How many times can I re-use a whatman filter


I am banned!
1) ??
2) How do I "clean it"........just by purging/running filtered oil through it alongside some menthanol or !?!?!

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I'd love to know how you don't clog them up. I was making 50ml of EQ and used 2. I was pushing with a 10cc and probably would've went better with a 5.
boy you tight. lololol.. methanol and baking will sterilize it. they 2 bucks a piece though. i get 10ml no prob thru one filter and chunk it.
pullinbig said:
boy you tight. lololol.. methanol and baking will sterilize it. they 2 bucks a piece though. i get 10ml no prob thru one filter and chunk it.

Tell me where to get them for $2 and I'll chuck them too!!!! I am paying $6/each! :(
ty taurus. dont know what i am going to do with dr jay. funny cause he asked me, after i posted the link, which one to get. tsk tsk tsk/
100ml is very doable depending on hormone. test, deca, eq, tren powder, dros, Winstrol (winny), etcc..... some that give probs are tren pellets, 4ADne are two that come to mind. i havent converted syno so i cannot say about that. (too much trouble, however i wanted to do it once just so i would have the experience) naw