haven't been getting sore AT ALL.

A couple of things. Been dieitng hard for the last couple months, but I've also included one all out cheat day (like 10k calories worth of junk) once a week to keep my sane. I had my LAST cheat day the day prior to starting P-GH, so it's hard for me to tell what it's doing on my body composition. I'm definitely leaner, but who's to say thats not soley because of dropping the cheat days. Also, the day I started the P-GH I also started practicaly bathing in Yohimburn-ES prior to cardio. I do double cardio sessions daily, 60 minuite sessions).

Just wanted to comment on what I can give definite's to and what I can't.