So when i was backpacking through Colombia 10 years ago i was staying in this dorm with over 20 beds with my girlfriend, and one night we all go really wasted after drinking beers for hours and we all finally one by one went to bed in the dorm room.
it was our first night there and the dorm room was entirely dark so getting around while wasted was a horrible ordeal in trying to find my bed, and girlfriend.
When i thought that i made it to my girlfriends bed i got it and started to feel my girl up and kiss her.
she turned around, wasted as i was and proceeded to kiss me back and we got all warm and friendly like a couple should.
after 45 minutes of banging the hell out of my girlfriend i heard a female saying my name far away, and kept repeating and repeating, i thought i was tripping then it suddenly it came to me that i was not in bed with my girlfriend but in bed with another female!
as i jumped out of the bed in the pitch black i quickly followed my name being called out by my girlfriend and gave her a big hug and went to take a shower and get in bed with her and do it all over again. lol
Ill never know who that girl was who i banged since the bed was empty in the morning and a cleaning lady said that the girl there had left the hostel to continue her trip.
Im sure she left with a smile on her face as as she got a freebie and I got a 2 for 1 lol